My buddy just told me about it he has a screenshot of it.Its terrible I can't believe this is allow.ZOs and Microsoft should ban these people .
Panda_iMunch wrote: »The concept of dark humor eludes you, does it not?
Even if you don't like it, taking great offense to jokes only serves them in making them more potent, and more impactful to those who legitimately hold real malice views.
I don't care about being able to ignore them they shouldn't be able to keep playing the game.UltimaJoe777 wrote: »My buddy just told me about it he has a screenshot of it.Its terrible I can't believe this is allow.ZOs and Microsoft should ban these people .
If they report these actions to Microsoft then some action can very well be taken. Hard to ignore people when using Voice Chat...
On a positive note, hang in there for 3 more days OP. I'm sure Text Chat will have good ignore features!
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Racism is NOT dark humor... Dark humor is making fun of death and depression and stuff.
Panda_iMunch wrote: »UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Racism is NOT dark humor... Dark humor is making fun of death and depression and stuff.
Let me Google it for you:
"A black comedy (or dark comedy) is a comic work that makes light of serious, disturbing, and / or taboo subject matter."
Seeing as racism is a serious and taboo subject, any jokes about it would be classified as dark humor. If you want your little safe space to be intact, just ignore them and live your life.
I don't care about being able to ignore them they shouldn't be able to keep playing the game.UltimaJoe777 wrote: »My buddy just told me about it he has a screenshot of it.Its terrible I can't believe this is allow.ZOs and Microsoft should ban these people .
If they report these actions to Microsoft then some action can very well be taken. Hard to ignore people when using Voice Chat...
On a positive note, hang in there for 3 more days OP. I'm sure Text Chat will have good ignore features!
Panda_iMunch wrote: »UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Racism is NOT dark humor... Dark humor is making fun of death and depression and stuff.
Let me Google it for you:
"A black comedy (or dark comedy) is a comic work that makes light of serious, disturbing, and / or taboo subject matter."
Seeing as racism is a serious and taboo subject, any jokes about it would be classified as dark humor. If you want your little safe space to be intact, just ignore them and live your life.
Not condoning anything but why not just mute and report them? There really isn't more you can do besides that. It is unfortunate that people act like that but I would just mute / report and move on, eventually you will have all the bad apples muted and won't have to worry about it. As far as simply reporting them without having any sort of evidence to back it up, I hope you understand why they can do very little with that.
If just reporting people could cause action to be taken on said persons account this could be very easily abused causing innocent people to suffer consequences. I play on xbox as well and from time to time I hear ignorant people saying ignorant things but not very often. Maybe you play in different alliance or are just unlucky to be around this that often.
Also to the person saying that if a dev was of African decent then this would have probably been taken care of is a little bit of a racist statement don't you think? Maybe they just don't have someone sitting in every instance of every town on every server just to listen to area chat. Not to mention that I am sure countless people have been muted and restrictions placed on them for such actions. To expect them to be able to completely stop all racist or derogatory comments is a little nieve. (Last paragraph not meant for op)
Beat of luck to you.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »Not condoning anything but why not just mute and report them? There really isn't more you can do besides that. It is unfortunate that people act like that but I would just mute / report and move on, eventually you will have all the bad apples muted and won't have to worry about it. As far as simply reporting them without having any sort of evidence to back it up, I hope you understand why they can do very little with that.
If just reporting people could cause action to be taken on said persons account this could be very easily abused causing innocent people to suffer consequences. I play on xbox as well and from time to time I hear ignorant people saying ignorant things but not very often. Maybe you play in different alliance or are just unlucky to be around this that often.
Also to the person saying that if a dev was of African decent then this would have probably been taken care of is a little bit of a racist statement don't you think? Maybe they just don't have someone sitting in every instance of every town on every server just to listen to area chat. Not to mention that I am sure countless people have been muted and restrictions placed on them for such actions. To expect them to be able to completely stop all racist or derogatory comments is a little nieve. (Last paragraph not meant for op)
Beat of luck to you.
If only it were that simple. If OP has voice chat ON in Rawl'kha he is clearing attempting or actually is conducting business, and jackasses like those racist pricks can really mess with that. It's a prime reason why people dislike voice chat.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Oh you poor misguided person you... There is so much wrong with what you say that it makes me pity you.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
So you were there doing it with them? Or just helped plan it?
puffytheslayer wrote: »were you able to record their actions? i know you cant record what they are saying very easily, (unless you turn the volume up on your tv & record it on a phone) but video evidence of them burning a cross would surley provide the evidence necessary for action to be taken... i would hope!
Panda_iMunch wrote: »UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Oh you poor misguided person you... There is so much wrong with what you say that it makes me pity you.
Besides this statement being incredibly petty and condescending, you failed to uphold any counter point.vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
So you were there doing it with them? Or just helped plan it?
I'm not even on the same platform as them, I just don't see the benefits at hitting yourself over the jokes of another.
Panda_iMunch wrote: »UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Oh you poor misguided person you... There is so much wrong with what you say that it makes me pity you.
Besides this statement being incredibly petty and condescending, you failed to uphold any counter point.vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
So you were there doing it with them? Or just helped plan it?
I'm not even on the same platform as them, I just don't see the benefits at hitting yourself over the jokes of another.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »Panda_iMunch wrote: »UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Oh you poor misguided person you... There is so much wrong with what you say that it makes me pity you.
Besides this statement being incredibly petty and condescending, you failed to uphold any counter point.vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
So you were there doing it with them? Or just helped plan it?
I'm not even on the same platform as them, I just don't see the benefits at hitting yourself over the jokes of another.
You want a counterpoint eh? Fine, have 3.
1. Saying racism is part of black comedy is racist in and of itself.
2. You have done nothing but condone racism thus far, thus making your argument here basically nothing but that: an argument against what OP is complaining about. Racism is NOT to be taken lightly as it is very controversial and offensive, and telling someone to not be sensative to it is a cop out.
3. Flat out using the N word in a racist manner or blatantly using the term "white" in reference to race is, sorry to say, NOT joking around. Unless you're into CRUDE humor, aka potty humor, which in and of itself is very frowned upon when it is offensive.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
You want a counterpoint eh? Fine, have 3.
1. Saying racism is part of black comedy is racist in and of itself.
2. You have done nothing but condone racism thus far, thus making your argument here basically nothing but that: an argument against what OP is complaining about. Racism is NOT to be taken lightly as it is very controversial and offensive, and telling someone to not be sensative to it is a cop out.
3. Flat out using the N word in a racist manner or blatantly using the term "white" in reference to race is, sorry to say, NOT joking around. Unless you're into CRUDE humor, aka potty humor, which in and of itself is very frowned upon when it is offensive.
As for taking my post as condescension that sounds like a personal problem if that is how you take pity.
Not condoning anything but why not just mute and report them? There really isn't more you can do besides that. It is unfortunate that people act like that but I would just mute / report and move on, eventually you will have all the bad apples muted and won't have to worry about it. As far as simply reporting them without having any sort of evidence to back it up, I hope you understand why they can do very little with that.
If just reporting people could cause action to be taken on said persons account this could be very easily abused causing innocent people to suffer consequences. I play on xbox as well and from time to time I hear ignorant people saying ignorant things but not very often. Maybe you play in different alliance or are just unlucky to be around this that often.
Also to the person saying that if a dev was of African decent then this would have probably been taken care of is a little bit of a racist statement don't you think? Maybe they just don't have someone sitting in every instance of every town on every server just to listen to area chat. Not to mention that I am sure countless people have been muted and restrictions placed on them for such actions. To expect them to be able to completely stop all racist or derogatory comments is a little nieve. (Last paragraph not meant for op)
Beat of luck to you.