Crafting criticals

I am not sure if this has been discussed, but since our name is attached to gear, would the ability to get a critical success when crafting be a good idea?

I can see the good and bad of it, but would like to know how the crafters feel about it. . .

For example, you make a sword of hundings rage, and get a crit and it gets an RNG roll of additional damage and/or an increase in set bonuses.

Same for enchants, and potions, etc.

Perhaps the critical chance could be based on the number of items made of that exact type, and would top out at like 10%.

  • Ayantir
    no.It will multiply the count of mats to have a good item by 5/10.

    Want a good hundings rage?
    ~10k leather.

    want enchant your stuff ? 50 Kutas.

    Edited by Ayantir on August 21, 2016 8:59AM
    Obsessive Compulsive Elder Scrolls addons Coder
    A Few millions downloads of ESO addons now.
    Master crafter on my main char since release. All tradeskills, recipes \o/, researchs (since long), 35 styles known
    My little french Guild: Cercle de l'Eveil
  • phaseadept
    Ayantir wrote: »
    no.It will multiply the count of mats to have a good item by 5/10.

    Want a good hundings rage?
    ~10k leather.

    want enchant your stuff ? 50 Kutas.


    Is this because you think people would only want criticals?

    I was thinking it would apply to the base "white" item, before improvement. Plenty of Ta floating around.

    I can see the point on leather, but criticals should be rare
    Edited by phaseadept on August 21, 2016 9:57AM
  • Synfaer
    Some people always want the best...

    I can hear the future screams of rage against the RND and the resulting endless forum posts raging against the RND and occasional zone/guild/grp chat spam raging against the RND.

    So NO

    We don't need that,got enough of that rage already.
  • phaseadept
    I hear you on the rage, just looking for something to set a crafter apart. . .
  • Reevster
    phaseadept wrote: »
    I hear you on the rage, just looking for something to set a crafter apart. . .

    The ability to change the trait of a piece of gear would set a crafter apart, they could make so only a high lvl crafter with all 9 traits researched etc can take a piece of gear down to white and then change the trait using some hard to get regent or trait stone etc or mimic type stone, that would be super useful.
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