4 weeks and still no awnser from zos


Now im not one to get upset but now im rather (beep). I was able to let go that i never got a tiger mount for playing pc (funny enough i was actually a tester) and ill let go that i didn't get coins for a long long period of time. But its been two weeks now and i have still have no in game voice chat. Its not an issue with my server as i have party chat, did all the trouble shooting and still nothing contacted telstra and its all fine. Xbox have even given me a reference number to tell you guys that its not their end.

Told fixed after next patch....that was last Wednesday and i still have no chat surprise surprise.. I have been playing this game a very long time like i said i tested it when we could only play auridon to lvl 15. Have pumped an incredible amount of actual money into this game via coins and ESO plus and still this isn't fixed. Dont say your going to fix some thing when you are not. Or at least give me a decent time limit. So (beep) angry that i cant chat to my guild or do actual runs with them. Maybe i should ask for my damn tiger mount and coins now....please fix this ASAP!

Well its been 4 weeks and still 2 generic awnsers from zos but no actually resolve....so i jus had to pay 15 bucks for a damn name change and look its working i have all my chat back, stuff the fact i lost my gt that everyone knows me for. No tiger mount no coins and now no gt and still no appology from zos when its clearly an ESO account issue....get your *** together guys for real.
  • Balibe
    Told fixed after next patch....that was last Wednesday and i still have no chat surprise surprise
    There was no patch or update last Wednesday for the XB1, I believe is was only a maintenance .....

    The next update that is scheduled for the XB1 is next week, Tuesday August 16th .....

  • Zeddakis
    ZOS doesn't do apologies.
  • PlaceboSoul
    They don't do compensation either. That's why they distance themselves from their own finances, Microsoft handles all of it. Ask about refunds at ZOS, they steer you to Microsoft, Microsoft doesn't have enough details to reimburse anything. It's despicable, but a large part of me has to respect the ploy.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • AngeISky
    Try this
    It may fix it.. Not guaranteed.. Since it ONLY works with the "Headset audio bug" So FAR.

    But let me know if it works for your headset bug as well..
    ~ AngeiSky
    Edited by AngeISky on August 13, 2016 6:29PM
    ~ AngeiSky

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