Resolute - [Progression raiding] - Recruitment Open


Update: 10/05/2023
Recruitment is open as we reform after four years to tackle the recent trials. Currently searching for DDs join an established group, with current focus on Rockgrove/KA HM progression until the next patch. Raiding this Sunday (14th) 20:30 CEST and each Saturday 20:30 CEST afterwards.

This would be a good opportunity with players who believe they have potential to gain experience while we work our way up to various titles. Message ingame or on Discord (Praeficere#0001). We are looking to start raiding again within the month and raid days are still undecided, however we will start once a week while we work out the kinks. All classes and applications considered.


A reformed raiding guild originally starting in 2016 , Resolute aims to conquer the challenges in ESO while maintaining a forward thinking and positive atmosphere. We've completed all Trials in HM pre-Cloudrest alongside Immortal Redeemer, and are looking to progress on all raid Titles.

About us
We are a diverse group of seasoned players who have experienced what ESO has to offer over the years, be it PvE or PvP in numerous forms. Our short-term focus is on building a team to meet the hardest endgame PvE content. In time, we aim to open the guild to teach newer players and further our team to more aspects of the game. We are looking for those who share our goals and are late-night players like us. Experience is welcome, however it is a small part to joining our group. Potential, attitude and commitment to improvement are highly valued, expecting you to perform at a raid-ready level given mentoring.

Those applying should be knowledgeable of their individual classes. For those without progression experience, you should still be capable of pulling individual DPS on-par with those who are.

As ever, we strive for a positive atmosphere, you'll soon feel at home with Resolute.

  • Reasonable amount of CP
  • Experience of all endgame content is not required although you should be familiar with your role and be prepared to adapt

Core raid nights (20:30 CEST)
  • Saturday Evening

If you are interested in joining or wish to find out more, leave a comment here or mail in game (@Praeficere)

Are you Resolute?

Edited by Praeficere on May 10, 2023 1:22PM
Though the shadow has moved not,
A thousand miles I’ve passed –
Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

Are you Resolute?
PC EU Progression Guild
  • Praeficere
    Our first practise Trial runs will be this Thursday coming! We are still open to more like-minded players to build our community and join Veteran trials throughout each week.
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Praeficere
    We are open for recruiting again! In particular, members who are able to raid on weekday evenings.

    Our runs so far have been successful, however we are looking to hold more raid nights throughout the week. Please do mail me in-game or on the forums!
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • mitchtheelder
    pls send inv to @mitchtheelder

    would like to join some serious raid guild and have fun
    AD Orc Nightblade - Manndingo, High Elf Templar - M Mike Adriano Nord Dragonknight - Ser-Gregor Clegane
    High elf Sorcerer - Grand Maester Mitch Dark elf Nightblade - Gilbert Arenas Redguard Dragonknight - Half Man Half Amazing Redguard Sorcerer - Uncle Drew High Elf Dragonknight - Devon Larrat Imperial Warden - Sandor Clegane M Nord Necromancer - Tormund Husband to Bears High Elf Necromancer - Ana Maria della Salute High Elf - Warden - Samuel F Jackson Argonian - Templar - Kraken Reptile DC Argonian Warden - Gustavo Giviria Rivero High elf Sorcerer - Jackie Kennedy Orc Necromancer - Lucifer Blackstar EP Redguard Templar - MItch Buchanon
    PC-EU since Feb2016 (+8k h in game)
  • Manzarken
    invite @manzarken pls im an old player coming back to the game , I have experience in AA,HRC and VDSA.
    I play DPS! Heal and tank, wtf is that?


    Cleared all trials in vHM.
    Tick-tock Tormentor - Wolfhunter
  • Praeficere
    @mitchtheelder @mark009.elliotb16_ESO

    Hey guys, I will have to speak with you before considering an invite - please do add me in-game so we can talk easier :)
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Praeficere
    With the continued success of our runs, we are looking to form our core team to tackle vMoL. We are searching for committed and capable Tanks and ranged DDs to join our main group/sub.

    Players of other roles are still welcome to apply to our guild, we hold multiple training runs throughout the week and assist with gearing.
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Workerdroid7
    I would be very interested in this guild, but the raid times do not match with my wife's ideas about suitable gaming times vs suitable family times :(
  • slaweqkeb17_ESO
    I'd like you join your guild. Invite @chopesz
  • Praeficere
    I would be very interested in this guild, but the raid times do not match with my wife's ideas about suitable gaming times vs suitable family times :(

    While the majority of our scheduled Veteran Trial runs take place during the evening, many members run dungeons throughout the day as well as Normal Trials for loot :)
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Narnor
    I would love if there were room for me in this guild! Inv @Narnor . I have played every nTrial as Tank and DPS (Night Blade) with no props and have been looking for a serious PvE guild.
  • Praeficere
    After a month of hard work, Resolute has conquered Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj!

    There are still numerous challenges for the guild to tackle and we are always welcome to those who want to learn and improve themselves individually and as part of a team.

    Are you Resolute?
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • CoachPower
    Pity I couldn't be there :( .. Congrats, you guys deserve it!

    Coach-Power - Magicka Sorcerer with mediocre DPS - PvP/PvE
    Eternal-Envy - Magicka Templar - DD
    -Sookie Northman - Magicka Nightblade - DD
    Eva the Whipmistress - Magicka Dragonknight - DD
    Having-A-Bad-Time - Magicka Templar - Healer
    Lady Mormont - Stamina Dragonknight - Tank
  • Eweroun
    Standing Resolute!
    |Lunar Lattice - Guildmaster / Fullmoon group raidlead|
    |Potato Knights - former core member|
    |former dd-"The Phoenix Reborn", former raidlead "Omnia Vincit /Playdead"|

    clears: vCrag HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS HM (+2) - vCR+3 - vSS HM
  • rosy_ariete
    Hello, I read about your guild and I wonder if you're still recruiting players.
    I play ESO since July 2014, always been a templar healer and I've experience with all trials (vMOL too even if I miss HM).
    Can I contact @Praeficere in game?
  • Praeficere
    We are looking for a committed healer experienced within their role to join our main group vMoL runs on Tuesdays and Sundays 8:30 GMT, starting ASAP. (A third day will be discussed with the group as we progress further.) Hardmode is our goal. Experience of vMoL can be given.

    Contact me in game @Praeficere or leave a message on the forums!
    Edited by Praeficere on January 21, 2017 2:02AM
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Fivtyprocent
    Hey! I'm interested to join the guild, you can add me in game to discuss ty.
    For Justice !
  • Praeficere
    Praeficere wrote: »
    We are looking for a committed healer experienced within their role to join our main group vMoL runs on Tuesdays and Sundays 8:30 GMT, starting ASAP. (A third day will be discussed with the group as we progress further.) Hardmode is our goal. Experience of vMoL can be given.

    Some moving around means we are now looking for a DD (ranged preference) of the same likeness.

    Contact me in game @Praeficere or leave a message on the forums!
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Arrchangell
    One question, do u take stamina nightblades main? :(
  • Praeficere
    One question, do u take stamina nightblades main? :(

    If you've a positive attitude and always looking to develop yourself, most certainly.
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Arrchangell
    Praeficere wrote: »

    If you've a positive attitude and always looking to develop yourself, most certainly.

    Thank u for your response. Im currently away from home this week, but would like to talk with u ingame if i can. :)
  • quake89
    Hey guys I'm a 365cp console transfer have done most content in the game. Looking for a raiding guild have knowledge of all trials and hm apart from hm vmol (I do know vmol mechanics)

    I have a geared stam sorc and mag dk currently working on magetting sorc
    PC -EU
  • Jonno
    Hey im looking for a guild to raid on monday and fridays maybe other days in the future im cp600 have completed vMoL HM vAA HM vSO HM and vHRC my im DPS magplar main but can also play other classes/roles at a high standard. /w in game @iJonno
    PC / EU
    |Thats What She Said
    |Call Of The Undaunted
    |Unfinished Business

    TinkerBell - Orc Stamplar - Tick Tock Tormentor
    Aelin - Bosmer Stamplar - Tick Tock Tormentor
    Prıncess - Dunmer - Mag NB - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Cher Lloyd - Dunmer - Sorc - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
    Luna Lovegøød - Dunmer - Templar - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    Leíghton - Redguard - Stam DK - Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor
  • Praeficere
    We are searching for an experienced ranged DD or Tank to fill the last position in our group before we begin HM progression.
    Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.

    Mail me in game!
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Aionna

    I would like to join your guild. I play a templar healer and would like to progress in-game and conquer harder content.
    You can find me @anioan.

  • Marabornwingrion
    Hi @Praeficere!

    I'm interested in joining your guild. Currently I'm over 660CP and playing ESO since a year. I have experience in Craglorn trials, but still I was looking for a friendly, relaxed, mature and helpful guild to help me learn vMoL and get better with time :)

    All my characters are damage dealers. My main is magicka nightblade, but recently I'm using her not very often since ZOS nerfed nightblades hard... Currently I'm running trials and dungeons as magicka templar, I also have stamina sorcerer but I'm using her for vMA mostly. Soon to my "collection" will join magicka dragonknight and magicka sorcerer, so I can bring to trial whoever raid leader will need :) My magicka characters are wearing 5 x burning spellweave, 2x grothdarr/ilambris, 3-4x moondancer (from nMoL). Gear upgraded to gold.

    My in-game userid is @Helvete999. :)
  • Praeficere
    We're recruiting again!

    The core-group is now our sole focus, making steady progress in vHoF. There are currently two vacancies in the group:
    • One DD to be trial'd immediately (seeing how you fit in over a few raids)
    • One Tank to join come the end of next week (14th)

    Experience is welcome, however it is a small part to joining our group. Potential, attitude and commitment to improvement are highly valued, expecting you to perform at a raid-ready level given mentoring.

    Those applying should be knowledgeable of their individual classes. For those without progression experience, you should still be capable of pulling individual DPS on-par with those who are.

    As ever, we strive for a positive atmosphere, you'll soon feel at home with Resolute.

    Mail me in-game or on the forums, to your convenience!
    Edited by Praeficere on July 7, 2017 7:36PM
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Praeficere
    Following the above, we are looking for:
    • One DD for Mondays and Saturdays
    • One Tank to join us on each raid night
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • Jotunhiemr
    Hello I am Raven!

    I have been looking for a stable trail guild for ages so hopefully you are still looking for people. I am cp capped and my main trails characters are a dk tank kitted in ebon and alkosh and a mag sorc with necro and moondancer with ilambris. (I have loads of other character but those are my trails go to) I have also just made a warden tank who I am trying automated defense/ ebon on I think. I have completed VDSA, VAA, VHel Ra, VSO and VMoL as well as nHoF (on both characters) as I have not had a trail guild to try VHoF with. Been playing for over 2 years and I am a committed and loyal player willing to listen. Currently I only do a raid on Fridays with my own guild (fun social raids) and then play d&d on thursday (also monday but not until 11pm uk time). So free to raid so long as I am not working.

    I hope to speak to you ingame as I would love to have a proper raid guild again as my past luck with them hasn't been very lucky in finding ones that don't just give up sadly :/ If you think I am worthy (or not) let me know! I am @RavenRanger ingame if you need to find me. Hope to here from you!
    Edited by Jotunhiemr on July 15, 2017 3:44PM
  • Praeficere
    Talented players of all roles are encouraged to apply throughout the week in preparation for vHoF progression of the following week around an experienced core.

    Edited by Praeficere on May 18, 2018 2:01PM
    Though the shadow has moved not,
    A thousand miles I’ve passed –
    Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.

    Are you Resolute?
    PC EU Progression Guild
  • quake89
    Hey you guys still recruiting ?
    PC -EU
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