I am trying to figure some best practices for performing daily writs.
One debate I have is about getting the best value out of them.
Writs generally pay better than other quests for low level characters.
For higher level characters the money seems less and less of a good deal.
As money seems to be tied to character level not the crafting skill level, it seems better value for money to get a character with bottom level skill to do the crafting.
If that character is not going to put skills into a given craft then the enlightenment training up that skill like is not really being used anyway. It is the same money but uses less and easier to obtain materials.
On the other hand, for a trainee crafter the enlightenment is important to the progression. In that sense the most effective returns seem to involve using the most and least skilled characters for a given skill.
I know that the value of the reward packs should be factored in too as better rewards are given for crafting higher level items even if the money pay out is the same.
I also wonder about taking the surveys from characters who obtained surveys for their low level zones and passing them to characters for whom those are the veteran zones to get higher level raw materials from the same surveys.
This may not apply so much for alchemy as the reagents do not seem to be noticeably levelled and the solvents are not included in the survey anyway as far as I know.