tl;dr Can we get an option to save our own presets to make altering your appearance with tokens less stressful. At the very least a feature similar to that found in the skyrim race menu mod
So I can't speak for everyone, but i've atleast found that the lighting in both the character creation creation and style parlour aren't helpful when it comes to picking colors that don't look odd the minute you step into the light.
The way around this at the moment is to make a new character see how it looks in game, rinse and repeat till you get it right and then finally buy an appearance token and fix your main. The whole process could made abit easier if we could save our own presets so that we can go back and tweak that one thing that was wrong, instead of fiddling with all the bars again only to forget that you've picked the wrong eye size or voice once you've used your token (I've done this v..v).
Ok I'm rambling, so back to the appearance preset point. I've seen it done pretty well in recent kmmorpgs like BananaAndSouls and AvocadoAge (wasn't sure if i was allowed to say names) but something like the save preset option in the race menu mod for skyrim would be just as good.
Anyways what do you guys think?
Edited by SleepsInShade on August 7, 2016 1:21AM