Hero Costumes

you guys think they will release all three costumes again after this last run is done, even for a short period of time? I missed out on the nord costume, and especially with the costume dying thing, i'm really upset and kick myself in the ass over and over again since it ended.
  • starkerealm
    They might release a bundle. Though, honestly, the Nord costume takes dyes the worst of the three, so if that's all you're interested in, you're not missing much.
  • Llilium
    i'm not, i like the silver of the nordliness. but i guess i'll spend the cash for the three if i HAVE to. i don't have to like spending the money on the extra costumes i prolly wont use but i really want that nord one
  • Thevampirenight
    I like the Breton costume. But I would like to see the shaman costume from pts, as well as the cyrod white greek looking dress that was on pts darkbrotherhood. I think that one will be released next month. I know I seen a lot of folks wearing the white dress it was really well done. I am looking foward to the next update :)
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
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