For some strange reason – it seems really hard to accurately judge player numbers and time spent in Cyrodiil. But, I’ll try to be as accurate as possible.
So, I’m AD and I’m camped out in the Blue Road Mine Tower. EP owns the keep and has numbers – lot’s of them.
There was an off and on attempt to siege the keep, but EP was able to squash those attempts fairly easily.
After about the third or fourth time we get pushed back inside the mine Tower - there’s about 15 to 20 AD left. I watched in disbelief for almost an hour or so as EP player after EP player kept walking through the door.
For around the first half hour it was like shooting fish in a barrel (who’d would have ever thought that would be soooo much fun ).
After another 10 minutes or so things started to get much more challenging. Learned a big lesson that setting up and firing your siege on the bottom floor while your Tower is coming down piece by piece – isn’t really the smartest strategy (it took me a little while to realize that my siege was not only wiping out enemy players, but, also the quickly disintegrating Tower I was trying to defend).
Another 10 minutes or so and we’re barely hanging on. I’ve run out of soul gems to resurrect folks, plus, it seemed like there were now less than 10 AD or so still in the Tower (after so much time I was starting to lose a little interest in the battle myself). A few EP had made it to the second floor (the third floor was long gone) and were starting to get the upper hand. Another 5 minutes or so and we were all gone.
What kind of weirded me out a bit was that you could see that there were plenty of players looking inside the windows – and, yet for the first 30 minutes there was no prayer of an enemy player coming in that door and surviving.
Don’t get me wrong – I’ve walked into that door (and stepped into a kill zone) more than once myself. But for about a long time now I’ll check in the window – count heads inside and out, see how many people are standing by the door and dependent on the character I’m playing I’ll step in and take a chance at making it upstairs (for some reason my Templars always makes me feel way more confident in defending myself than what I really should feel; I get this crazy thought that I can “streak” by everyone with my sorcerer and “cloak” my way through with my nightblades. It doesn’t always work out so well for me either).
Still, after watching a parade of lemmings jumping off a cliff for a solid half hour it really makes me wonder - Why do they keep coming through the door?
PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place