Bouldercleave wrote: »With Wow, you also have a *** game engine with *** poor cartoon graphics. I couldn't even play that POS past the 7 day free trial.
This business model appears to be working well for them. If client base starts to dwindle, rest assured that they will make adjustments.
It's their company, and their game. It lives and/or dies by their decisions.
Smasherx74 wrote: »Okay so personally I have bought 2 dlcs but that beside the point, what does ZOS plan to do for complete Vanilla players. How will they increase their play time after they've became emperor, played 100% of faction quests, done every dungeon, gotten every set piece for builds, so whats next?
Are we expected to run the same old *** over and over again lol? With WoW we had expansions every few years, there was a limitless supply of END GAME CONTENT. With eso we got JACK ***. So what does ZOS plan to do to keep it's returning players who don't pay for extra content? Will there ever be a single piece of free content ever again? Is this game 100% price gouging? That's as bad as pay to win imo. ZOS you'll lose numbers in the next few years if you don't give the non-subscribed/paid for content players something to work with. A single zone for each dlc, or just two dungeons isn't enough. You guys got to get with the picture, we need more content for returning players.
I have no idea about the statistics of this game, but I can safely assume within the next months there will be a decline of players if things continue as they are. Unplayable console content, and lack of vanilla content in general. It's cool to get a paycheck to buy your kids and the studio more toys, but how about actually giving a damn about your player base?
Smasherx74 wrote: »With WoW we had expansions every few years, there was a limitless supply of END GAME CONTENT. With eso we got JACK ***. So what does ZOS plan to do to keep it's returning players who don't pay for extra content? Will there ever be a single piece of free content ever again?
Smasherx74 wrote: »Okay so personally I have bought 2 dlcs but that beside the point, what does ZOS plan to do for complete Vanilla players. How will they increase their play time after they've became emperor, played 100% of faction quests, done every dungeon, gotten every set piece for builds, so whats next?
Are we expected to run the same old *** over and over again lol? With WoW we had expansions every few years, there was a limitless supply of END GAME CONTENT. With eso we got JACK ***. So what does ZOS plan to do to keep it's returning players who don't pay for extra content? Will there ever be a single piece of free content ever again? Is this game 100% price gouging? That's as bad as pay to win imo. ZOS you'll lose numbers in the next few years if you don't give the non-subscribed/paid for content players something to work with. A single zone for each dlc, or just two dungeons isn't enough. You guys got to get with the picture, we need more content for returning players.
I have no idea about the statistics of this game, but I can safely assume within the next months there will be a decline of players if things continue as they are. Unplayable console content, and lack of vanilla content in general. It's cool to get a paycheck to buy your kids and the studio more toys, but how about actually giving a damn about your player base?
Probably counting on you to impulse buy the costumes, pets, and mounts along with all the other junk in the crown store.
As a vanilla player myself, I've always wondered what's stopping people from subscribing to ESO Plus for a month and binging all the DLC content - not tried this because I'm cheap
I've read Orsinium advances the story a little, again i'm cheap and haven't bought it, but that should be free to keep players and incoming players interested like you suggest. Instead, we got Cadwell's Almanac, and yeah PvP can get old fast.
You would think enhancing the game every quarter or so would keep a steady stream of buyers from the vanilla only crowd, but maybe they really need that money from subscribers and DLC buyers to keep their jobs competitive, keeping the forum moderators and customer support from quitting, holiday bonuses, etc. Idk.
I suppose that's their marketing technique. They're gonna be dying to play the new content after a dry spell and will pay for it. Cha-Ching.
dennissomb16_ESO wrote: »I just assumed this was a troll post. Play ESO for free and complain that you don't get the same as WoW where you have to pay $15.00 monthly subscription and buy the expansions that come every 2 years. Go to the wow forums and read about the complaints of the people who run out of anything to do for a year when nothing new comes out between year 1 and the following year waiting for the next expansion.
VDSA, Sanctum ophidia, hel ra, Aetherian Archive => all base content and accessible without paying-> all endgame content at the moment since update 11 with endgame gear.... Your argument that there is no end game content for no subscribers is false, you just don't play the game...