As DPS we are always trying to deal as much damage as possible and since now a lot of old sets got revamped after being re-scaled I was thinking what would be the "best" (non Maelstrom) setup for me.
Initially I thought about 5 Julianos, 4 Infallible Aether, 1 Molag Kena and 2 Torug's Pact or, at expense of some Spell Damage, 3 Willpower instead of 1 Molag Kena and 2 Torugs'.
However, being a Dunmer, someone told me a few days ago while in a trial, to get my hands in 5 pieces of Silks of the Sun and start using Valkyn Skoria again (which I stooped using in order to try a Molag Kena setup).
What would you say?
Edited by magnusthorek on August 5, 2016 7:52PM I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.