Ok...I rarely post to any forums and stay out of online discussions/complaints/arguments, and I also realize that I'm beating a dead horse here, but this has just become ridiculous. At what point is enough, enough?
I, unfortunately, am one of the people who is all too familiar with the ever-shadowing burden of "tech-debt", and I have witnessed how quickly and easily one can be consumed by it, and the resulting consequences of underlying tech-debt. I am a Product Manager for a tech company in Silicon Valley, and lead a team of engineers in R&D for our product. I have also spent a lot of time researching problems that many companies face, and what's the common factor shared between most failures in the tech realm? TECH DEBT
If you're reading this and not familiar with the term, tech debt; it is the 'debt' accrued by the development and engineering teams for their product or software, that accumulates when underlying issues, bugs and end-user feedback is ignored. This debt can accumulate to the point that a company or product cannot recover, even if all new R&D ceases and 100% of budget and workforce is focused on remediating current tech-debt. Sometimes, it's too much and a product is consumed and drowns before the issues are even acknowledged.
I am just a casual gamer who plays when I can, and I know that I lack a lot of the experience and knowledge that most in this forum have. So, I am not trying to debate or get into any in-game discussions, and would only like to provide feedback to the ESO team in hopes to bring awareness to the critical issues that the team will soon face. The fact is, you're massively in tech-debt on the Playstation platform. I know that there are a lot of hardware-based obstacles that you may face with gaming platforms other than a PC, but nonetheless, you owe your customers truthful updates as this is due-diligence from the product supplier.
I see countless excuses from the ZOS team about hardware obstacles, server obstacles and other obstacles, but have yet to see an excuse that the team has taken ownership of. Do you know how much respect you could gain from your customers by just saying, "Here is the issue...We are responsible for the issue in one way or another, and we are working to resolve ASAP."? Something that simple can make such a difference. However, all I ever see is complaint after complaint, countless cases of constructive criticism and feedback, but either a 'blanket' response or excuse blaming another party. Is this how you want your end-users to view your company?
That said, I can probably consolidate all of the current and ongoing issues and problems into a single root cause; And yes, this may be an ignorant statement, as I do not know the truth behind everything. However, it wouldn't be an ignorant statement if we actually did receive truthful and intuitive feedback from ZOS.
I'm going to guess that the bulk of the project budget for ESO, as well as administrative and support budgets, were diminished long ago. Thus, resulting in a depleted engineering focus on tech-debt and a more prominent focus on new development and ways to obtain additional ARR with the game. Again, this is an ignorant statement and only an educated guess on my part. However, looking at ZOS on Glassdoor, it appears as if it could be a true statement. Your engineering retainage and all-around employee retainage is surprisingly low, and the same feedback seems to replicate itself - Upper Management politics and gapp'ing...in case you aren't aware, this ultimately leads to failure within a company if not resolved.
So, if any of the above is true, I would suspect that with no management/maintenance budget, the only logical thing to do in terms of revenue is to add additional services, features and content to generate additional ARR. Though that's pretty much every company's goal, it's done strategically and with a working product. To bring some illustration to that point, it's like putting 22" rims, custom audio, and new paint on a car with a broken motor...at the end of the day, you have a car with all of the new and attractive accessories, but it still doesnt run.
I really hate to be that guy who posts such critical feedback, but I can promise you that brand-loyalty will only get you so far. Yes, we may all love the Elder Scrolls franchise, but if people can't play it, then they will move on. That is a fact. I would be interested to know, what is your current churn-rate for new players? What is your churn-rate for existing players prior to 1/1/16? I assure you that no matter how big of a fan of Elder Scrolls I am, I wouldn't play this game if I picked it up and started playing today. It's almost miserable, yet hard to give up because of how much we are invested. I think there are a lot of people that feel this way.
But hell, maybe we are the losers here. We consistently bring you additional monthly ARR for ESO Plus, buy loads of Crowns and keep playing a game that doesn't work. Hell, it sounds like you have it figured out and I need to be learning from you. However, I do understand what it's like to receive positive and negative feedback on a product that you pour your work and life into and you must adapt, listen and change in order to be successful. So, take this criticism and use it. Let it make you angry and prove it wrong. Just don't ignore it. You have a broken game and you owe it to your customers to fix it.