Now bear with me, work is slow and I have been thinking about this while I stare at the ceiling. Now I cannot even begin to think about "best" but at least coolest looking or having alot less RNG on traits, and maybe a chance to even have golds drop in certain places.
PvE Gear - Trials - Best possible PvE sets. Final boss drops a yellow, at least for a few members, depending on size of the group. A select few traits viable in end game content. (no prosperous or training for example)
PvE Gear - Crafted - Now I believe having them gold should have you close to trials but maybe a few stats lower due to the fact that you can put on any trait you want. But crafting does take time, research and tempers, I actually love the crafting in ESO, my favorite in pretty much any MMO I have ever played, including: WoW, SW, GW2 and FFRR
PvE Gear - Dungeons - Have dungeons drop what they do now, but purples for Vet, green and blue for non. But even after upgrading with tempers having the normal dungeons not be as high as the Vet sets. I have 2 harvest dirks that dropped and I will never use them because....yea no sets from monsters. End bosses yes, but sometimes getting that purple doesn't mean much because of how good crafted gear gets. So you either decon it or sell it. I would like to just see more added to boss drops, nothing OP, but its kind of pointless, at least in my opinion.
PvP Gear - No I don't know how much PvPers would like this but.... only allow certain sets to be bought at the certain ranks in PvP... volunteer, here is a free set of cheap, but ok PvP gear to get your feet wet.
Tyro - another rank opens - better gear, maybe blues
Captain - another rank... you get the idea. Let those players that do PvP as their primary gameplay work towards those ranks. Now I get how players can farm the bridge or who are already Emperor and such this wouldn't effect much. But to me, if you took the time to get to Warlord, open up a new set, so when players see them on the field, they know what they are going up against.
This is just all personal option, I like seeing the titles that players have "Emperor", "Former Emperor", "Explorer", "Savior of Nirn". The list goes on. I know those players took time to get those achievements, maybe gear should also be a certain reward.
Just thoughts... signing off.
Conan, what is good in life?
Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
PS4 Screen Name: The_Pale_Italian
ZweiHandler - Orc DK Tank
Solstice StormHaven - Magika Sorc
Oba Nobanaga - Stam NB