Mricci1988 wrote: »Also is Proxy Det that bad now even though it stacks with % of mobs around?
Mricci1988 wrote: »Is Necropotence Set that good?
*Notice* this is not a min-max build but is to allow you the ability to have fun while pushing respectable DPS
What faction/server/console/pc do you play? I feel like my mag nb will beat yours in a duel; lets fight.
If you think sap is going to keep you alive due to having no real healing abilities you're completely wrong.
Any typical mag nb is running either duel wield w/ resto or destro w/ resto.
A select rare few are mag running s&b (basically non-existent but would be really cool to see more of!)
Either you have to run bubble, or you have to run blessing of restoration. IF not, the only way to try & make your build work is if you added swallow soul & had almost 100 pts into champion tree for "blessed, the blue tree one" & "whatever the red tree one is".
I use to theory with doing destro w/ duel wield but if you get into a bad situation recovery is almost impossible.
You can try putting either morph of purge, but it only heals if a dot is removed.
You can try s&b with absorb magicka, but it gives a very small shield & the heal is terrible.
Also proxy is basically worthless now unless you're able to hit...what was it... 11 people??? take that off your bar
Good luck.
My fault on the missing the "pve" part, I guess I assumed it was pvp because you stated "this is not a min-max build" & I just didn't see the point in running a pve build, or talking about one, that's not min-max'd.
The tiny little detail you missed is that "my eyes didn't catch everything" which could also mean that I'm older than you.
I know very few "children" which play this game, but that comment of calling people "kids" gets thrown around way more than it should.
My fault on the missing the "pve" part, I guess I assumed it was pvp because you stated "this is not a min-max build" & I just didn't see the point in running a pve build, or talking about one, that's not min-max'd.
The tiny little detail you missed is that "my eyes didn't catch everything" which could also mean that I'm older than you.
I know very few "children" which play this game, but that comment of calling people "kids" gets thrown around way more than it should.
ScruffyWhiskers wrote: »
Hehe, I'm a pretty old fart too and I thought he was talking about pvp.
DW/DW is something I have tried a bunch of times on my magicka nb and even recently with the change to harness/dampen so that it works for physical damage. Two big problems that I always find is 1) the lack of the "oh ***" healing ward button and 2) no ranged weapon with the restro to generate ulti with light attacks and also recharge magicka with heavy attacks in your typical open world scrimmage situation.
What faction/server/console/pc do you play? I feel like my mag nb will beat yours in a duel; lets fight.
If you think sap is going to keep you alive due to having no real healing abilities you're completely wrong.
Any typical mag nb is running either duel wield w/ resto or destro w/ resto.
A select rare few are mag running s&b (basically non-existent but would be really cool to see more of!)
Either you have to run bubble, or you have to run blessing of restoration. IF not, the only way to try & make your build work is if you added swallow soul & had almost 100 pts into champion tree for "blessed, the blue tree one" & "whatever the red tree one is".
I use to theory with doing destro w/ duel wield but if you get into a bad situation recovery is almost impossible.
You can try putting either morph of purge, but it only heals if a dot is removed.
You can try s&b with absorb magicka, but it gives a very small shield & the heal is terrible.
Also proxy is basically worthless now unless you're able to hit...what was it... 11 people??? take that off your bar
Good luck.
Stoopid_Nwah wrote: »
Lol seriously? Maybe this was meant as a joke/you guys know each other, but if not, it comes off pretty arrogant. The OP just wants a build that performs reasonably well and is fun to play...
And dampen/harness magicka does wonders in pvp. Not everyone needs to run a cookie-cutter, min-max build to be successful or have a good time.
But it's not pvp
Stoopid_Nwah wrote: »
I know...that is what I am saying. The harness comment (actually the entire comment) was solely directed at @kaithuzar. My specific advice to the OP has already been given above.
Mricci1988 wrote: »Right now I am only pulling out about 18-20K DPS on most parses which is not the greatest however the rotation needs a lot of work as well as general skill load out.
As it pertains to pve, a DW-only setup is simply incapable of pulling the parses that are necessary for competitive trials, which is why I requested your parses initially. 18-20k is fine for vet dungeons and open-world content, but DW doesn't afford anywhere near the steady damage potential that a destro does. Working out your rotation and performing it flawlessly will likely raise your parse to around 21k max, given my own testing and experience. Adding in a destro light attack weave with any element will raise your parse by 1-2k by itself. Add in a vMA destro with WoE, and you get about another 4-5k. Add in Scathing Mage to that, and you're looking at about a 30k self-buffed parse, which is where one needs to be to compete in the most challenging content.
You can do pretty much everything without vMA and Scathing on normal versions, and even a couple of them on vet, but the latter assumes that the other dps in your group are pulling some of your weight. I have yet to see a parse reach above 21-22k without obtaining Scathing and/or vMA destro. Scathing added 4k dps alone in my build; Julianos, TBS and Kags come nowhere close (this parse is 4k more than Julianos).
Don't take this the wrong way please. This is the nature of the magblade in pve. We have a singular optimal set locked behind one of the most lengthy and aggravating grinds in the game. It's better now that we can trade dungeon loot, but it doesn't change the nature of the situation. Tbh, I just want to convey the idea that I'm not trying to rain on your parade here; I'm simply trying to save you some of the time and frustration that many of us have done already. Enjoy this build to its fullest and use it whenever it's viable. But know that it is very likely that pursuing competitive 12-man content will force you into the same gear and rotation as the rest of us (because there are not many options atm).
Mricci1988 wrote: »
Hey thanks for this feedback I found it quite helpful and insightful.
I think you are right on this and updating my build to incorporate destro staff will be imperative...sadly I have not trained it up.....
Wall of elements looks strong however the duration is so short...making the rotation difficult - will need to figure a way to optimize this....
Focusing on concealed weapon as the main spammable does not feel efficent as with a 6 second duration on WoE I can bar swap...get maybe 1or2 concealed weapon attacks + weaves before needing to bar swap again to refresh WoE...
What are your thoughts behind that?
Once I get your feedback I will update or delete the orginal post as the main focus behind the build will be potentially scrapped.
Thanks agian for feedback.
Mricci1988 wrote: »
Hey thanks for this feedback I found it quite helpful and insightful.
I think you are right on this and updating my build to incorporate destro staff will be imperative...sadly I have not trained it up.....
Wall of elements looks strong however the duration is so short...making the rotation difficult - will need to figure a way to optimize this....
Focusing on concealed weapon as the main spammable does not feel efficent as with a 6 second duration on WoE I can bar swap...get maybe 1or2 concealed weapon attacks + weaves before needing to bar swap again to refresh WoE...
What are your thoughts behind that?
Once I get your feedback I will update or delete the orginal post as the main focus behind the build will be potentially scrapped.
Thanks agian for feedback.
The trick to fitting WoE into the rotation is to use the Elemental Blockade morph, which increases its duration to 10s. With a 10s duration, it fits very nicely into the rotation and allows for a few spammable attacks while the DoTs are running. It can be tricky to manage, but 10s makes all the difference when compared to the 6s morphs.
Don't delete your post here. There's no need to do that! The build/concept itself is completely viable for non-competitive content. I'd wager that probably 80-90% of the population could use it at one point or another and it suit their needs. The point I was trying to drive home was for a competitive trials setup, and there is a big difference between doing what is fun and interesting, and doing what is necessary to complete & compete. The latter is fun for many too, but it doesn't make the former irrelevant.