Hope this helps.
As with all addon's they have to be updated when they no longer work due to game updates.
Also you may run out of LUA memory and get warning messages in game.
(Usually due to a lot of addon's or ones that take up amount of allocated LUA memory.
LUA memory can be adjusted manually there are posts about that and how to do manually, also a LUA manager on mentioned site does automatically.) Of course memory depends on amount you actually have and of game needs, OS, addon's and anything running on your PC.
Edited by giinoz2011rwb17_ESO on August 2, 2016 5:56AM
Download Minion to manage your mods, makes updating so much easier.
Is there a trick to getting it to find ESO when it has been installed from steam? I'm new to this game and tried to install it recently. It doesn't seem to find my game either automatically or when I browse to the folder.
My documents directory is NOT on c: if that makes a difference.