This^adriant1978 wrote: »I always thought they were in the region of "very low", so double will make them just "low".
Does anyone know what they are for the Scamp and Skin? Tomorrow they will be doubled so would like to know if possible
DRXHarbinger wrote: »
It's going to be a war zone down there. Take at least 20 people with you. If your alliance has emp even better. Ask them nicely to come with you and you'll be able to farm it over and over. The drop rate isn't that low. I farmed it for about 2hrs with 8 people and we all got the skin and a few scamps.
Wasn't it supposed to be a War Zone?I only want the Scamp tbh. Hoping I won't have too much trouble
DRXHarbinger wrote: »
It certainly is. But it's quiet atm. Tonight is probably the best day to farm it peacefully as not many will be bothering and they'll be waiting for tomorrow. Also don't have more than 12 in the group otherwise you may not get any loot from him / it when you make the kill.
Good thinking! I'll give it a try tonight and see how I get on. May have to resort to a PUG though...