Update: 10/05/2023
Recruitment is open as we reform after four years to tackle the recent trials. Currently searching for DDs join an established group, with current focus on Rockgrove/KA HM progression until the next patch. Raiding this Sunday (14th) 20:30 CEST and each Saturday 20:30 CEST afterwards.
This would be a good opportunity with players who believe they have potential to gain experience while we work our way up to various titles. Message ingame or on Discord (Praeficere#0001). We are looking to start raiding again within the month and raid days are still undecided, however we will start once a week while we work out the kinks. All classes and applications considered.

A reformed raiding guild originally starting in 2016 , Resolute aims to conquer the challenges in ESO while maintaining a forward thinking and positive atmosphere. We've completed all Trials in HM pre-Cloudrest alongside Immortal Redeemer, and are looking to progress on all raid Titles.
About us
We are a diverse group of seasoned players who have experienced what ESO has to offer over the years, be it PvE or PvP in numerous forms. Our short-term focus is on building a team to meet the hardest endgame PvE content. In time, we aim to open the guild to teach newer players and further our team to more aspects of the game. We are looking for those who share our goals and are late-night players like us. Experience is welcome, however it is a small part to joining our group. Potential, attitude and commitment to improvement are highly valued, expecting you to perform at a raid-ready level given mentoring.
Those applying should be knowledgeable of their individual classes. For those without progression experience, you should still be capable of pulling individual DPS on-par with those who are.
As ever, we strive for a positive atmosphere, you'll soon feel at home with Resolute.
- Reasonable amount of CP
- Experience of all endgame content is not required although you should be familiar with your role and be prepared to adapt
Core raid nights (20:30 CEST)
If you are interested in joining or wish to find out more, leave a comment here or mail in game (
Are you Resolute?
Edited by Praeficere on May 10, 2023 1:22PM Though the shadow has moved not,
A thousand miles I’ve passed –
Ageless as the mountains but forgetting not the past.
Are you Resolute?
PC EU Progression Guild