BUG Widowmaker Set

Soul Shriven
As nobody seems to have noticed it yet, widowmaker set is bugged. It wont procc off of crafted poisons. Looted Cloudy poison proccs the AoE-Damage just fine, however when you use crafted poison the AoE won't go off. Fix please!
  • commanderkoalab14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Just confirming that this is definitely true. Tried my crafted poisons and absolutely no effects. Looted poisons do trigger it though.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks for the reports, guys. We're aware of this issue and working on it. :)
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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    Staff Post
  • HatTrick39
    Took me a day and a half to get a forum account set up but now I have it and I can provide some feedback on this.

    The Widowmaker set is behaving really strangely. The first two posters are not quite right in their assertion that it won't proc from crafted poisons. While it's true that some crafted poisons won't proc it, certain ones work just fine. Try a poison of vulnerability for example. It works fine.

    Some other crafted poisons work partially. I have a poison with the shorter duration DoT damage effect (no drain) and stamina drain and it will proc but it only procs from 1 of my skills (I'm DW and bow) and that is Whirling Blades in the DW line. NOTHING else will make that one proc, not even just light/heavy attacks. Additional weirdness is that with that poison equipped, Whirling Blades seems to ignore the 10 second cooldown on poisons as at one point I got 3 procs in 2 seconds from it. I don't know if that's related to the Widowmaker set or not but it doesn't seem right.

    Additionally the actual components used seem to make a difference in whether or not a poison will proc Widowmaker. One of my guildmates told me that he was able to get it to proc so, having already discovered that certain poisons work partially and others not at all, I asked him which ones he was using to test with. He told me Vulnerability was one and a 3 effect poison was the other. Well Vulnerability only has 1 combination as only 2 reagents have that effect so that one was easy to test. The other one he told me about revealed another oddity. I use the Potion Maker add on so I can just select effects for poisons/potions I want to make and the add on tells me what combos make it. That 3 effect poison he told me about had 4 or 5 different combos. I selected the one I had the most comps for and made it and it didn't work at all for me so I deduced from there that the ingredients you use makes a difference with this bug.

    Finally, as the first two posters have stated, there are many crafted poisons that won't proc Widowmaker at all. I haven't tried to compile a list of what will work yet and I don't know that I will attempt to as there are literally hundreds of possible combinations. I'd prefer this just get fixed, thanks :smile:
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