not received crowns

Eso plus subsciber, yet letting it lapse due to money getting a bit tight for the next couple of months so bought some crowns to get some of the dlc i havent already got, bought saturday night 8.30 uk time, and charged my paypal, but nothing been received, submitted ticket 160806-002175 and had no response to that either.
Twitter chap just says send ticket, and no response on facebook, just would really like to know whats happening and when im going to get the item i paid for.
Not had to buy crowns before as got them in my plus sub, but this makes me not want to buy any more after this :(
  • unbiased99
    dont know if related but after no response for four days i submitted another ticket, and was answered and sorted in an hour,
    was there a problem with the ticket system on saturday also?
    if anyone having same thing may be worth trying
  • Mercutio
    Thanks, I will try submitting another ticket because mine has yet to be answered.
    The problem with arguing with a jackass is that they never stop braying.
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