Just a couple of suggestions for qualify of life improvements.
Quick Cast Ground Abilities
It would be nice if there was a hybrid option that allowed you to quick cast by pressing the key, but to only cast when the key is released. While held, the targeting circle should be shown. In this way, you can hold the key to aim or just tap it to quick cast. I have suggested this before, and
someone was kind enough to make an addon for it based on my suggestion. It usually works well but it reacts oddly when you don't have your weapons out, and is prone to other odd behavior. An official solution would be better.
Locked Items
Ever since crafting bags came out, I have felt it isn't an inconvenience to have multiple gear sets in my inventory. Locking them makes it even better. The problem is the locked gear is always in the way of finding gear that isn't locked. I'd love to have the option to have locked items filtered to their own tab, just like the junk tab. As it stands, I have 32 locked pieces of gear mixed in. It's a bit of a mess.
EP: Slania Isara : Harambe Was an Inside Job