Lets say youre soloing IC. You end up fighting a group of 3 ppl from other faction. You kill 1 or 2 and is left fighting the last 1, 20 seconds go by and the other 2 will have had time to respawn and rejoin the fight. If you end up killing 1 or 2 again, you will be left in an endless loop of ppl rejoining the fight. Hell even if you manage to kill all 3 they will likely be back at that location trying/or succeeding in finding you again. A faction owning a district will ofcourse be able to rejoin the fight that much sooner, even with 10s cooldown, but it doesnt take long to respawn in the sewers and take the ladder back up.
Sewers was a great place to pvp/gank/small scale and whatnot, but now its basicly left barron because theres hardly any reason for people to go there. You earn much less telvar down there so people only go there for fighting the middle event. This dungeon was a great place to solo or duo mostly because you hardly ever had to fight ppl over and over again, it takes a much longer time (and therefore punishes death more) to get back to the place you fell.
I sure hope these issues (imo) are worked upon more.
Feel free to agree/disagree, please elaborate.
PvP only