I highly doubt this is an actual thing being worked on, or even a mark on a "To-do list", because of how minor it is. But it's been really starting to irk me..
Pictured below is the Khajiit Jerkin on my Dualwield Character. Obviously this wouldn't be a problem say if I was a Magicka character equipping a Staff, or even a Stamina with a Bow. But with hip mounted weapons, it's I guess annoying, to say at most. Also forgive me for the image quality. Had to use my Tablet camera on my TV cause Xbox is having hissy fits about sharing my screengrabs to Onedrive.
On the left is the Jerkin unequipped, and the weapons placed where they should be, nicely tucked onto the character model, out of the way of her arms. On the right, the Jerkin is equipped, and because of the two thigh guards on the sides, the weapons are shoved outward, to the point where not only do they seem like they aren't even making contact with the model anymore, but now her arms are clipping something awful.
One of the biggest reasons I keep playing ESO is my ability to create my characters and give them a certain look. All the floating and clipping is hurting this. And this doesn't apply to just this Light Armor piece, but Knee Guards, Elbow Guards, Shields, Staves, Bows, and Shoulder Armor pieces ect.
CP2,000 Master Explorer -
AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!