Xbox - which pad do you use?

So I just bought the Xbox elite pad for a small fortune of £110. It is expensive, but I persuaded myself by telling myself I'd spend that on a good night out, and I'd get the use out of it.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else who plays on console (do they have a ps4 equivalent?) used one and thought if it offered much of an advantage. For those who are not sure what this is, the controller has 4 paddles on the back which can be used to set buttons to.

I've noticed an advantage since playing with it, being able to weapon swap, drink potions ect without having to take my thumbs off of the analogue sticks is great! Anyway, just wondered if anyone else uses them or a variation of it.
  • Aeaeren
    I use the Elite and it just makes life so much easier and I love the feel of it. Remapped potions, weapon swap and left bumper and halfed the trigger pulls.
    Edited by Aeaeren on August 31, 2016 7:00PM
  • Jazbay_Grape
    So I just bought the Xbox elite pad for a small fortune of £110. It is expensive, but I persuaded myself by telling myself I'd spend that on a good night out, and I'd get the use out of it.

    Anyway, just wondering if anyone else who plays on console (do they have a ps4 equivalent?) used one and thought if it offered much of an advantage. For those who are not sure what this is, the controller has 4 paddles on the back which can be used to set buttons to.

    I've noticed an advantage since playing with it, being able to weapon swap, drink potions ect without having to take my thumbs off of the analogue sticks is great! Anyway, just wondered if anyone else uses them or a variation of it.

    I don't know, but I must have this if it makes switching potions, etc.. easier.
  • Defilted
    Standard controller only because I have not been able to afford the elite as it is a pure want type purchase.
    XBOX Series X

  • magictucktuck
    I only use two pads the bottom right for bar swap and bottom left for potions.. It make life a lot better in cyrodiil and hard content like vma better because I can almost instantly bars swap to buff up or heal and change positions mid fight in cyro


    Flawless Conqueror for my builds and guides!
    Leaves work ... stops at GameStop.

    Seriously, why didn't I think of this?
  • ArchMikem
    ✭✭✭✭✭'ve made me want this. But no money. But this would make things a lot easier. But no money.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Unsent.Soul
    I use left 2 paddles for potions and bar swap. Right 2 paddles for Y and B so I can break free easier (imo) I've had issues with Y and B sometimes.
  • Toast_STS
    I had the razer wildcat. The extra buttons do offer a slight competitive advantage. My right bumper broke on that though so I'm back the standard pad.
    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • Caff32
    I have a Razer Wildcat and haven't had problems. I love the weapon swap and potion remapping. Only way I can play now.
  • Toast_STS
    Caff32 wrote: »
    I have a Razer Wildcat and haven't had problems. I love the weapon swap and potion remapping. Only way I can play now.

    That's good to hear. I haven't heard from anyone else with this controller. I got it right when it came out. The mic port didn't work and one of the lower triggers would wobble but was still usable. I thought it could have been due to rushed production though. When did you get yours?

    I did like it but I was disappointed in the quality.
    Edited by Toast_STS on August 31, 2016 11:45PM
    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • Cellentel
    I use the Xbox Elite Controller with the PC version, and it works great. I've put the D-pad buttons on the paddle and they're so much easier to press. The ability to weapon swap without taking my hands off the sticks is great.

    Additionally, the PC version recognizes the Xbox chatpad as an external keyboard. So I can have a full set of keyboard keybinds available for various non-combat tasks (opening menus, autorun, mod functionality). It works extremely well.
  • Jsmalls
    The elite controller is a must for me, don't know if i could go back anymore. That bar swap on the back is LIFE.
  • psychotic13
    Glad I'm not the only one who thought it was a good idea to sink some cash into one haha, I've only just got it so still getting used to it, I keep drinking potions on accident when I squeeze the controller lol
  • ScottishTornado85
    I tried to play with a regular controller the other day and just couldn't handle it. I use it bar swap and X Y and B. It makes DPS so much easier and in PVP it is a godsend
    Xbox One EU Server -
    Altmer Sorcerer - Lloydo
    Khajiit Nightblade - Detective Meow Meow Fuzzy
    Breton Templar - Skaraboosh
    Argonian Dragonknight - Loses-Agro-Often
    Altmer Nightblade - Sneaky Cant
    Orc Sorcerer - Lingerie Sandwhich
    Altmer Templar - Dickpickler
    Dunmer DragonKnight - Little Miss Willywarmer
    Redgaurd Templar - Jabbin Bamboozled
    Altmer Warden - Ging Gang Gooly
    Reduard Dragonknight - Doink Brah Brah
  • andreasv
    My XBox Elite controller is the main reason I play on this platform right now. Using the paddles for weapon swapping and potions, as well as left and right bumper is amazing. Especially the weapon swap, which I thought was a bit weird as I had to take my hand off of the controller (almost completely).

    Seriously best money spend on Xbox so far. And in my case only £90 a few months ago :smile:
  • Omgwtfbbq321
    I brought one $289 Aus and it was epic having bar swap on the back paddle was a massive help. Unfortunately the controller seems to be poorly made. It has already fallen apart and I've since gone back to my original, still functioning xbox one controller.

    When I can afford it, I'll get a new one. Because it's THAT convenient.
    My ping is higher than your resource recovery...
  • Actually_Goku
    I use the normal one, I find the round elite one's functionality to resemble the original xbox 360 d-pad, whereby you pressed what you were hoping was left, but was in fact upper or lower-left. I do use a couple of the back paddles, though - one for weapon swap, and the other for 'A'.
  • Stump
    I use an Xbox Elite Controller on PC. Dont know if you can remap button on xbox version but i use my back paddles for weapon swapping, synergy and ultimates. That way I dont have to stop rotation or even stop running around to drop ultimate or synergize. and well easy weapon swapping changes the whole game.
  • Cryptical
    Leaves work ... stops at GameStop.

    Seriously, why didn't I think of this?

    Clearly I didn't take a good enough look at it before. Back paddles? Re mappable button combos?

    What, did I have something in my eye when I was looking at the box?
    Xbox NA
  • Paneross
    I use the Razer Atrox fightstick
    Edited by Paneross on September 1, 2016 5:58PM
  • xilfxlegion
  • Paneross
    Cryptical wrote: »
    Leaves work ... stops at GameStop.

    Seriously, why didn't I think of this?

    Clearly I didn't take a good enough look at it before. Back paddles? Re mappable button combos?

    What, did I have something in my eye when I was looking at the box?

    Nope I have a couple elite controllers and you can completely customize every button and add an additional 4 paddles.
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