Grappling hooks or ladders would be nice. They'd need to place a warning symbol on the map though, else people would be crawling over unflagged keeps like ants. There'd be no security inside any keeps.
Do any new Seige mechanics make sense, those that I listed or some of your own? I only ask this as after two years it can get stale with the same keep mechanics. The game has matured a lot so...just maybe some of these could be worked in if the community thought some of them might be "Fun" If it's not fun then why bother. @Zos
- Climb Walls ability:
- Keep Bosses: Monxter Elites for Big Home Keeps to keep small group keep Ninja activity to a minimum.
- Moats: - Water with Elite Pirahna fishies
- Oil Field Seige deployable Area of effect (expensive cost) to be set on fire by air Fire projectiles
- Drawbridges: of course
- Trenches: strategically placed Defensively before battle and or Deployable Trenchs for Seigers. Some permanent seige trenche lines could make some smallscale battles in trenches fun.
- Murder Holes: Strategically placed in some areas...not everywhere.
- Tall Seige Wood Troop carriers Trojan Horse(cannot remember name) things that hold troops and slowly roll to keep wall where troops would disembark on the wall....basically add wheels to the stationary high stairs that are outside many of the keeps and wooden walls...susceptible to fire of course.
Do any new Seige mechanics make sense, those that I listed or some of your own? I only ask this as after two years it can get stale with the same keep mechanics. The game has matured a lot so...just maybe some of these could be worked in if the community thought some of them might be "Fun" If it's not fun then why bother. @Zos
- Climb Walls ability:
- Keep Bosses: Monxter Elites for Big Home Keeps to keep small group keep Ninja activity to a minimum.
- Moats: - Water with Elite Pirahna fishies
- Oil Field Seige deployable Area of effect (expensive cost) to be set on fire by air Fire projectiles
- Drawbridges: of course
- Trenches: strategically placed Defensively before battle and or Deployable Trenchs for Seigers. Some permanent seige trenche lines could make some smallscale battles in trenches fun.
- Murder Holes: Strategically placed in some areas...not everywhere.
- Tall Seige Wood Troop carriers Trojan Horse(cannot remember name) things that hold troops and slowly roll to keep wall where troops would disembark on the wall....basically add wheels to the stationary high stairs that are outside many of the keeps and wooden walls...susceptible to fire of course.
I like the oil on the ground idea. Would be cool for it to be lit by a fire ballista or that bow ability morph.
Not sure on keep bosses. An outnumbered team already has to deal with aoe caps and other game mechanics that benefit larger groups. The keep bosses could easily ruin any chance a smaller group has to take a position. However, if your goal is to weed out people sneaking in the keep as you said, zos could add the lookout npcs with torches. There could be a few that roam the walls/edges of the top inner floors and make it difficult for intruders to stick around.