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Why do they keep coming through the door?

For some strange reason – it seems really hard to accurately judge player numbers and time spent in Cyrodiil. But, I’ll try to be as accurate as possible.
So, I’m AD and I’m camped out in the Blue Road Mine Tower. EP owns the keep and has numbers – lot’s of them.
There was an off and on attempt to siege the keep, but EP was able to squash those attempts fairly easily.
After about the third or fourth time we get pushed back inside the mine Tower - there’s about 15 to 20 AD left. I watched in disbelief for almost an hour or so as EP player after EP player kept walking through the door.
For around the first half hour it was like shooting fish in a barrel (who’d would have ever thought that would be soooo much fun ).
After another 10 minutes or so things started to get much more challenging. Learned a big lesson that setting up and firing your siege on the bottom floor while your Tower is coming down piece by piece – isn’t really the smartest strategy (it took me a little while to realize that my siege was not only wiping out enemy players, but, also the quickly disintegrating Tower I was trying to defend).
Another 10 minutes or so and we’re barely hanging on. I’ve run out of soul gems to resurrect folks, plus, it seemed like there were now less than 10 AD or so still in the Tower (after so much time I was starting to lose a little interest in the battle myself). A few EP had made it to the second floor (the third floor was long gone) and were starting to get the upper hand. Another 5 minutes or so and we were all gone.
What kind of weirded me out a bit was that you could see that there were plenty of players looking inside the windows – and, yet for the first 30 minutes there was no prayer of an enemy player coming in that door and surviving.
Don’t get me wrong – I’ve walked into that door (and stepped into a kill zone) more than once myself. But for about a long time now I’ll check in the window – count heads inside and out, see how many people are standing by the door and dependent on the character I’m playing I’ll step in and take a chance at making it upstairs (for some reason my Templars always makes me feel way more confident in defending myself than what I really should feel; I get this crazy thought that I can “streak” by everyone with my sorcerer and “cloak” my way through with my nightblades. It doesn’t always work out so well for me either).
Still, after watching a parade of lemmings jumping off a cliff for a solid half hour it really makes me wonder - Why do they keep coming through the door?
PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Waffennacht
    Cuz it's really really boring to wait outside
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • SleepyTroll
    Tunnel vision, revenge, insanity, chalange,anger, probably other reasons to.
  • geonsocal
    Crazy enough sleepytroll I think you may be right...when I see a bunch of enemy players hold up in a tower with decent (10 or so) numbers I'll usually move on and find a better fight...but, if I'm after someone in that tower - or, if the group inside just killed me - I am much more likely to have an emotional response and despite my better judgement head right on in...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Cryptical
    Because if they walked away, that mine would be yours again in less than 30 seconds.

    You shortened it by using your siege. If it weren't for you, you could have held that tower forever. They can't siege their own tower, that was all you.
    Xbox NA
  • Armitas
    There is an actual psychological condition that causes people and animals to individually under perform when they have more support than is necessary for a task. That is why they are called potato zergs. A huge mass of people mentally dumbed down, mashing buttons and feeding AP. They feel good about it once they win, but they accomplished nothing but making less of themselves.
    Nord mDK
  • geonsocal
    That's a very interesting thought basic understanding of game mechanics is that you can't damage the walls of keeps/resources that you control...

    I know though I've seen a lot of Towers come tumbling down - how is that possible then?

    Fortunately I wasn't acting crazy for too long - someone did come over and emote: no, I got what they were saying pretty quick...I gotta be honest though - doing some close range, direct fire damage with my fire ballista felt sooooooo good >:)

    What makes holding a tower challenging is the folks on the second floor standing to close to the edge and letting the dragonknights come in...I'm pretty sure there are no nearby rock structures next to the blue road mine tower to allow people to jump their horse inside, and, the first half dozen enemies in the tower came from upstairs...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • antihero727
    There is a way around this. Don't ask why the keep coming just say thanks for the AP.
    Veldrn-AD Magica Sorc
    Bizarro Veldrn-AD Stam Sorc
    Antiherro-AD Stam DK
    Antihero-AD Magplar
    Aww Crit-AD Magblade
    AD Since PC beta
    On A lag free vacation
    for the near and far future
  • Bromburak
    Why do they keep coming through the door?

    Because windows are closed and climbing is not possible. ;)
  • yodased
    The reason is a personal bias that we are better than we are and that this time will be different for whatever reason.

    The issue with the tower farm is the .5-.75 second (if you are lucky) of time you cant react while the door is loading open.

    They keep coming in because they want to be the hero and they figure that its like open world pvp where if they keep throwing themselves at you, eventually you will wear down.

    What they don't understand is the logic of the game is on the farmers side, not the farmed.

    It's just base level misunderstanding of how the game mechanics works within resource towers by newer players
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Sygil05
    Look at it from their standpoint:

    They know there's a decent size group in that tower. If no other group is attacking Blue Road Keep, there's not much for them to do in that area besides heckle you. The moment they travel to some other place, the group you're with is going to come out of the tower and siege Blue Road. Plus, if it's timed right, enough people can get through to make it upstairs to cause trouble and split the defending forces (which is usually how these things end).

    Of course, this can all be prevented if EP weren't full of idiots (this, coming from an EP player) that rush the flag to take the tower, giving no thought to how they're going to dislodge the 20 enemies that just ran inside. The upside to this is that it can be pretty fun holding one of the towers against a horde of enemies, but for someone on the outside, it might be one of the most boring things in this game.
  • Lord_Draevan
    I can imagine what was happening outside:
    A bunch of EP yelling "GET OFF THE FLAG! Take down the tower before capturing the mine!" But you had 2-3 EP standing on the flag all like...


    ... and refusing to get off the flags. I usually go somewhere else when that happens, not much point in getting farmed.
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on August 10, 2016 6:12PM
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • geonsocal
    I'm a pretty old dude...been hooked on gaming since zelda first came out...up until now though I've only really played single player games, some co-op stuff like left for dead (what a great game that was) but except for a little online COD no real mmo's...

    What has really grabbed me with eso pvp is the nature of randomness and unscripted gameplay...yeah sure, it can get pretty repetitive (as much as I love pouring oil over folks - standing over one of the side doors at an outpost pouring oil for 20 minutes can get a little tiresome)...

    almost every time I play I see something a little different or interesting (like with the mine tower)... I can't tell you just how good it felt to finally figure out how to use my emotes to get people to not kill me while doing quests in cyrodiil (it seems the magic number for that is 3 - if there are 3 or more in a group - you're pretty much guaranteed someone will light you up)...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Waffennacht
    @geonsocal I finally broke down, even on my "evil" character I can no longer bring myself to kill people like you. - I really don't like how it feels to kill someone when they didn't even put up a fight. A good battle is so much more rewarding.

    And for the tower...

    Lmao. i run in and die all the time. Usually there is NOTHING else going on - everyone iz there. So i just run in, hope to streak up the stairs, and back off the balcony. And hey, sometimes a few people chase me off the ledge, most times I just die, but it's far more entertaining than waiting for that trebuchet to reload
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • geonsocal
    Howdy waffennacht...thanks, cuz sometimes I just want to do quests in cyrodiil...I'll even get a little crazy and go on farming spree for awhile...

    I was in IC the other day doing some book quest when I bumped into someone else sneaking around by themselves...I think they had some ID like 'one shot one kill' or something - I should have known better, but before I could even get up my hello they had me down to about 70% health...I did spend a little time looking for them after I released >:)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Silver_Strider
    I do it because
    1) There is no other entrance
    2) Considering that the bulk of the alliance is there, going to do something productive (such as sieging another keep, etc.) will usually result in me getting steamrolled by the 20+ NB gankers camping outside the keep with no real support coming any time soon.
    3) I love cramped towers with my NBSap tank; too easy to just never die in there and considering it can take quite a lot of
    effort by the enemy team to kill me when I'm tanking, more and more teammates can squeeze thru practically ensuring we'll wipe the enemies before too long. That's tons of AP me considering all the off healing I'm giving off as well as anyone that dies within the tower.
    Edited by Silver_Strider on August 11, 2016 11:10PM
    Argonian forever
  • geonsocal
    @Silver_Strider ...did you say your a NB tank? I had to look that one up - that's pretty interesting...I have a buddy who NB's in heavy and siphons all the time (I had thought it was a little weird, but I'm starting to get it now)...never really considered standing in the thick of things before with my NB ...

    although I've been in cyrodiil for almost a year now...still a lot to learn...I'm not too crazy about mic'ing up, so, the only way I'm really learning is through the forums...

    it's only been fairly recently that I've noticed just how much AP you can earn by healing...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Cryptical
    geonsocal wrote: »
    That's a very interesting thought basic understanding of game mechanics is that you can't damage the walls of keeps/resources that you control...

    I know though I've seen a lot of Towers come tumbling down - how is that possible then?

    Fortunately I wasn't acting crazy for too long - someone did come over and emote: no, I got what they were saying pretty quick...I gotta be honest though - doing some close range, direct fire damage with my fire ballista felt sooooooo good >:)

    What makes holding a tower challenging is the folks on the second floor standing to close to the edge and letting the dragonknights come in...I'm pretty sure there are no nearby rock structures next to the blue road mine tower to allow people to jump their horse inside, and, the first half dozen enemies in the tower came from upstairs...

    You ask, How is that possible? Don't know what you saw, or if you thought at the time to verify anything. So can't comment or offer anything.

    It's a challenge because of nearing the 2nd floor edges? Nope. A good size group holding the tower is not challenging if you stay away from the edge. Stay off the edge, 2nd and third floor because I've javelined people at the edge at the top, and nobody can gap close up to you. Something I really enjoy doing, drill you from the side with a javelin to the head so you get knocked off. :D Put a camp up top before the flag flips and you can rez there, even get reinforcements! Some of your alliance buddies suicide charge the resource and either take it back, or dies within the camp's area of coverage and VOILA you've got more defenders than you started with! Don't forget to repair the camp, you guys can last there for hours rezzing at a keep to purchase gems and siege repair and stuff and suicide-respawning inside the tower.

    This tower camping really is broken. Just because nobody has fully utilized strategies doesn't mean it isn't a broken mechanic.
    Edited by Cryptical on August 12, 2016 1:48AM
    Xbox NA
  • geonsocal
    hey @Cryptical...I've been in the game for a little over a year, a couple of months ago I finally figured out that most of my research on the game kept leading me to the forums...

    after reading a lot of the input here I've come to the conclusion that I've been zoning out a lot while playing (it's kinda my after work, drink a beer, whatever, chill)...seriously for a while I thought I had things pretty well worked out (too much time playing in the arena district in old IC)...

    someone here (@starkerealm) helped me figure out I was cutting the animation (on ps4, we have to hold triangle and circle) short on my devour for the ww...made a big difference...

    yeah so, maybe I'm somewhere sitting in like the lower 80 percentile of eso game players (although how can you really measure fun B) )...

    I had noticed being able to repair the camps when I rez'd there...I'm not sure though if it increases the number of spawns - 20 I think...

    the knockdown moves are some of my favorite abilities...they freak some folks out a little bit >:)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
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