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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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IC: Capture the flag Feedback.

When the IC CTF feature was announced, I had mixed feelings and theories about what would happen. My first thought was "Finally, PvP gets SOMETHING." That thought was immediately followed by "Crap, now we will see massive Zergs coming to IC and flooding the flags."

Oh, boy did the zergs come. They came in wave after wave. 15+ man zergs, some running with 6 players using the broken Malubeth set PLUS 4-6 healers. All wanting to camp and control those flags for their boss and Molag farming. The new CTF in IC has been heart breaking for me and my friends especially. We prefer doing small scale PvP and for months, IC has been the place to do it. Now, the zerg infestation has basically made IC unplayable at peak hours for solo and small scale PvP main players.

The theme of this MMO is "Play how you want, just like the other TES games!".. Yes, you can small scale in IC, but you will find yourself getting steamrolled by massive groups, who also end up tbagging you thanks to their BoL/Ambush/Negate spamming groups.

The fact is you cannot play small group/solo anymore in IC. It's really frustrating and extremely disappointing that the one small bit of content my friends and I had left that we could really enjoy has been destroyed by a 33% increase per/flag and large PvE zergs that are afraid to PvP in small groups.

This is not was IC was intended to be.

I'm upset, frustrated and honestly, really disappointed. I get sick of fighting zergs all day. I miss going into IC and having 3v3/4v4 or even 6v6. Now, it's 2v15 or 1v10.

Magicka Sorc
NA server
  • Erock25
    I do just have to shake my head when I see any group larger than 6 in IC. Seriously, what are they trying to prove?
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  • Valn
    PVP is just a lag zerg fest. I've never taken it seriously.

    Emperors can be emperor multiple times if they stay at the top of the leaderboard, so anyone who wants to attenpt to overtake them on 30 day campaigns can only dream, even if they play 16 hours a day.
  • Eweyhen
    Valn wrote: »

    Emperors can be emperor multiple times .

    Emperor bonuses are a whole other can of worms in itself.

    Edited by Eweyhen on August 1, 2016 4:38PM
    Magicka Sorc
    NA server
  • visionality
    Don't know which server and camp you're writing about, @Eweyhen, but I can't say the same for Trueflame, EU. Sure there are 16 and 24 man-groups who run from flag to flag and zerg down every single player they can find, but they are not constantly in every district and easy to avoid.

    And honestly: Anybody who zergs in a 12+-man-group in IC is so demented that you should find a soft spot in your hearth for him. Only players with extremly limited skill, very low self-esteem and detrimentel success in fair fighting situations can find anything rewarding in this. If they teabag you than probably because they saw that in a video and it looked kind of "cool".

    Avoid the poor guys and IC is still a nice place to play. And let them have their happy moment if they accidentially stumble over you. Just think of how few of those "milliseconds of mini-glory" they really get. o:)
  • Eweyhen
    @visionality NA, HAD, AZ and TF
    Magicka Sorc
    NA server
  • lappas
    Where do you play? In EU PC this is no problem... Sure sometimes there is a zerg who comes on and caps everything but then go sewers for 30 minutes and they are gone.

    I dont get the whine on zergs all the time. Zerg this zerg that.

    this is a team based game and yes zergs can be annoying but you have to learn how to play against them. Unless its a tight cp501 guild that runs around you can easily pick a few straglers off and if you are 4 man maybe take them down if suprised.

    I think the capture system has made ic more populated and interesting. Before you didnt know where to find ppl and you ran araound like crazy trying to find someone. Now it dosent take more than 1 minute to get some attention and action. Plus since you cannot respawn everywhere if you dont have flag now you actually "lose" something when you die not just respawn go respawn go all the time.
  • Milvan
    Valn wrote: »
    Emperors can be emperor multiple times if they stay at the top of the leaderboard, so anyone who wants to attenpt to overtake them on 30 day campaigns can only dream, even if they play 16 hours a day.

    And what exacly is the problem with that?
    They are the top of the leaderboards and they deserve to be emperor that's it. You don't give a golden medal to the second place because the first place already got one xD. Well, except in the kindergarden, are we in the kindergarden? No, at least I hope so.
    “Kings of the land and the sky we are; proud gryphons.” Stalker stands, the epitome of pride. Naked and muscular, his wings widen and his feet dig in as if he alone holds down the earth and supports the heavens, keeping the two ever separate.”
    Gryphons guild - @Milvan,
  • potirondb16_ESO
    Eweyhen wrote: »
    When the IC CTF feature was announced, I had mixed feelings and theories about what would happen. My first thought was "Finally, PvP gets SOMETHING." That thought was immediately followed by "Crap, now we will see massive Zergs coming to IC and flooding the flags."

    Oh, boy did the zergs come. They came in wave after wave. 15+ man zergs, some running with 6 players using the broken Malubeth set PLUS 4-6 healers. All wanting to camp and control those flags for their boss and Molag farming. The new CTF in IC has been heart breaking for me and my friends especially. We prefer doing small scale PvP and for months, IC has been the place to do it. Now, the zerg infestation has basically made IC unplayable at peak hours for solo and small scale PvP main players.

    The theme of this MMO is "Play how you want, just like the other TES games!".. Yes, you can small scale in IC, but you will find yourself getting steamrolled by massive groups, who also end up tbagging you thanks to their BoL/Ambush/Negate spamming groups.

    The fact is you cannot play small group/solo anymore in IC. It's really frustrating and extremely disappointing that the one small bit of content my friends and I had left that we could really enjoy has been destroyed by a 33% increase per/flag and large PvE zergs that are afraid to PvP in small groups.

    This is not was IC was intended to be.

    I'm upset, frustrated and honestly, really disappointed. I get sick of fighting zergs all day. I miss going into IC and having 3v3/4v4 or even 6v6. Now, it's 2v15 or 1v10.


    Currently the issue is more how pvp/pve guild deals with IC then how IC has been build. The fact is that you can still take world boss with 3 people there and that the overall Tel-Var gain is still better when you are running as a small-man group that when you are running with 10.

    I really don't think the issue is on Zos side on this one. They've done everything they can so that small-man group would be more interesting Inside IC then large group. I mean over time I've come to get more AP there as a solo/small man that whole raid could get.

    So the issue this time is really on the other side of the client: player-side. As a player we should always try to remind to our guild that IC is not the place to go if we've a big group. Over 8 player, you shouldn't be compel to run the city at all, but... I mean, we can't control everyone.
  • Sygil05
    I have no problem running solo in IC on XBOX in both Haderus & Scourge as an EP character. Sure, occasionally I'll get stomped over by a random zerg, but it's rare (and both campaigns seem pretty competitive in terms of population). The flags are pretty easy/quick to take solo, so you could always wait for the zerg to leave and retake the flag. Honestly, getting ganked by another single player in 1v1 while waiting on the flag to flip is the most common way I die.

    My main complaints with IC are that it seems like they've made it way, way too easy, and there is literally nothing I need anymore from the vaults/Molag Bal.
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    Milvan wrote: »
    Valn wrote: »
    Emperors can be emperor multiple times if they stay at the top of the leaderboard, so anyone who wants to attenpt to overtake them on 30 day campaigns can only dream, even if they play 16 hours a day.

    And what exacly is the problem with that?
    They are the top of the leaderboards and they deserve to be emperor that's it. You don't give a golden medal to the second place because the first place already got one xD. Well, except in the kindergarden, are we in the kindergarden? No, at least I hope so.

    I think he means that once you get emperor, due to the emperor passives you can earn AP significantly faster than anyone else, thus if you play a decent amount of time during your time as emperor you will get a large lead on any other competition and ensure that when emperors are traded again you will be crowned emperor once more.
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    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Jaronking
    Remove AOE caps already and Zerg wouldn't be as big of a problems as their are now.
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    I like concept and its the place to find some PVP going on in IC Districs but the issue is lack of thing to buy with TV Stones
  • jcaceresw
    I believe a non PVP version of Cyrodiil (and IC) should be implemented. A reduction of 50% on XP, AP and Telvar is a good compromise for this feature.
  • Tobius
    jcaceresw wrote: »
    I believe a non PVP version of Cyrodiil (and IC) should be implemented. A reduction of 50% on XP, AP and Telvar is a good compromise for this feature.

    Like this idea, if they had a PVE version then they could remove all the PVE NPCs from Cyrodiil. Not sure if that would help with lag or not, but can dream.
    "Remember: Sometime the Dragon wins."
  • maboleth
    I play IC quite often as I like it VERY much (one of my favourite PVP flavours of all time!). My character is CP 105 and I can solo there or go in a 3-persons group just fine in Trueflame. Sure, there are zergs and I cannot go 1v1 against 501 players, but if you pay attention, little bit of stealth, you'll be fine.
  • Eweyhen
    @potirondb16_ESO So far, you've given the best logical response to this issue and I really appreciate it.

    We all need to remind our guilds to refrain from zerging in IC as it really does create a lot of frustrating situations. I don't mind fighting zergs, but it becomes mind-numbing when that's the ONLY Pvp going on.

    It is far more satisfying fighting a small group of really good players than wiping an entire Zerg of unskilled players.
    Magicka Sorc
    NA server
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