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• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
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My apparent failed Emperor attempt. Need advice, please.

This past week, I decided to finally attempt at emperor after finally getting some armor together. Although I had NEVER really PVPed before, lately I've had the gear readied, and the time.. So what could go wrong?
I spent a few nights without sleep, fighting hate mail, desperately getting AP. I now sit at 1.3M, top of the leader boards. Over 400k above the guy in #2.
My problem? I have 2 days left, and so far every group I have ran with gets mowed down. I've asked my guilds, I've joined new guilds, I've even asked randoms for help.
We managed 4/6 keeps with a decent group. Then, zergs came. We wiped.
I have even offered gold, 200k+, as a desperate attempt to convince people with the capability of getting a big group to help capture. I hate to bribe, but it seems it is the only option.
So far, even that has failed.
So, I would love some advice. I assume I will fail, as I'm hardly optimistic. However, that's ok, and I will try not to be sour about it. And for these next two days, I will continue to try and get help.
I just want this trophy so I can be done. If you've gotten emperor or big groups together, please tell me how you did it. Direct me to some guilds, anything. Thanks.
I am only posting here because I don't know what to do anymore, so I apologize and I hope this is the proper category.
PS4 & PC
  • JamieAubrey
    If you can get a group together - NIGHTCAP

    Just hope there isn't to much resistance
  • Xoz
    If you can get a group together - NIGHTCAP

    Just hope there isn't to much resistance

    I've asked tons of groups to night owl it, but usually the groups are too small or they just don't show up like they're supposed to. I'm going to see if I can get some tonight but I doubt it. Thanks for the advice.
    PS4 & PC
  • susmitds
    It does not happen like that. The moment, you yourself show such desperation for emperorship, people would stop taking you seriously.
    You will yourself have to make the push, with maybe, say with few randoms and some friends. The moment you make some headway, other people would pour in to help push.
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    I'm curious how can you never really play pvp before but manage to get 400k ap in front of no 2 for emp.
    Are you just healing ? Ganking? Bombing? Repairing walls?

    Anyhow I hope your succeful.

    Pretty much every player I see get emp is always emp. They're had it many times. Even months ago, don't these people sleep? Can they let non emps get it for once?

    Which platform/server you on? That may help people come to your aid.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Xoz

    Edited by Xoz on March 15, 2024 12:41AM
    PS4 & PC
  • Beardimus
    In the guilds you have joined message the GM. Especially if they are a trading guild. Offer them 2-300k Gold to help you. I've seen that before (often as low as 100k for a smaller guild) saw you have 1.2million so the farming is done you just need the keeps.

    Maybe message the guy in second. Offer to help him next week in return?

    You have done the hard part, getting that much AP, so don't give up.

    Curious what you did as a noob to get that much!!
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Xoz
    Edited by Xoz on March 15, 2024 12:42AM
    PS4 & PC
  • Stoopid_Nwah
    When I pushed emp in another faction's buff server I had similar issues. It was painful the lack of aid I had. I contacted everyone in each of my guilds and had great friends who did the same with their guilds. I also got lucky that some top pvpers in other campaigns saw I was trying to get emp and they jumped over for the night to help out. If you know any of these people give it a shot and message them!

    Also it wouldn't hurt to go to popular towns and ask if anyone would want to come help-offer gold/potions/whatever, and don't make them buy siege.

    Finally, go about taking the keeps intelligently-don't play the merry-go-round game all day and night where you take one keep while losing one. And as for the person who said nightcap, it may work, but I found the emp faction expected it and specifically had groups set up to prevent it.
  • Xoz
    When I pushed emp in another faction's buff server I had similar issues. It was painful the lack of aid I had. I contacted everyone in each of my guilds and had great friends who did the same with their guilds. I also got lucky that some top pvpers in other campaigns saw I was trying to get emp and they jumped over for the night to help out. If you know any of these people give it a shot and message them!

    Also it wouldn't hurt to go to popular towns and ask if anyone would want to come help-offer gold/potions/whatever, and don't make them buy siege.

    Finally, go about taking the keeps intelligently-don't play the merry-go-round game all day and night where you take one keep while losing one. And as for the person who said nightcap, it may work, but I found the emp faction expected it and specifically had groups set up to prevent it.

    Actually, *one of* my guild masters usually does tell people that I need help but they don't bother coming. And if they do, it's usually very small numbers that get wiped quickly. I know a small group of people that are really good and always help, but the reds have waaaaay more, so numbers always beat our brute strength. It's ridiculous. We get some forts, then the reds yodel, and a big zerg will come. That's what had happened when we got 4/6 keeps on Saturday. Nice job on your emperor by the way!
    Edited by Xoz on August 24, 2016 6:39AM
    PS4 & PC
  • Stoopid_Nwah
    Marthren wrote: »
    When I pushed emp in another faction's buff server I had similar issues. It was painful the lack of aid I had. I contacted everyone in each of my guilds and had great friends who did the same with their guilds. I also got lucky that some top pvpers in other campaigns saw I was trying to get emp and they jumped over for the night to help out. If you know any of these people give it a shot and message them!

    Also it wouldn't hurt to go to popular towns and ask if anyone would want to come help-offer gold/potions/whatever, and don't make them buy siege.

    Finally, go about taking the keeps intelligently-don't play the merry-go-round game all day and night where you take one keep while losing one. And as for the person who said nightcap, it may work, but I found the emp faction expected it and specifically had groups set up to prevent it.

    Actually, *one of* my guild masters usually does tell people that I need help but they don't bother coming. And if they do, it's usually very small numbers that get wiped quickly. I know a small group of people that are really good and always help, but the reds have waaaaay more, so numbers always beat our brute strength. It's ridiculous. We get some forts, then the reds yodel, and a big zerg will come. That's what had happened when we got 4/6 keeps on Saturday. Nice job on your emperor by the way!

    Yeah I feel your pain and wish you the best. The exhaustion and stress isn't fun that's for sure.

    I know you don't have many numbers, but one thing that worked alright for me was to split my already small group into even tinier groups of 5 to capture 2 keeps at once. I also had solo nbs out flagging home keeps to try to cut off travel as much as possible.

    You could also go to your guest campaign (preferably one that's usually pop locked) and see if any randoms are willing to come to Skull to help push. A lot of times people just want AP and will welcome a more empty, lag free campaign.

    The only other suggestion I can think of is to see if any friends you have in red would swap to their alts to help you out. For me it worked out because I knew some great people on the opposite factions that hated that current emp and wanted him gone. And since this is all a politics game, I would be willing to bet some reds in the top ten would switch to alts to help get the current emp dethroned and you crowned. Then they would have a chance to try to get emp as well. Though as a warning this kind of stuff does make some people pretty salty.

    And sorry to hear about players in your own faction being jerks; tbh it is the reason I left AD after getting emp and never looked back.

  • Xoz
    Edited by Xoz on March 15, 2024 12:44AM
    PS4 & PC
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Marthren wrote: »
    Marthren wrote: »
    When I pushed emp in another faction's buff server I had similar issues. It was painful the lack of aid I had. I contacted everyone in each of my guilds and had great friends who did the same with their guilds. I also got lucky that some top pvpers in other campaigns saw I was trying to get emp and they jumped over for the night to help out. If you know any of these people give it a shot and message them!

    Also it wouldn't hurt to go to popular towns and ask if anyone would want to come help-offer gold/potions/whatever, and don't make them buy siege.

    Finally, go about taking the keeps intelligently-don't play the merry-go-round game all day and night where you take one keep while losing one. And as for the person who said nightcap, it may work, but I found the emp faction expected it and specifically had groups set up to prevent it.

    Actually, *one of* my guild masters usually does tell people that I need help but they don't bother coming. And if they do, it's usually very small numbers that get wiped quickly. I know a small group of people that are really good and always help, but the reds have waaaaay more, so numbers always beat our brute strength. It's ridiculous. We get some forts, then the reds yodel, and a big zerg will come. That's what had happened when we got 4/6 keeps on Saturday. Nice job on your emperor by the way!

    Yeah I feel your pain and wish you the best. The exhaustion and stress isn't fun that's for sure.

    I know you don't have many numbers, but one thing that worked alright for me was to split my already small group into even tinier groups of 5 to capture 2 keeps at once. I also had solo nbs out flagging home keeps to try to cut off travel as much as possible.

    You could also go to your guest campaign (preferably one that's usually pop locked) and see if any randoms are willing to come to Skull to help push. A lot of times people just want AP and will welcome a more empty, lag free campaign.

    The only other suggestion I can think of is to see if any friends you have in red would swap to their alts to help you out. For me it worked out because I knew some great people on the opposite factions that hated that current emp and wanted him gone. And since this is all a politics game, I would be willing to bet some reds in the top ten would switch to alts to help get the current emp dethroned and you crowned. Then they would have a chance to try to get emp as well. Though as a warning this kind of stuff does make some people pretty salty.

    And sorry to hear about players in your own faction being jerks; tbh it is the reason I left AD after getting emp and never looked back.

    Haha salty, I bet. I did some dirty things myself to keep people from passing me, in particular one of the guys on the leaderboards was using exploits to get AP (I won't say how so others won't try it, not sure how popular it is), so I kept showing reds his forward camps until he got tired of losing them and went away. I don't respect people that cheat their way to the top in any game, although I felt really mean for doing that.. He shouldn't have been exploiting like that in my opinion. Luckily he did it only once. I don't necessarily blame him for wanting easy AP, but morally it's not something I'd do. It was scary because he reached only 200k behind me, and was getting what seemed like 80k+ AP an hour while I got maybe 20-30k an hour doing ganks. It stressed me out knowing that someone could pass me up so quickly using exploits. I'm not sure how he really did it, I just knew what he was doing, to clarify. And I did report the exploit in hopes Zen will fix it but I'm not sure how they treat reports.
    And lots of yellows were being jerks to me, some even telling reds where I was and then sending mockish messages. I usually avoided replying or simply told them to have a nice day. I really don't understand it as I'm pretty polite to people. And that's some great advice, I'll try and see if I can get a few last attempts with a group and ask them to split up. Two forts at once sounds awesome if it's possible. Kind of seems like it'd split up the opposing forces a bit. I don't think I'll be successful this go around though. I appreciate your replies.

    There's always some people out just to message and try get a reaction.
    I get tea bagged a lot by zerglings, I never message anyone 1st.

    Yet I get hate messages, it's just how it goes. People behind the screens so they say what they will.

    I'm on xbox otherwise would've tried helping with your push. Good luck.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Xoz
    Marthren wrote: »
    Marthren wrote: »
    When I pushed emp in another faction's buff server I had similar issues. It was painful the lack of aid I had. I contacted everyone in each of my guilds and had great friends who did the same with their guilds. I also got lucky that some top pvpers in other campaigns saw I was trying to get emp and they jumped over for the night to help out. If you know any of these people give it a shot and message them!

    Also it wouldn't hurt to go to popular towns and ask if anyone would want to come help-offer gold/potions/whatever, and don't make them buy siege.

    Finally, go about taking the keeps intelligently-don't play the merry-go-round game all day and night where you take one keep while losing one. And as for the person who said nightcap, it may work, but I found the emp faction expected it and specifically had groups set up to prevent it.

    Actually, *one of* my guild masters usually does tell people that I need help but they don't bother coming. And if they do, it's usually very small numbers that get wiped quickly. I know a small group of people that are really good and always help, but the reds have waaaaay more, so numbers always beat our brute strength. It's ridiculous. We get some forts, then the reds yodel, and a big zerg will come. That's what had happened when we got 4/6 keeps on Saturday. Nice job on your emperor by the way!

    Yeah I feel your pain and wish you the best. The exhaustion and stress isn't fun that's for sure.

    I know you don't have many numbers, but one thing that worked alright for me was to split my already small group into even tinier groups of 5 to capture 2 keeps at once. I also had solo nbs out flagging home keeps to try to cut off travel as much as possible.

    You could also go to your guest campaign (preferably one that's usually pop locked) and see if any randoms are willing to come to Skull to help push. A lot of times people just want AP and will welcome a more empty, lag free campaign.

    The only other suggestion I can think of is to see if any friends you have in red would swap to their alts to help you out. For me it worked out because I knew some great people on the opposite factions that hated that current emp and wanted him gone. And since this is all a politics game, I would be willing to bet some reds in the top ten would switch to alts to help get the current emp dethroned and you crowned. Then they would have a chance to try to get emp as well. Though as a warning this kind of stuff does make some people pretty salty.

    And sorry to hear about players in your own faction being jerks; tbh it is the reason I left AD after getting emp and never looked back.

    Haha salty, I bet. I did some dirty things myself to keep people from passing me, in particular one of the guys on the leaderboards was using exploits to get AP (I won't say how so others won't try it, not sure how popular it is), so I kept showing reds his forward camps until he got tired of losing them and went away. I don't respect people that cheat their way to the top in any game, although I felt really mean for doing that.. He shouldn't have been exploiting like that in my opinion. Luckily he did it only once. I don't necessarily blame him for wanting easy AP, but morally it's not something I'd do. It was scary because he reached only 200k behind me, and was getting what seemed like 80k+ AP an hour while I got maybe 20-30k an hour doing ganks. It stressed me out knowing that someone could pass me up so quickly using exploits. I'm not sure how he really did it, I just knew what he was doing, to clarify. And I did report the exploit in hopes Zen will fix it but I'm not sure how they treat reports.
    And lots of yellows were being jerks to me, some even telling reds where I was and then sending mockish messages. I usually avoided replying or simply told them to have a nice day. I really don't understand it as I'm pretty polite to people. And that's some great advice, I'll try and see if I can get a few last attempts with a group and ask them to split up. Two forts at once sounds awesome if it's possible. Kind of seems like it'd split up the opposing forces a bit. I don't think I'll be successful this go around though. I appreciate your replies.

    There's always some people out just to message and try get a reaction.
    I get tea bagged a lot by zerglings, I never message anyone 1st.

    Yet I get hate messages, it's just how it goes. People behind the screens so they say what they will.

    I'm on xbox otherwise would've tried helping with your push. Good luck.

    No worries, hoping to today but I really don't see it happening since I've tried every day and night of the week. Too bad I can't find a zerg guild to just pay off and have it done for me that way lol. Lazy way but cash can get people moving I suppose.
    I'll still push for it but... Meh. I stayed up all night trying with a few randoms (failed) so I'm about to get a few hours of sleep.
    Thanks though :smile:
    PS4 & PC
  • MalagenR
    lol bribing for support in an MMO? The point of Emperor is to drive the faction you're playing. If you're just a random no-life grinder you're going to struggle to get people to follow you. It's totally adverse to the purpose of it. I'd recommend starting over, and instead of grinding out the AP, grind out friendships and alliances, then grind out the AP.
  • susmitds
    MalagenR wrote: »
    lol bribing for support in an MMO? The point of Emperor is to drive the faction you're playing. If you're just a random no-life grinder you're going to struggle to get people to follow you. It's totally adverse to the purpose of it. I'd recommend starting over, and instead of grinding out the AP, grind out friendships and alliances, then grind out the AP.

    This ^. Worked for me.
  • Stoopid_Nwah
    Marthren wrote: »
    Marthren wrote: »
    When I pushed emp in another faction's buff server I had similar issues. It was painful the lack of aid I had. I contacted everyone in each of my guilds and had great friends who did the same with their guilds. I also got lucky that some top pvpers in other campaigns saw I was trying to get emp and they jumped over for the night to help out. If you know any of these people give it a shot and message them!

    Also it wouldn't hurt to go to popular towns and ask if anyone would want to come help-offer gold/potions/whatever, and don't make them buy siege.

    Finally, go about taking the keeps intelligently-don't play the merry-go-round game all day and night where you take one keep while losing one. And as for the person who said nightcap, it may work, but I found the emp faction expected it and specifically had groups set up to prevent it.

    Actually, *one of* my guild masters usually does tell people that I need help but they don't bother coming. And if they do, it's usually very small numbers that get wiped quickly. I know a small group of people that are really good and always help, but the reds have waaaaay more, so numbers always beat our brute strength. It's ridiculous. We get some forts, then the reds yodel, and a big zerg will come. That's what had happened when we got 4/6 keeps on Saturday. Nice job on your emperor by the way!

    Yeah I feel your pain and wish you the best. The exhaustion and stress isn't fun that's for sure.

    I know you don't have many numbers, but one thing that worked alright for me was to split my already small group into even tinier groups of 5 to capture 2 keeps at once. I also had solo nbs out flagging home keeps to try to cut off travel as much as possible.

    You could also go to your guest campaign (preferably one that's usually pop locked) and see if any randoms are willing to come to Skull to help push. A lot of times people just want AP and will welcome a more empty, lag free campaign.

    The only other suggestion I can think of is to see if any friends you have in red would swap to their alts to help you out. For me it worked out because I knew some great people on the opposite factions that hated that current emp and wanted him gone. And since this is all a politics game, I would be willing to bet some reds in the top ten would switch to alts to help get the current emp dethroned and you crowned. Then they would have a chance to try to get emp as well. Though as a warning this kind of stuff does make some people pretty salty.

    And sorry to hear about players in your own faction being jerks; tbh it is the reason I left AD after getting emp and never looked back.

    Haha salty, I bet. I did some dirty things myself to keep people from passing me, in particular one of the guys on the leaderboards was using exploits to get AP (I won't say how so others won't try it, not sure how popular it is), so I kept showing reds his forward camps until he got tired of losing them and went away. I don't respect people that cheat their way to the top in any game, although I felt really mean for doing that.. He shouldn't have been exploiting like that in my opinion. Luckily he did it only once. I don't necessarily blame him for wanting easy AP, but morally it's not something I'd do. It was scary because he reached only 200k behind me, and was getting what seemed like 80k+ AP an hour while I got maybe 20-30k an hour doing ganks. It stressed me out knowing that someone could pass me up so quickly using exploits. I'm not sure how he really did it, I just knew what he was doing, to clarify. And I did report the exploit in hopes Zen will fix it but I'm not sure how they treat reports.
    And lots of yellows were being jerks to me, some even telling reds where I was and then sending mockish messages. I usually avoided replying or simply told them to have a nice day. I really don't understand it as I'm pretty polite to people. And that's some great advice, I'll try and see if I can get a few last attempts with a group and ask them to split up. Two forts at once sounds awesome if it's possible. Kind of seems like it'd split up the opposing forces a bit. I don't think I'll be successful this go around though. I appreciate your replies.

    Nah, people just like to get a reaction. If you were on xbox I would be more than happy to gather some people to help you push, unfortunately that is not the case. You still have a decent amount of time left; I would just keep at it and try to recruit literally ANYONE. Don't be picky; if they've never PVPed, doesn't matter, bring them. A lot of times they'll be happy to learn the ropes and invite their friends along.

    As for the guy above mocking you about bribing, I'm guessing they either aren't a console player, or haven't ever been emp as a solo player (this is not meant to sound harsh though it probably does, sorry about that). Sometimes you'll find a nice group or guild that will help, but a lot of times everyone in your own faction sides with "x" and they hate anyone that is with "y" and won't help randoms/soloers...and as you mentioned you're a bit new to PVP, it can be an uphill battle trying to make friends with some of the "bigger names" in PVP. Rarely do I see someone get emp now that was some heroic leader, loved by all...more like farmed with their guild and was handed it in a deal made between the factions.

    If you don't make emp this time around, take a short break-no point in not sleeping for another campaign cycle. Maybe try hanging out in a new campaign with more AD in it to see if you can make some new friends there and gain a larger network for next time.
  • MalagenR
    My point was that you need to make friends, find a good guild, etc. Before you go and try to accomplish something meant to be a guild achievement as a solo player. Not sure how many years you've been playing MMO's but high ranking PVP titles that have an impact on Campaign Success - i.e. Emperor skills are bad ass and helpful in PVP for your faction - are generally meant to be worked towards by a group supporting who they think is best suited for the position.

    Of course people can no-life it and accomplish it by themselves, but as referenced, it's not really healthy.
  • jrgray93
    What server are you trying on? I had this week off and went to NA-Haderus and started the morning of the campaign reset. I played for 13+ hours, most of which was spent with a great stamplar I ran into early in the day. We didn't capture a single keep all day I played.

    Got to the top of the leaderboard by a good margin before bed. The number 2 guy and a few others on the leaderboard organized a group while I was asleep and pushed the keeps for me. Finally got it. I have a few great players to thank, but I certainly worked for it. Now I'm bowing out to give others a chance.

    It's not easy, but I hope you get it. Best of luck.
    EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job
  • Xoz
    Thanks everyone, actually this large PVP guild came in today and flipped the map so I got emperor. It wasn't really expected, but my it was a nice surprise considering I didn't ask them. Apparently they just wanted to take the map out of boredom. I'm not sure.
    I ended with 1.5M-ish AP. Didn't keep emperor for maybe an hour because the reds and blues came on, but that's ok. I got my trophy and I'm happy about that, now I can focus on master angler and have my pretty platinum trophy.
    What a miraculous timing..
    Thanks again to all that gave me well wishes and advice, much appreciated :smile:
    Now to fix my sleep schedule lol.

    * and to edit to any saying I needed connections, I actually have connections with some really good PVP guilds and GM's because my fiancé is very social (and he's former emperor), however, they were all too busy. The plan was to have an organized guild take throne for me but due to the DLC all were too busy. So I did go into this with plans, they just kind of flopped, although I asked TONS of guilds and had great connections. Thankful for that random PVP guild.

    Anyway, happy gaming everyone :blush:
    Edited by Xoz on August 25, 2016 2:55AM
    PS4 & PC
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