Pretty experienced player, used to running stamblade for pvp. Just started running mag Templar. I'm very comfortable with the toon and can compete great in PVE. In pvp though, he gets snared by every single attack. Like every. Single. Attack. I know stam management is an issue. He can't break free fifty times like my other character, so I need to reserve it better. However, when four attacks in a row snare him he's going to deplete his stam.
Im working up shuffle as his primary snare protection. Other skills I should look to?
I'm running Julianos and vicious death plus valkyn. He has good damage, sustain and survivability other than the endless snares. Suggestions?
And for all those mag Templars out there who have complained that these are broken in pvp...I kinda get you now, lol. My sorc's abilities work pretty well in pvp, but the Templar stuff goes sideways on a dime.