xilfxlegion wrote: »i dont pvp. like i said maybe its just me or maybe i cant tell when it procs.
erock --- i think your answer may be my answer --- i am a melee dps dk -- but i use dual wield religiously and rarely
just use light or heavy attacks.
bruhltsover9000 --- what does blessed do?
Well, the entire current state of PvP is pretty broken right now. Crit rush, viper, light attack, dizzying swing, heavy attack, light attack, some dagger attack, heavy attack. That all happens in about half a second to a second at most. I don't know what's wrong with ZOS that they don't consider animation canceling an exploit. When it's to the point that a single person exploiting animation canceling can attack someone 8 times in under a second in the time it would take the other person to even use 1 skill without animation canceling... the game is broken.
It would be real easy to fix. Consider each skill use as a casting time and if that cast is interrupted either by an enemy or by the user themselves then the cast does not go through. If that is so mystifying that the developers can't figure out how to do away with it then something is seriously wrong with their level of competence, which I don't at all doubt with what we've seen for over the past month.
If it's not animation canceling greatsword users with viper it's storm knight tanks. That set is so broken, what the F. Here's a typical death in PvP:
4 of those 5 attacks are armor set procs. That is PvP now. Broken armor sets and animation canceling. The storm knight set by the way procs all the time and seems to proc not just off of magicka attacks and when it does proc it kills everything around you. There are actually groups going in now as tanks with storm knight + viper and just tearing everyone up. Can't kill them and their armors are so OP that they kill everyone for them.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »I was killed by armour procs last night too lol.Viper, Velidreth, Viper, Storm Knight plate. Probably same group!
OP, I got hit twice by Viper consecutively with no attack in between I think it is broke.
I noticed this before I was running around killing wolves and other animals and the viper proc would kill the wolf before my heavy attack even hit.I use Viper's and notice that the proc will hit first before the ability damage goes through. So for example, if you ambush,. The Viper proc goes off and THEN ambush hits. If someone opened up on you with a bow and got you down pretty good then ambushed in and the Viper proc kills you, the ambush doesnt register damage wise so thus it appears you died from just bow attacks.
Edit. Easy way to test this is to go up to a wolf or low health target in stealth and heavy attack, you'll notice the Viper proc first, followed by the heavy attack. If viper kills it, then no heavy.
Oh and you have divined that from my COMPLETELY UNRELATED screenshot, have you?leepalmer95 wrote: »If your going to complain about something at least gets the facts right and not exaggerate something because your salty about dieing.
No, someone do you hit you 8 times with .5 or 1 seconds.
Oh and you have divined that from my COMPLETELY UNRELATED screenshot, have you?
I see, Miss Cleo. I see.
Oh and you have divined that from my COMPLETELY UNRELATED screenshot, have you?
I see, Miss Cleo. I see.
Shad0wfire99 wrote: »"Broken" seems to be forum-speak for "thing I don't like."
This is the quickest way to get something nerfed viper at least on ps4 isnt proken it procs on my stam dk every 4 seconds like its supposed to and it procs off all my duel wield abilities and also light and heavy attacks. So idk it could be broken on pc but its not on console.