What made this party fail?

Please watch the video and tell me exactly what made the party fail.

I have my ideas on why it did however I want to make sure my biases are checked. Some may claim me being an A-hole in the party was the cause. Although I do think it had a minor role in it, I don't think that was truly the real problem.

Please help me find what the problem was thank you guys and girls!!

  • Elijah_Crow
    I only watched the first half of the video, but I can tell the issue on the first and second pull. An extreme lack of AoE damage. Trash pulls should have been down much faster.
  • Voxicity
    Skimmed through the video

    You aren't doing aoe dps on the trash mobs, spamming light attack on single mobs is not good at all in that situation. On the boss you aren't stacking dots and then spamming. Just volley with jabs at most, but that's fine I guess for a silver dungeon.

    But one of your dps got caught in the fire on the bridge. Group up and run together so no one gets caught in it.
  • wayfarerx
    I only watched the last fight but:
    • DPS stood in stupid and died in 5 seconds.
    • Healer stood in stupid and then held block without healing anything until dead.
    • You waited forever to get the healer back up and didn't buff your defenses before attempting the rez.

    I'm sure there were other problems, but it looked like a standard inexperienced PUG to me.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • redspecter23
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.
  • Robbmrp
    From what I saw there were quite a few things that caused the issue, it wasn't just one person, it was the whole group.

    1- Donte(you maybe?) ran the first half of the group with no food buff. Was too busy worrying about putting DPS stats in chat, talking to someone outside the dungeon and looting than making sure all enemies were dead first and then doing such.

    2- Inexperienced Tank maybe who isn't rezzing while lone healer was trying to keep him alive. DPS got one shotted at the first of the fight.

    3- Pulling things when people aren't ready. Last boss fought clearly the healer wasn't ready as they were immediately wiped.

    4- Whole group not experienced with the dungeon mechanics.

    Things everyone could have done better:
    1- Had more health, it's hard to survive one shots in dungeons with less than 21k health unless your perma-blocking and casting or have a shield up at all times.

    2- Kill everything before looting.

    3- Stop worrying about DPS on anything other than main boss fights and only after everything's dead. What good does it do to post your DPS half way through clearing the mobs.

    4- Everyone should help Rez other players. It's not a 1 person job. If there's just 2 people left and ones a healer, the non healer needs to rez others so the healer can keep them alive.

    All of those things will help everyone contribute to a successful dungeon run.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • DocFrost72
    Going to be brutally honest. Skip to the TL;DR to avoid hard feelings (it will be bolder so as not to miss it).

    Okay, first things first, this is not skyrim. Light and heavy attacking have their place, but it is not in 4 man content, at least not in the way the DPS shown here used it. In ESO you have the ability and, maybe not with normal dungeons but CERTAINLY in vet dungeons and beyond, expectation to be spamming abilities.

    Now, to break down what each person did wrong.

    DPS- Your goal in life is to kill mobs as quick as possible. That means picking the right moves in the right situations to really burn down the baddies. Forget light attacks, for now. Weaving them in is certainly a thing, and is useful, but DPS need to be using other moves often.

    In AoE situations, try using things like cleave, whirlwind, wall of elements, anything that when activated makes a circle or cone of damage. That way you're hitting more mobs at once. While you might be able to kill one mob in say, 10 seconds, you can kill up to 6 mobs in 15 seconds just by doing this.

    Next; red is bad, M'kay. Never stand in red circles. Block when you see white lines coming from your opponents. Bash (block and then light attack, while still blocking) when you see red lines coming from your opponents. These things alone will make a WORLD of difference for your healer.

    Speaking of the healer;

    Heals- Healers need to be healing. The only time they should stop healing is when they have the group to full health and need recovery. This is when they typically heavy attack or in extreme cases, drink a potion. Healers should have a variety of ways to heal the party, not just one.

    Some good ideas for the healer to try are; wearing seven light, or six light and one heavy (armor). The light helps you deal with magicka, the heavy keeps you alive if you make a mistake. Try to have things like rapid regen, which heal automatically for you, but also have things like grand healing, or even the ward from the healing line to add burst heals. Burst heals are your "Oh sh%*!" Heals, and are really strong.

    Lastly, didn't watch the boss fights, but one thing the tank can do is work on keeping trash together and taunted. Using the first ability from the sword and board tree will taunt enemies to you, and it works on multiple enemies. If a couple mobs break off and engage your healer or ranged DPS, go ahead and scoop them back up. The less pressure your team has on them, the better they perform.

    TL;DR: You need more practice, and a bit of patience if you want dungeons in ESO to run smoothly.
    Edited by DocFrost72 on August 25, 2016 3:05PM
  • LuxLunae
    KaiVox22 wrote: »
    Skimmed through the video

    You aren't doing aoe dps on the trash mobs, spamming light attack on single mobs is not good at all in that situation. On the boss you aren't stacking dots and then spamming. Just volley with jabs at most, but that's fine I guess for a silver dungeon.

    But one of your dps got caught in the fire on the bridge. Group up and run together so no one gets caught in it.
    wayfarerx wrote: »
    I only watched the last fight but:
    • DPS stood in stupid and died in 5 seconds.
    • Healer stood in stupid and then held block without healing anything until dead.
    • You waited forever to get the healer back up and didn't buff your defenses before attempting the rez.

    I'm sure there were other problems, but it looked like a standard inexperienced PUG to me.

    Lol great observation.

    At the beginning I didn't have faith in the healer. So it was true that I did not go in guns blazing to the mobs because I wasn't sure how the healer would react.

    When I see a healer having to restore magic from resto heavy attacks after running out of magic after 3 Templar heals, it makes no sense to me. I'd expect that from a first time CP 40, but CP 200+? I suspected at this point he was probably a DPS and could probably be more effective that way. Changing his bar to healer to get into parties is dirty. He did do ok on that mini boss though.

    The tank to me was worthless and ineffective throughout the whole time. He might as well been a statue for all that time. However I wasn't too bothered by it when I saw he was in the CP 60s.

  • DocFrost72
    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    The first boss in VoM links a beam to one person, and that person takes all his damage instead. When he links, cease dps and heal up.
  • LuxLunae
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    From what I saw there were quite a few things that caused the issue, it wasn't just one person, it was the whole group.

    1- Donte(you maybe?) ran the first half of the group with no food buff. Was too busy worrying about putting DPS stats in chat, talking to someone outside the dungeon and looting than making sure all enemies were dead first and then doing such.

    2- Inexperienced Tank maybe who isn't rezzing while lone healer was trying to keep him alive. DPS got one shotted at the first of the fight.

    3- Pulling things when people aren't ready. Last boss fought clearly the healer wasn't ready as they were immediately wiped.

    4- Whole group not experienced with the dungeon mechanics.

    Things everyone could have done better:
    1- Had more health, it's hard to survive one shots in dungeons with less than 21k health unless your perma-blocking and casting or have a shield up at all times.

    2- Kill everything before looting.

    3- Stop worrying about DPS on anything other than main boss fights and only after everything's dead. What good does it do to post your DPS half way through clearing the mobs.

    4- Everyone should help Rez other players. It's not a 1 person job. If there's just 2 people left and ones a healer, the non healer needs to rez others so the healer can keep them alive.

    All of those things will help everyone contribute to a successful dungeon run.

    Ok you got me I should NOT be picking up loot before all mobs are dead. Also the other dps asked me to compare dps during the dungeon time in order to test their build.
  • Robbmrp
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    From what I saw there were quite a few things that caused the issue, it wasn't just one person, it was the whole group.

    1- Donte(you maybe?) ran the first half of the group with no food buff. Was too busy worrying about putting DPS stats in chat, talking to someone outside the dungeon and looting than making sure all enemies were dead first and then doing such.

    2- Inexperienced Tank maybe who isn't rezzing while lone healer was trying to keep him alive. DPS got one shotted at the first of the fight.

    3- Pulling things when people aren't ready. Last boss fought clearly the healer wasn't ready as they were immediately wiped.

    4- Whole group not experienced with the dungeon mechanics.

    Things everyone could have done better:
    1- Had more health, it's hard to survive one shots in dungeons with less than 21k health unless your perma-blocking and casting or have a shield up at all times.

    2- Kill everything before looting.

    3- Stop worrying about DPS on anything other than main boss fights and only after everything's dead. What good does it do to post your DPS half way through clearing the mobs.

    4- Everyone should help Rez other players. It's not a 1 person job. If there's just 2 people left and ones a healer, the non healer needs to rez others so the healer can keep them alive.

    All of those things will help everyone contribute to a successful dungeon run.

    Ok you got me I should NOT be picking up loot before all mobs are dead. Also the other dps asked me to compare dps during the dungeon time in order to test their build.

    That's a group issue then. Let them know the only DPS check you should run is on the bosses after everything'd dead. Posting stats up here and there on general mobs is a waste of time really IMO.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • AlnilamE
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    The first boss in VoM links a beam to one person, and that person takes all his damage instead. When he links, cease dps and heal up.

    OMG! That's what it is?? I've tried forever to figure out what one was supposed to do. I tried bashing when I was linked, bashing when someone else was linked, anything I could think of.

    Thank you so much for clearing that up. It will make future runs much better! (And VoM is one of my favourite silver dungeons)
    The Moot Councillor
  • LuxLunae
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Going to be brutally honest. Skip to the TL;DR to avoid hard feelings (it will be bolder so as not to miss it).

    Okay, first things first, this is not skyrim. Light and heavy attacking have their place, but it is not in 4 man content, at least not in the way the DPS shown here used it. In ESO you have the ability and, maybe not with normal dungeons but CERTAINLY in vet dungeons and beyond, expectation to be spamming abilities.

    Now, to break down what each person did wrong.

    DPS- Your goal in life is to kill mobs as quick as possible. That means picking the right moves in the right situations to really burn down the baddies. Forget light attacks, for now. Weaving them in is certainly a thing, and is useful, but DPS need to be using other moves often.

    In AoE situations, try using things like cleave, whirlwind, wall of elements, anything that when activated makes a circle or cone of damage. That way you're hitting more mobs at once. While you might be able to kill one mob in say, 10 seconds, you can kill up to 6 mobs in 15 seconds just by doing this.

    Next; red is bad, M'kay. Never stand in red circles. Block when you see white lines coming from your opponents. Bash (block and then light attack, while still blocking) when you see red lines coming from your opponents. These things alone will make a WORLD of difference for your healer.

    Speaking of the healer;

    Heals- Healers need to be healing. The only time they should stop healing is when they have the group to full health and need recovery. This is when they typically heavy attack or in extreme cases, drink a potion. Healers should have a variety of ways to heal the party, not just one.

    Some good ideas for the healer to try are; wearing seven light, or six light and one heavy (armor). The light helps you deal with magicka, the heavy keeps you alive if you make a mistake. Try to have things like rapid regen, which heal automatically for you, but also have things like grand healing, or even the ward from the healing line to add burst heals. Burst heals are your "Oh sh%*!" Heals, and are really strong.

    Lastly, didn't watch the boss fights, but one thing the tank can do is work on keeping trash together and taunted. Using the first ability from the sword and board tree will taunt enemies to you, and it works on multiple enemies. If a couple mobs break off and engage your healer or ranged DPS, go ahead and scoop them back up. The less pressure your team has on them, the better they perform.

    TL;DR: You need more practice, and a bit of patience if you want dungeons in ESO to run smoothly.

    Yeah, I actually wasn't even aware that I was using light an heavy attacks so often. I had a different build that relied on light an heavy attacks but I changed it for more sustained dps. Once a boss/mob went down to 25% I could just do 15k-20k (depending on the environment) per swing. I'll have to shake that off that habit.

    That's why I came to you guys, because I would have a huge bias on others in the party and not myself. Thanks for the info!!!
  • LuxLunae
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.

    How can I increase my DPS?
    Couldnt even watch more than half of the vid.

    No offence, but as others have said, barely any if ever AoEs, and pointless dodge rolling, typing to people while playing, a whole list of issues.

    And whats with the billion light attacks on bow?, no weaving, dont think I ever seen a kena proc (if you were wearing 2 pc Kena)

    No AoE on trash mobs, or anything remotely approching even passable dps.

    Horrific group, you were all bad.

    But props for actually posting the vid, but no props for trying to blame the group, to me, you were all terrible.and very bad group play.

    Trying not too sound too critical here with all this, but cover each other, dps the trash fast, loot after area is secured, and dont type to people while you are playing, it lets down the whole group, move as one, no pulling mobs before people are ready.

    Everyone having buff food, steel tornadoe on your melee bar, wasting stamina on a lot of dodge rolls for no apparent reason, situational awareness, and group awareness.

    The list goes on.

    On boss fights, with your bow for example, a few lethal arrows, a few heavy/med attacks weaved with poison injection, caltrops but you dont have, etc, would have helped a lot.

    All of you made the party fail:P
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
    PC Closed Betas 2013

    PC Mastah Race

    Anook Page anook.com/shadow2kk

    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • Robbmrp
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.

    How can I increase my DPS?

    What sets are you using and what jewelry? What enchants do you have on your armor/weapons/jewelry? Also what Mundus stone are you using?
    Edited by Robbmrp on August 25, 2016 3:28PM
    NA Server - Kildair
  • timidobserver
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.

    How can I increase my DPS?

    You have an uphill battle. Of all classes Templar is worst for stamina DPS. Refine your dps rotation. It seems to consist mostly of light attacking and looting(I only watched about 30 seconds of the video.)
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • DocFrost72
    One way to increase your DPS is to time dots and damage. I see you run DW/bow, so let me give you something to try:

    Use endless hail, then poison inject, switch to DW and just jabs. That alone, if you're properly built, will net you at least 15k single target, I promise.
  • Robbmrp
    It looks like your weapon damage is pretty good at over 4k in one part in the video.

    The biggest way to improve your DPS is with weaving light attacks with your instant cast abilities. So LA+Acid Spray for ranged, LA+Jabs for melee range. LA+Snipe is good as well but there's a cast time. Use DoTs first and then single target the boss, replenish the DoT when it runs out so your constantly doing multiple kinds of damage.

    For Mobs DoT them up then LA+Acid spray while ranged and LA+Jabs constantly when in melee range. Keep replenishing the DoT's when the times up on them makes a big difference.
    Edited by Robbmrp on August 25, 2016 3:38PM
    NA Server - Kildair
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Something to keep in mind, maybe you do this but as a templar running repentance as you are, use the skill during the fight. Not after everything is dead. There were not a whole lot of trash pulls to watch so maybe you do.

    But in the 1-2? In there i watched you are out of stamina from dodging all over and only half the mobs are dead. You stand there light attacking the rest of the fight. Then repent which refills your stamina. Repent through the fight after a couple mobs are dead. Get a good amount of stamina back and use some abilities. It Helps yourself, helps most tanks, and helps other stamina dps.
  • LuxLunae
    Hey guys can you skip to
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.

    How can I increase my DPS?

    What sets are you using and what jewelry? What enchants do you have on your armor/weapons/jewelry? Also what Mundus stone are you using?

    The usual basic starter, Dregh King(two weap dmg, 1 stam recov), Huding Rage(all stam), Kena(all stam), the thief...
    Edited by LuxLunae on August 25, 2016 3:42PM
  • Robbmrp
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Hey guys can you skip to
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.

    How can I increase my DPS?

    What sets are you using and what jewelry? What enchants do you have on your armor/weapons/jewelry? Also what Mundus stone are you using?

    The usual basic starter, Dregh King(two weap dmg, 1 stam recov), Huding Rage(all stam), Kena(all stam)...

    Sounds like gear isn't a problem unless it's green or blue. If it is upgrade it to purple at least for dungeons.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • LuxLunae
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Hey guys can you skip to
    Robbmrp wrote: »
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.

    How can I increase my DPS?

    What sets are you using and what jewelry? What enchants do you have on your armor/weapons/jewelry? Also what Mundus stone are you using?

    The usual basic starter, Dregh King(two weap dmg, 1 stam recov), Huding Rage(all stam), Kena(all stam)...

    Sounds like gear isn't a problem unless it's green or blue. If it is upgrade it to purple at least for dungeons.

    So the problem is my habits (when to use skills) I'll go work on it for max output.

  • Gargath
    Starting dungeon as tank/healer and seeing that 2 DDs are archers, I already know it will be long and annoying run. Usually it is.
    "Look I'm not pointing any fkin fingers but..." looks hilarious when a player doesn't block and goes into dungeon with only 14k health :).
    Edited by Gargath on August 25, 2016 4:00PM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • LuxLunae
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Just skimming the video. If you want my opinion...

    1. Your dps is low. Very low. Having a dps competition with that other guy where the top aoe number was around 10k, is a bit silly. 50 - 60k for those fights is about the point you might want to start bragging. Even then, aoe dps numbers don't mean much. 10k single target is what you should be aiming for as a bare minimum with 15k being a notable goal for newer players. 25k+ single target is where you might consider bragging slightly.

    2. The wraith boss has a powerful attack and he's been known to one shot people out of nowhere. He just does that sort of thing.

    3. You do an awful lot of standing around. Repositioning, roll dodging, etc. Stand your ground and jab those packs of mobs to death. Your healer will thank you for that instead of all those light attacks.

    Apologies if it sounds harsh, but you asked and that's my take on it.

    How can I increase my DPS?

    You have an uphill battle. Of all classes Templar is worst for stamina DPS. Refine your dps rotation. It seems to consist mostly of light attacking and looting(I only watched about 30 seconds of the video.)

    If I were to make a NB and use the same gears would my dps go up?

    I've been thinking about converting my Templar into a Magika tank. I am trying to get 24 H 20 M and 17 S. What I want to try is use ophidian set to restore the Stam when I keep spamming magic jabs and magic shield.
    Edited by LuxLunae on August 25, 2016 3:52PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    LuxLunae wrote: »
    Please watch the video and tell me exactly what made the party fail.

    I have my ideas on why it did however I want to make sure my biases are checked. Some may claim me being an A-hole in the party was the cause. Although I do think it had a minor role in it, I don't think that was truly the real problem.

    Please help me find what the problem was thank you guys and girls!!


    Your new to VICP.

    Your not communicating correctly

    Your going afk and checking you inventory every 45 seconds

    And........ your all bad, I'll run ICP for you when your DPS is slightly higher. I'll just Healy self because your healer needs more experience
  • Mush55
    Stopped watching after first trash pull, you were looking at your log/inventory when the first pull was made, so many light bow attacks, bow has it's place but there are far better options, looting whilst fighting a big no no..
  • Gargath
    Well looting whilst fighting is ok when auto loot is set, then it's only single hit on action key. But obvously not under heavy fire :).
    Edited by Gargath on August 25, 2016 4:25PM
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • UrQuan
    OK, this is nothing others haven't already said, but:
    • Not paying attention to what's going on (you're the only one I can be sure was doing this because in the video you can see that you're looting in the middle of the fight, typing in chat, etc - it's possible others in the group were doing the same)
    • Not moving and fighting as a group (part of this was your fault as you were often falling behind while distracted, but this is on everyone - it's the responsibility of people in the front to make sure the others are with them as much as it is the responsibility of people in the back to make sure they don't fall behind)
    • Relying way too much on light and heavy attacks (you were the one doing this the most noticeably, but you weren't the only one in the group who was doing it)
    • Not using enough AoEs and DoTs (everyone seemed to be guilty of this)
    • Not avoiding damage (ie. not staying out of the red, not blocking at the right times, etc - this also seemed to be everyone)
    • The tank didn't seem to do much to control adds, but honestly in trash pulls you should be able to DPS them all down easily without the tank doing that, and even if he had appropriately controlled them there wasn't enough AoE use to take advantage of that
    • The healer seemed to be relying too much on "oh crap" heals rather than HoTs and buffs, but this might have been partly because everyone was taking way too much damage
    • You didn't have a food buff for half the video
    • You were needlessly antagonistic when you were at least as much to blame for what was going wrong as anyone else
    • People obviously didn't know the fight mechanics, which led directly to some of the deaths (it's OK not to know the fight mechanics when it's your first time in a dungeon, so although this led to deaths this is actually the least important of the things that made this party fail - as long as people are willing to learn)
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Aurielle
    As others have said, this was an entire group fail, not just one person failing. Your healer (at least, I THINK it was your healer) was right when he/she said you needed to work as a group. I haven't played many dungeons in ESO, but I've led scores of instances and raids in LOTRO, and the same generalizations apply.

    1. No looting during combat. The time you spend clicking "E" and then "R" would be better spent actually DPSing.
    2. Everyone should begin a fight at the same time, with tank leading slightly to gain aggro. No one in the group should EVER pull a Leeroy Jenkins and charge in ahead of the tank.
    3. Stop measuring your DPS epeen during trash pulls. I don't care if the other DD asked you to compare; it takes focus and attention away from the fight, and leaves you lagging behind when you're stopping to enter your numbers.
    4. Use more AOE during trash pulls. Spamming light attacks is a waste of time and effort.
    5. Don't stand in red, unless you're the tank and you can handle it. Just don't.
    6. Above all, DO NOT be a jerk in group chat when things go poorly. You were clearly pointing fingers there, telling people to "do their job" when you weren't even doing yours. Grouping is a much better experience for everyone involved when you are respectful and willing to work with one another to figure out what's going wrong, rather than simply blaming others and inciting ragequits. Even if it IS just one person at fault, taking the time to explain the issue to that person in a calm and rational manner does two things: (1) it might actually help that person, and (2) it might help other groups in the future.

    Beyond that, just learn the instance mechanics, take some build advice, and so on. I can't help much with that, as I only have 30CP on my main and am still learning the ropes with ESO grouping, but the above applies to this and pretty much any other MMO.
  • Cryptical
    I was going to ask how you didn't realize you had no food buff, but you set yourself up for that mistake with the same-length resource bars. Standard bars make you painfully aware of their max capacity as well as current fill at a glance. If food runs out in the middle of a fight, you are alerted to it that very second - you *see* your health bar light up and shrink. If combat conditions change, just a look can tell me which food I am running... Max health and mag regen for trash, max health and max stam (with blue pot) for more dodge rolls with a bunch of mobile big mobs, max health and max mag for a bigger burst. You rob yourself of even the chance at that feedback on the status of your character.

    Mindset - Try to always be doing something. Something. You don't get extra xp for having resources left over when the last body hits the dirt. Like a rock star belting out their number one hit, leave all your energy onstage.

    Take care of time delayed stuff earlier. If the group is on the move, move with them. Don't create a gap of time where you are watching their health get hammered while burning stamina running there. If the prompt for reviving appears, hit it and move to a safe spot before continuing with other stuff. Little can be more aggravating than doing the dead walk and not quite getting out of the sight of some adds, because you spent time after a group wipe doing other things and those adds respawned around you.

    I make the joke that there is a M and E in team, or that if you use the right font you can find an i in team. But in this one I didn't see the mutual assistance / collaborative effort that one would see if it were 4 people trying to carry a sofa up a set of stairs.
    Xbox NA
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