Since it got buried in a thread about AD leadership, I'm making a new thread with the details here.
None of the attempts to ever set up inter-group/guild comms have ever worked well or lasted for long (AD side at least). Hopefully this will be better. If not, at least it'll introduce more people to Discord and save some money for those still paying for comms services. Discord is sort of like the brain child of Skype, TS, and Mumble.
For those looking to communicate in Cyrodiil outside of zone chat or just talk/type about PvP, we've created a Discord server.
There are channels for leaders to communicate, and others for anyone in AD to use for comms (currently one for each campaign) accessible only to those with the "AD Player" tag.
It's open to everyone, though in order to join the AD channels you'll need to be given permissions from one of the AD Leaders (only a few joined so far, many more to come).
If you're an AD player, please hop into the "I Need Permissions" room and someone will give them to you when they notice you.
If you're a DC or EP player, you're welcome in general chat/voice (we have tags for your faction too) but not in the AD channels.
If there are campaigns on other platforms that are missing, let someone know in general chat and they'll be added.
If you don't already have Discord installed, you can download it from :
To join us, you can use this link or in your Discord client click the +, then Join a Server, then use the code mrAUfGh