Voice Chat Bug

Soul Shriven
30th Aug 2016. Today my main character's voice chat got stuck on guild chat in an endless loop where it counts down '"join channel" and automatically restarts the count so I am unable to switch to any other channel. Logging off, restarting, changing areas, nothing works, this problem however does not affect my alt characters. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  • nvsg
    same here for me
  • nvsg
    I stayed on it a little and just now it went to area chat
  • nvsg
    ok no scratch that if it puts me in the area chat I cant hear anyone plus if I leave I go through a stupid loop also
  • Omgwtfbbq321
    I have the same bug. My main has the chat continously loop the countdown for joining a channel, I can't stop it either. Been like this for a few days.

    This does not affect my ults
    My ping is higher than your resource recovery...
  • Balad
    How to turn in voice chat for PC? Is there any option for that without installing 3td party software?
  • MikeTheeElder
    Today it randomly sticks me in a chat and will let me switch, but won't let me leave VC completely. Great maintenance!
  • CatherineHG
    I still have no voice chat, hopefully after this update something will improve...
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