You can now just either get the quest to go to the zone or go to the zone via wayshrine! No need for additional purchases or anything in the Crown Store!
Edited by Recremen on August 10, 2016 3:22PM
Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
Go to a wayshrine. In the list of locations you should now see Wrothgar, Gold Coast and Hew's Bane. You get a starter wayshrine for each location.
Also, you will get new quest markers, asking you to travel to Wrothgar, or talk to the thief Quen (in a thieves hideout), or go to the Gold Coast and kill a stranger...
Yes, this will always show as purchasable as long as you don't have bought it - but you do not need to buy them as ESO+ member, you have access to all of them for as long as your ESO+ membership is active.
Orsinium is started in a different way - go to a city and a messenger will walk up to you saying "you have no idea for how long I've been looking for you" - talk to her.
Quest for TG and DB are in any outlaws refuge. The quest for Orsinium is outside the first major city, so for AD it would be Vulkel Guard in Auridon. IC is in Cyrodiil.
Quest for TG and DB are in any outlaws refuge. The quest for Orsinium is outside the first major city, so for AD it would be Vulkel Guard in Auridon. IC is in Cyrodiil.
TG and DB can as well be started by teleporting to that area via wayshrine - Quen is waiting at the arrival point and the one from the DB (her name just does not come to my mind) is waiting at the Anvil docks near the waterline.