Hi all.
First post here, i am actually quite annoyed by the last update concerning the potency runes loot.
I actually didn't get it at first. I had stopped playing for a while and came back to the game not too long ago. Yesterday, since my main character was getting close to cp 70, i crafted an new armor and weapons and went to search for some missing potency runes. But try as I may, i could only find some lvl 4 and 7 potency runes wherever i was searching. Very frustrated, it took me a while to find in the many update notes what was the reason for that: my character not being yet cp 70, half of the looted runes where lvl 7 (up to cp 60) and the other half was lvl 4 which is my enchanting skill lvl. And basically, i realized that there was just no way for me to farm what i was searching for.
So OK, i get that you can buy them from vendors, which doesn't thrills me that much but, why making the looting of them so damn dysfunctional and, worse as i am concerned, so different from the other materials? you can go get yourself some cloth, metal, water and fur if you need, at any lvl you can get the stuff to cook for any lvl, but enchanting is now different? why?
The fact that you had to go to the zone with the mobs level corresponding the the level of the gear you intended to make always sounded logical to me, there was this idea that you could actually risk yourself in a zone that was far above your level if you intended to do something in advance or for someone else which was quite thrilling, having to avoid monsters because fighting them was out of the question, and there was the kind of nostalgic feeling of going back to low level places if you wanted to craft some low level stuff.
Nothing like that now, you can actually loot some lvl 10 potency runes even if you go back to kenarthi as an aldmeri. Not only is it weird and different from the other crafting skills but it makes it impossible some times to go farming for stuff in advance since the potency runes will be looted only if you have the correct lvl or enchanting skill for that, and very often impossible to go farming for someone else, be it your guild mates, your friends or even another of your characters. Basically, except if i manage with all my character be it by their actual lvl or by their enchanting skill points in potency runes to cover the 10 different lvl of existing runes, there are some that i can just never loot, does that sound logical for someone whose main trade and pleasure inthis game is crafting for others?
Wasn't there something about being able to craft everything without having to buy anything when the game was released? That is no longer true.
Well, to make a long story short, i really don't like the new mechanics of the potency runes loot. Am i the only one, that's what i am wondering about.