Hello, I wanted to have a dobut clarified about the utility in "midgame" and "endgame" of these World Skills and Guild Skills.
I play a Magicka Nightblade Saptank and wanted to understand how these skills could be of benefit to me, principly in higher levels...
1. Will I need any of these Mages Guild skills? I think the most promissing would be the ultimate and entropy but I think I have other skills that fill their roles;
2. The Fighters Guild is obviously stamina nightblades oriented, so it's probably futile to me (exept two or three passives);
3. Undaunted have good passives and some curious skills that I could use, but I don't think that these skills would be fitting in the build;
4. Soul Magic... it claims to have the best damage dealer ultimate, but it dosen't seem to be effective in PvE, and the soul trap is weak and I could use the passive to capture souls;
5. Vampire skills: all of the vampire skills are good for lower levels, but after level 45+ it seems to be weak for PvE and too clumsy, exept the ultimate, well, maybe the passives;
6. The Assault skills are all stamina exept the last (magicka detonation), but it seems weak;
7. The Support skills I don't know... are they good?
Glory for the Pact!