What ZOS should do is have skills behave 1 way in PVP, and completrly differently in PVE. That way the 2 crowds can be kept happy. What ZOS should do, is view things from a full perspective. And not do things to cater to 1 crowd without wondering how it'll effect the other.
Lieblingsjunge wrote: »There is no divide, imo.
As you mentioned, IC: It is a way for PvE-players to get to know PvP. It's nothing about forcing someone to PvP, it's about making it so that the game's aspects are brought together. So your argument about IC is invalid.
Undaunted Vendor: It's in the base of Cyrodiil, also a way for the PvE-players to port into Cyrodiil.
But let me remind you:
Widowmaker, Amberplasm, Gossamer etc. are all beneficial for PvP, but PvP'ers are still forced to PvE to farm it. So that's one way ZoS brings the PvP-players into PvE. I mean, we can't buy Amberplasm in the Guild Store, so it have to be farmed. Spell Power Cure is also beneficial for PvP-groups, but it's required to farm WGT. Winterborn is also good for PvP > required to farm vMA to get it.
Leki's is a nice 2-pc set, but you have to be in PvP to get it - or buy it.
There is no divide. You're just finding exkuses not to explore the entire game the game.
Your title is is misleading as hell.Your bias is completely showing and your not even trying to be impartial.
timidobserver wrote: »Yeh, I can already feel my Templar PvE DPS getting ready to get curbstomped. I leveled and geared out a Stam Sorc just in case. With so many RD complaints the question is when not if it will be nerfed.
Vipstaakki wrote: »I dislike it that mobs still get to use the old good version of wrecking blow and we can't hit them back.
I'm forced to use Choking talons for crowd control but that isn't as much fun as throwing the mobs around.
Rainwhisper wrote: »I have seen this conversation over and over again in every MMO I played. In fact, for a while I thought the only solution would be to find a game with zero PvP, so that PvP priorities and concerns wouldn't bleed over into my gameplay. I've given up on that (although I'm open to it if someone invents one).
I have done absolutely no PvP in ESO. In fact, someone was mentioning skills for my DK today and I didn't recognize the names because I haven't even unlocked the PvP skill tree (Assault?) on my Champ 225 Dragonknight, or on any of my other characters. Nonetheless I'm having fun, surviving, and still have plenty to do. So, I wouldn't say PvP is killing the game. Do I wish it weren't there? Absolutely. Do I think it encourages a kind of gameplay that is inimical to what I like about MMO's? Certainly! Is it gamebreaking? No.
Ethromelb14_ESO wrote: »I hate PvP. It's pointless and monotonous. And every PvE based MMO it's included in, it has slowly destroyed, unless isolated to it's proverbial box off in the corner somewhere.
PvP is always broken, no matter what MMO it's in. Pit two exceptionally well built players against each other and watch a very long and boring fight where no one dies, because they can max heal their wounds, or create characters with health bars that don't move, block all day, run away all day, stealth all day. Or where cheesy armor that just detonates everyone in the proximity without any real display of skill, because the armor does all the work for them.
Unless the PvP feature is going to actually function on an iota of swordsmanship or strategic play, it has no proper place in an MMO. When it starts working like Ni-oh, then I'll support it. Because then the skill will more so be coming from the player and not the set armor. This is the poor design that has everyone flocking to the same damn armor set. For all intents and purpose, a wear-to-win game.
In this game there is a strong dependency on heals because it is close to impossible (based on the majority) to enter combat and not be hit once, just because your fighting prowess is just that good. And those same mechanics translated to player versus player creates a horrible experience.
Just like the exclusive armor, PvP needs it's own set of powers to choose from, that can not be used in PvE.
Have an "Awesome".I'm still seeing nerf Radiant Destruction threads, even though it's an entirely new update gone live. Have all of you people who've been asking for its nerfs ever considered that there's more than just PVP'ers who play this game, and that PVE exists too? Please stop being so inconsiderate and view things from multiple perspectives, and not just your own.
I'm tired of seeing "solid" skills get nerfed, all because the PVP crowd threw a temper tantrum about skills and mechanics. Y'all have gotten: Shields/Wards nerfed, Wrecking Blow nerfed, Cloak nerfed, DK Flappers nerfed, Bolt Escape nerfed, and so many other things nerfed. You even got blocking nerfed, regardless of the developers claiming it was due to PVE that brought about those changes. Not 1 person in PVE complained about tanks in dungeons and trials blocking too much. Not 1. But, was there complaints about "Block-Knights" all over threads from a PVP perspective? You bet! It's horrible.
I mean, it's even to the point that stamina is blowing magicka way out of the water from a DPS perspective. I wasn't hearing those complaints from a PVE perspective about a "StamSorc", or about how stamina was lacking compared to magicka. N'ah. Not at all. Did I hear complaints about stamina under-performing a bit with VMA'a release? Yes. And still people got it down, and it eventually became a cake-walk. It became clear that the complaints about VMA were a "L2P issue" from a stamina point-of-view. And now look. Vicious Serpent, Red Mountain, the new dungeon monster sets, etc. Bruh, it's 2016 and we STILL have no 1pcs. bonus that grants neither strictly spell damage nor magicka regen. But, look how many bones ZOS has thrown the stamina users. Lmao. Smh.
Oh, and don't think I forgot about the undaunted vendor. While it was said that anyone can use it, and pay for things with either AP or gold... Where is it located again? Cyrodiil right? And what was the point of its creation? To cater to the PVP crowd who complained about having to do PVE content to receive monster sets, right? Last I checked we don't have that option for PVE'ers. We can't spend gold (unless to a guild trader) to get PVP sets that may benefit in PVE. We have to buy them off another player in a guild trader, or PVP for them. Oh, and speaking of PVP tying into PVE... What was that about Imperial City DLC? Yeah, forcing players to PVP for PVE-related stuff? Yeah, not cool.
And the list goes on and on. We as the player base can pretend that there is no legitimate issue at hand with this divide, or even that this divide doesn't exist. But, it's becoming more and more clear. What ZOS should do is have skills behave 1 way in PVP, and completrly differently in PVE. That way the 2 crowds can be kept happy. What ZOS should do, is view things from a full perspective. And not do things to cater to 1 crowd without wondering how it'll effect the other. And lastly, what we SHOULD do is "L2P" and stop asking for a nerf of a skill or class all because we got killed in a PVP environment. And ask for how we can go about avoiding the same mistake twice, or how to better ourselves as players. Rant over.
TL;DR - Stop being inconsiderate both ZOS and player base, and view things from both sides of the coin.
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »Step 1: PVE player posts complaining post partially about how no one in PVE complains.
Step 2: People who proudly proclaim to never having set foot in PVP cast aspersions on how terrible PVP is.
Step 3: More PVErs jump in and explain how PVP ruins their MMO because those dirty PVPers are meanieheads.
Step 4: PVP player makes wisecrack about PVE players.
Step 5: PVErs use 1 joke as absolute proof of their superiority and PVPers meanieheadedness.
Step 6: Thread closed, nothing changes.
I think I just brought this to stage 4. I give it an hour before we get to stage 6.
Ohhgrizyyy wrote: »If only you knew how hard it hit for in pvp, When you can get 2 shot by radiant and it cant be dodge rolled out of? its bullsh*t
I never thought I would agree with you but got dam I have to.danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »Step 1: PVE player posts complaining post partially about how no one in PVE complains.
Step 2: People who proudly proclaim to never having set foot in PVP cast aspersions on how terrible PVP is.
Step 3: More PVErs jump in and explain how PVP ruins their MMO because those dirty PVPers are meanieheads.
Step 4: PVP player makes wisecrack about PVE players.
Step 5: PVErs use 1 joke as absolute proof of their superiority and PVPers meanieheadedness.
Step 6: Thread closed, nothing changes.
I think I just brought this to stage 4. I give it an hour before we get to stage 6.
danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »You make some good points but you should probably know by now that the vendor in Cyrodiil is located in the starter cities. You don't actually have to PVP to use her.
Also, let's be honest, PVErs complain about things ALL THE TIME.
One more thing, PVE fights are in controlled environments where the mechanics are learned to the point where some players can fight a boss with thier eyes closed. Even if every spell got nerfed most PVE players would figure out a new way to kill the same scripted bosses within 48 hours.
PVP meanwhile is a constantly changing dynamic and should be what the game is balanced around. The Argonian Behemoth isn't going to change is attacks any time soon. That random Daggerfall Zerg, who knows.
I never thought I would agree with you but got dam I have to.danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »Step 1: PVE player posts complaining post partially about how no one in PVE complains.
Step 2: People who proudly proclaim to never having set foot in PVP cast aspersions on how terrible PVP is.
Step 3: More PVErs jump in and explain how PVP ruins their MMO because those dirty PVPers are meanieheads.
Step 4: PVP player makes wisecrack about PVE players.
Step 5: PVErs use 1 joke as absolute proof of their superiority and PVPers meanieheadedness.
Step 6: Thread closed, nothing changes.
I think I just brought this to stage 4. I give it an hour before we get to stage 6.
Hey am fine with that we are still both out numbered by the yellows well, You guys have equal numbers we are completely outnumbered but that's a story for another time lol.danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »I never thought I would agree with you but got dam I have to.danielpatrickkeaneub17_ESO wrote: »Step 1: PVE player posts complaining post partially about how no one in PVE complains.
Step 2: People who proudly proclaim to never having set foot in PVP cast aspersions on how terrible PVP is.
Step 3: More PVErs jump in and explain how PVP ruins their MMO because those dirty PVPers are meanieheads.
Step 4: PVP player makes wisecrack about PVE players.
Step 5: PVErs use 1 joke as absolute proof of their superiority and PVPers meanieheadedness.
Step 6: Thread closed, nothing changes.
I think I just brought this to stage 4. I give it an hour before we get to stage 6.
Oddly enough I was thinking earlier that maybe ... just maybe ... this Jaron King fellow knows his stuff.
On here I mean. I'm still going to randomly gank your duels. Haha.