Yes I know this has been posted before. I'm also not one to complain about things like this normally.
However, whoever though it would be a good idea to put a 15 minute lock out timer for leaving a group FOR ANY FLIPPING REASON needs to be fire right the F now. I have been getting kicked from silver pledge groups before I can even accept the invite. Oh look at that I left the group 15 minute lockout timer WTF is that.
I was asked to leave the group last night for the Gold Pledge (Cradle of Shadows) while annoying fine I voluntarily left before any enemy was killed. Yep 15 minute timer, I don't believe leaving before it's started (a kill) should trigger the timer. Then I was kicked, and I was told why, my CP wasn't 531 yet there was a CP 98 in the group already. Yeah 15 minute timer.
This system is a joke.