Helpful tricks to play in first person mode.

Playing ESO in a first person offers a very exciting, focused and immersive experience you'll hardly find in other MMOs. However, it comes at the cost of reduced visibility and awareness. But, in my opinion, with some basic tricks and a little training this cost can be greatly mitigated and thus make the experience much more pleasant.

#1: Don't gimp your character: Some people just accept that by having a reduced view they are going to take more hits in combat and so to correct this they dump lots of points into health, making their character more sturdy but also less effective. First person players are very hated because of this. Don't turn yourself into a noob, learn to avoid damage like everyone does and if you are a DPS class keep your DPS high.

#2: Set your first person field of view to 130. You can find this option in Settings -> Camera. You'll get a wider vision which is always good and it won't hurt your immersion at all.

#3: Keep an eye on your UI. There will be things happening that you won't see on the screen but you are still perfectly able to notice them. Constantly check your group's health bars and your own.

: Set your active combat tips to "Always Show". You can find this option in Settings -> Interface. This option has a tutorial purpose, but we use it to increase our awareness. If you are inside an AOE you'll see a message telling you to double tap in order to dodge, if you are being targeted with a heavy attack you'll be told to hold your right click in order to block... You must pay attention to these pop ups because they will let you know when you are about to be hit with something and act accordingly, even if you can't see it.

: Use the "Combat Indicator" Add-On. It's a very simple utility that will turn your compass red when you are under attack. If you can't see your enemy he is probably beside or flanking you.

#6: Keep yourself moving, specially if you are playing melee. By this I don't mean to jump around like a madman; keep hitting your target but at the same time cover all the angles with your vision and gather all the possible information from the battleground. Know how many enemies and what type they are even if you can't directly see them.

: Not a real tip, but if you want to ride in first person mode there is a cool Add-On for that too called "Immersive Horse Riding".

I know many of these lines are generic information. Still, there are many little things I mention here that I wish I had known earlier. I hope this helps somebody enjoying the wonderful world of Tamriel in all its beauty... And feel free to add any suggestion you might have :)
  • Lolssi
    I'm playing on first person. If ESO wouldn't have it my go to MMO would propably be Old Republic (horrible combat).
    2. I think my FOV is 110 at the moment. I'm fine with it but I think I'll test higher when I get home.
    4. and 5. No thanks, no need for these. I like to keep my game minimalistic and clean. Enemies give enough tells and if I can't see something coming I deserve to get hit.
    Edited by Lolssi on August 25, 2016 8:34AM
  • Humatiel
    +1 just for trying to logic out immersion and the possibility that this is a beautifully orchestrated troll. If its not though we've really got to get you into a trial so you may learn the nature of your mistaken theories.
    VMA | vHRC-HM | vAA-HM | vSO-HM | vMOL-HM
    700+ CP
    GM of Luxury Raids
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    Can or has anyone completed VMA in first person? I would like to see that.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Aenvar
    Hello again, thanks for your comments!

    It could be done depending on your build, but I don't recommend using first person mode in trials neither Cyrodiil / Imperial City.

  • Davor
    I play on Xbox One. Are these tips only good for PC users?
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Karius_Imalthar
    I do like first person at times for immersion or when indoors but in combat I find it to be a really big handicap. There was an addon I always used but it's been mothballed for a long time called "Immersive Camera". It simply automatically went to 3rd person when entering combat then went back to 1st person when leaving combat. This, in my opinion, was the best of both worlds. I've updated it for my use but if people are interested I could revive it on ESOUI.
  • cookie_of_darkness
    Soul Shriven
    I do like first person at times for immersion or when indoors but in combat I find it to be a really big handicap. There was an addon I always used but it's been mothballed for a long time called "Immersive Camera". It simply automatically went to 3rd person when entering combat then went back to 1st person when leaving combat. This, in my opinion, was the best of both worlds. I've updated it for my use but if people are interested I could revive it on ESOUI.

    That would be great. I am looking forward to try that addon.
  • Karius_Imalthar
    I'll see about getting that uploaded tonight.
  • Karius_Imalthar
    I have uploaded the addon to ESOUI. You will find it listed under the name "Immersion Camera Revived". Enjoy! I know I do!
  • ryanborror
    Can or has anyone completed VMA in first person? I would like to see that.

    Fear turbo did it recently. It's really funny if you can find it
    templars, nightblades
    PC/XB1 NA
  • rteezy
    roleplay or go die to rnadom packs of mobs outthere int he world on your won..BUT

    do not pvp or queue random dungeons with it, Other people cant be asked to deal with your special snowflake self for teh sake of YOUR immersion.

    in pvp and pve =nto viable

    never was

    never will be

    Unless your re on your own and wont affect anyone else with it, sure, power to you, immerse the *** out of it.

    tired of seeing peopel dieing in Vets because they DOTN roll out of a fkin red circle, due to reduced awareness/vision of 1st person, and still dare to point that out.

    "Hey guys, i liek to immerse myself in a world where we are all naked and just fight with our fists so i dont use weapons or gear, queue with me?"
    Edited by rteezy on December 2, 2016 10:09PM
  • Quelhallow
    I disagree @rteezy - it's certainly viable in PVE. Like anything in the game, it takes practice, especially if you are melee 1st POV, since range is a little iffy to tell sometimes. After you do a fight a hundred times you know the mechanics pretty well.

    I've been doing vet dungeons lately with my swamp raider/spriggan bow build in 1st person POV. It's super fun and I haven't died once to red circles or lack of awareness.
  • SirAndy
    I like to run dungeons in 1st person, it feels like a completely different game ...
  • nordsavage
    A person playing group content in first person is a dead person is a kicked person. Save first person for solo play.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • Aenvar

    Davor wrote: »
    I play on Xbox One. Are these tips only good for PC users?

    Hey Davor, were you able to test anything on Xbox? I'm clueless on how ESO would play with a controller so I'm not sure how first person would work there but I'd love to know.

    Quelhallow wrote: »
    I disagree @rteezy - it's certainly viable in PVE. Like anything in the game, it takes practice, especially if you are melee 1st POV, since range is a little iffy to tell sometimes. After you do a fight a hundred times you know the mechanics pretty well.

    I've been doing vet dungeons lately with my swamp raider/spriggan bow build in 1st person POV. It's super fun and I haven't died once to red circles or lack of awareness.

    Thanks for that post. I share your thoughts too and I'd specially point out what you meant with practice. The game is definitely harder but that's just an extra challenge if you are up for it!
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