Amsel_McKay wrote: »I broke into 10mil gold... I feel like the 1%
thesilverball_ESO wrote: »Going from Solo player to guild/group content. Solo is fun but it's nice to share the experience with friends in game.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »I broke into 10mil gold... I feel like the 1%
Amsel_McKay wrote: »I broke into 10mil gold... I feel like the 1%
Amsel_McKay wrote: »I broke into 10mil gold... I feel like the 1%
I'm the reverseI broke my bank to buy full necropotence set with traits that I want. And upgraded them all to yellow as well. Now I'm a very poor argonian
jarradarab wrote: »Amsel_McKay wrote: »I broke into 10mil gold... I feel like the 1%
How the hell do you get 10 mill gold. I have 220k atm and feel like a rich mofo
mine was a double edged sword. last night I solo'd 3 dreughs (im only lvl 19 Templar and not dps), Felt so cool about it, then came crashing down to earth as I didn't spot a mudcrab I'd agro'd who took me out in one hit. Hoping no-one nearby saw it as it was a little embarrassing.
mine was a double edged sword. last night I solo'd 3 dreughs (im only lvl 19 Templar and not dps), Felt so cool about it, then came crashing down to earth as I didn't spot a mudcrab I'd agro'd who took me out in one hit. Hoping no-one nearby saw it as it was a little embarrassing.Gotta watch out for those mudcrabs...
I don't think one has ever killed me in ESO. It was the first thing to kill me in Skyrim though!
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »mine was a double edged sword. last night I solo'd 3 dreughs (im only lvl 19 Templar and not dps), Felt so cool about it, then came crashing down to earth as I didn't spot a mudcrab I'd agro'd who took me out in one hit. Hoping no-one nearby saw it as it was a little embarrassing.Gotta watch out for those mudcrabs...
I don't think one has ever killed me in ESO. It was the first thing to kill me in Skyrim though!
Were you playing back before silver and gold got nerfed? It was funny people would complain on the forums about it. Here you are you just defeated Molag, so off you go to do The Silver quest line for Cadwell. Step off the boat and well you want to see how much harder it is, you are a vet now after all! So you see a little mudcrab and you attack it. And you die.
From defeating a god, to being killed by a mudcrab in minutes.
Cazzy Abeille Nestor Hey, you folks! Get over here and share some stories!
Okay, this happened last week:
So, I have this friend that made his Argonian on the Ebonheart Pact, while I made my Argonian in the Dominion. In preparation for One Tamriel, we started fishing in Cyrodiil, and once One Tamriel dropped we would fish together on the rest of the maps to both get Master Angler.
We needed Foul Water, so we went to fish around the Imperial City. We expected to be attacked eventually, but several people passed by and no one attacked. One Covenant folk even came and sat between the two of us, seemingly wanting to watch us fish (too bad that fish hole was almost empty already). We then waved and saluted each other and the Covenant folk left.
I'm one fish short of getting Cyrodiil Fisher (blue lake fish), and we were not attacked once while fishing. Very nice of the PvP community.
AntMan100673 wrote: »Queued up to do a random normal dungeon the other day hoping to get the pledge dungeon. Got grouped for SotH which I hadn't done so I was equally happy with that. The group I was with were 3 people that obviously knew each other and they'd queued to get another dps. They were all great, no drama when anyone died in a boss fight, they explained all the mechanics to me before the boss fights so I actually know the dungeon now and could explain it to someone else, we traded drops with each other to help towards completing sets. Just a great experience and what MMO's are all about in my mind.
Tea bagging dead bodies then reading hate messages for it. It makes my day complete.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »