Unfortunately I haven't noticed a fix yet...
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »1. Console Guild Traders - They fixed the Champion Level search function so it now goes by increments of 10 instead of 1. Thanks for taking care of that for me
2. Retreating Maneuver IV (Cannot speak for other ranks/versions) - It can now be cast unsheathed on foot! Dear GOD it used to bug the crap out of me because almost every time it ended I drew my Weapons, but this makes that a thing of the past! Thanks SO much for this Zenimax!
If anyone has any fixes they've noticed that they are thankful for feel free to post them here or simply comment on the ones mentioned here
Unsent.Soul wrote: »UltimaJoe777 wrote: »1. Console Guild Traders - They fixed the Champion Level search function so it now goes by increments of 10 instead of 1. Thanks for taking care of that for me
2. Retreating Maneuver IV (Cannot speak for other ranks/versions) - It can now be cast unsheathed on foot! Dear GOD it used to bug the crap out of me because almost every time it ended I drew my Weapons, but this makes that a thing of the past! Thanks SO much for this Zenimax!
If anyone has any fixes they've noticed that they are thankful for feel free to post them here or simply comment on the ones mentioned here
A lot of these "minor" things aren't noticed by I'd assume a majority of players. It's always great when QoL improvements are implemented.
I had no idea of either TBH.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »1. Console Guild Traders - They fixed the Champion Level search function so it now goes by increments of 10 instead of 1. Thanks for taking care of that for me
2. Retreating Maneuver IV (Cannot speak for other ranks/versions) - It can now be cast unsheathed on foot! Dear GOD it used to bug the crap out of me because almost every time it ended I drew my Weapons, but this makes that a thing of the past! Thanks SO much for this Zenimax!
If anyone has any fixes they've noticed that they are thankful for feel free to post them here or simply comment on the ones mentioned here
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »1. Console Guild Traders - They fixed the Champion Level search function so it now goes by increments of 10 instead of 1. Thanks for taking care of that for me
2. Retreating Maneuver IV (Cannot speak for other ranks/versions) - It can now be cast unsheathed on foot! Dear GOD it used to bug the crap out of me because almost every time it ended I drew my Weapons, but this makes that a thing of the past! Thanks SO much for this Zenimax!
If anyone has any fixes they've noticed that they are thankful for feel free to post them here or simply comment on the ones mentioned here
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Stovahkiin wrote: »Nope, never gonna happen again I'm afraid :P
GreenhaloX wrote: »Sorry, @UltimaJoe777, I know this thread of your is intended to be more positive with positive responses, and I would love to have added some positive notes here as well, but unfortunately I cannot this round. As far as I can recall, from the many months now that I have been an ESO plus member and playing ESO, every *beeping *beep* *beep* week following a maintenance or patch, more problems and issues occur immediately following the completion. The issues prolong up to a day to 3 days later. Reason I haven't pulled the plug yet on this game and company is because the game is still playable (somewhat), but not as smoothly as one wants or would like it to be.
So with that little rant out of the way, following this past Tuesday's patch installment that supposedly have fixed loading screens, lagging, invisible people, crashing.. aside from the loading screen, which is still occurring (I'm still getting thrown into the loading screen after throwing out my crit rush and then dying after I come back off the loading screen because the enemies are still attacking me while I was stuck in that loading screen), but not as much as before, I have been crashing and being booted of the game more, with error 318 saying I'm spamming message traffic too much to loosing connectivity to cannot connect to the server. I'm crashing like this, at the minimum, 3 times per 30 minutes session. I could be crashing and getting booted out upwards to 6 or more times in an evening gameplay. Particularly annoying or frustrating when it crashed during a dungeon run or during a fight with a big boss or the final boss. I'm also having more issues with getting attacked by invisible enemies and can't do anything to fight back. I'm just moving around like a chicken with its head cut off and still getting hits by the enemies, even dying from a big hit. Then, after game crashing, relogging in and loading time appears to be a bit longer, from time to time. You get that, "This may take an unusually longer load time." I laugh at this every time, because it is not a may take, IT IS taking an unusually longer time!
Also, yesterday's evening run with a quest in Craglorn was a total washout with icons, materials and NPCs not loading right, as well as those invisible enemies and bosses. I'm seeing my group mate fighting the adds and bosses, but I see no adds or boss, yet I still see their red dots on the direction bar. Sometimes, I would still take hits from the invisible enemies and other times not. After my mates killed them, I would still get the XP. Like also when we were in the trial of the arena, I would see and able to engage the first group of 4 or 5, but then the next group is invisible, then some of the third group would be visible, but then all of the fourth group and final boss are all invisible. We tried resetting it a few times, and same.
Other mates also having similar and other problems, and even the mic flopping out and she can't communicate with us on voice chat, as well as voice chat going in and out. So, all these issues and problems occurring following this week's patch installment.
I don't know.. I'm glad to hear that you are having good experience so far, and maybe things might get better on my end today or tomorrow or the next. We'll see. It seems like an endless and reoccurring cycle, though. Things flopped about for a couple or few days following a maintenance or patch day, then somewhat works better again for Saturday through Monday, but then another maintenance day comes around on the Tuesday, and things flop again for the next 2 or 3 days or so. It also seem pointless to submit any trouble tickets because they know about such problems for a long time now, and many have repeatedly voiced and complained about similar issues. I'm not sure how much more patience I would have until I'm forced to give ZOS and this game the deuces, like many have already.
Oh well, this is just another ranting for now.. as you may have already noticed from my seemingly novel-length post.. and my apologies, for tainting your thread with this.
I can add, as least, one positive note. Aside from crashing a few times during both of the new DLC/dungeon runs, it went ok, fairly smooth. Although, the drops are not really to my liking.. only one's opinion here, though.