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Future Camel mounts

Seeing that they're adding a new bear mount at the end of August, I'm once agian filled with hope that we might see another limited Camel mount some time in the future.

However, I do have some concernes regarding the so far only datamined camel that we have yet to see in the stores, the Zeht's Cloud Camel.


While I really do like this camel, I feel as if the colour scheme might a little too similar to the current regular camel, especially with the saddle having exactly the same textures. It's actually quiet hard to tell them appart when you see them lined up next to each other at the stables in Abah's Landing.

I really hope that if they do decide to eventually release the Zeht's Cloud Camel, they'll at least give it some unique saddle textures, at least if they're planing on selling it at the same price as the Camel of Ill Omen, which had a really cool leather saddle.

Is anyone else looking forward to future camel mounts? If yes, any idea what type of camels they could do?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on August 22, 2024 7:30PM
*Special Snowflake*

  • Elfbait
    I'd love to see more camel mounts. After the recent Crown sale, I bought the "basic" camel (and renamed her Peaches) in the Crown shop and have since become quite attached to her. That bouncy galumphing stride, that deep soulful gaze, that noxious glob of spit she casts in the direction of those who offend us. She's the best.

    I'd love to see an reissue of the Black Camel of Ill Omen, as I didn't get the chance to grab that one. However, I know the powers that be will probably not make that happen. Meanwhile, I agree with you about giving the Cloud Camel a more distinctive saddle- possible something starry in shades of blue, silver and grey? You know, more "cloud-like"? Anyway.
  • MarkusLiberty
    Yeah, I missed out on the Black Camel myself, which I truly regret. Maybe they'll resell it if they ever do a Thieves guild update, but I doubt it.

    I actually went ahead and made a quick recolour in photoshop, blue/white fabrick and darker leather for contrast. I think something as quick and simple as that makes a huge difference.


    I guess we won't know what they plan on doing with it until they officially announce it, but seeing as the new bear mount actually have a re-coloured saddle I think there's still good hope for the Cloud Camel :)
    Edited by MarkusLiberty on August 10, 2016 6:32PM
    *Special Snowflake*

  • Kemono
    What problem i have with Cloud Camel is: he is not really white.
    Like cmmon, white guar is white
    Polar bear is white
    White wolf and lion are both white (datamined mounts)

    Why on earth is this cammel so terrible colored? btw i think its "cream" colour or something close
    its not white for sure, and by white i mean i want it to be "snow white" like this

    For saddle -i would like it to be a "rich man//royal mount" (in game, not IRL ;D) that would fit *Merchant Lord's Formal Regalia* costume
    So something with metalic gold and maybe deep blue/purple tones.
    And saddle that look valuable, not so plain like "common folks camel"

    Right now Zeth camel look totally unimpresive and i doubt that i would purchase this mount in curent state (and i allready have both released camels)

    All 3 camel in game, shots taken in Hews bane stable

    Edited by Kemono on August 22, 2016 5:43PM
  • MarkusLiberty


    Oh wow, I wasn't even aware that camels could get that white. I totally want something like that.

    But I honestly wouldn't mind the current cream white either, as long as they give it a unique saddle. I can't see myself paying the typical 2500 crowns for a mount that has less unique features than the previous time-limited camel mount, and that despite really wanting a special camel.

    One thing that could be cool is having some ancient yokudan elements, like the saddle from the camel statue near the ruins in Hew's Bane.


    I know they don't typically remodel assets, but I'm sure a similar design could be achieved from simply retexturing the current saddle mesh.
    Edited by MarkusLiberty on August 25, 2016 11:34AM
    *Special Snowflake*

  • barbraanne
    Soul Shriven
    I want to see a double hump, 2 person camel mount, i think it would be great. The 2 person horse mounts are just uninteresting. The new moose mount was cool, but i am not into mooses.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    We have closed this topic as it was last active back in August 2016. In many cases, it's better to create a new thread on a topic that you want to discuss as opposed to bumping one that is rather old.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.