Something from real warfare I thought would be fun is burning them down. Stacking wood all around covered in oil and anyone inside would take constant fire damage as well as damage to the tower. It never made sense you couldn't destroy your own tower.
Walking away isn't an option, because then you've just given the enemy alliance a launch point to that resource flag, to retake it.
And ownership of resources is important, when you consider not being able to transport to a keep because the enemy holds the resources around it.
A team of 3 can hold one of those towers nearly indefinitely. Put a revive camp on the roof, keep dropping multiple AoE on the ground floor, hit any incoming with crowd control and spam execute abilities.
Walking away isn't an option, because then you've just given the enemy alliance a launch point to that resource flag, to retake it.
And ownership of resources is important, when you consider not being able to transport to a keep because the enemy holds the resources around it.
A team of 3 can hold one of those towers nearly indefinitely. Put a revive camp on the roof, keep dropping multiple AoE on the ground floor, hit any incoming with crowd control and spam execute abilities.
Walking away isn't an option, because then you've just given the enemy alliance a launch point to that resource flag, to retake it.
And ownership of resources is important, when you consider not being able to transport to a keep because the enemy holds the resources around it.
A team of 3 can hold one of those towers nearly indefinitely. Put a revive camp on the roof, keep dropping multiple AoE on the ground floor, hit any incoming with crowd control and spam execute abilities.
Please could you do something with these towers? Rework, or rebalance, or fix it somehow that hostile cannot be locked in your tower. Or make it permanently open, or anything.
Walking away isn't an option, because then you've just given the enemy alliance a launch point to that resource flag, to retake it.
And ownership of resources is important, when you consider not being able to transport to a keep because the enemy holds the resources around it.
A team of 3 can hold one of those towers nearly indefinitely. Put a revive camp on the roof, keep dropping multiple AoE on the ground floor, hit any incoming with crowd control and spam execute abilities.
you clearly arent very knowlegded in pvp
1. you cant put a camp on an enemys tower
2. a team of 3 can not hold the tower against a bigger half nonpug group. aoe cap will destroy them.
3. its alot faster to set the keep ua, than take all 3 ressources and hold them
Walking away isn't an option, because then you've just given the enemy alliance a launch point to that resource flag, to retake it.
And ownership of resources is important, when you consider not being able to transport to a keep because the enemy holds the resources around it.
A team of 3 can hold one of those towers nearly indefinitely. Put a revive camp on the roof, keep dropping multiple AoE on the ground floor, hit any incoming with crowd control and spam execute abilities.
you clearly arent very knowlegded in pvp
1. you cant put a camp on an enemys tower
2. a team of 3 can not hold the tower against a bigger half nonpug group. aoe cap will destroy them.
3. its alot faster to set the keep ua, than take all 3 ressources and hold them
You clearly didn't think this through.
1. Your alliance holds farm X. Your group of 3 gets jumped there, you make it into your tower. You set up a camp on YOUR tower.
2. Your buddies rez. The conquerors proceed to work the adds and take the flag. You and your freshly revived buddies prep the ground floor with caltrops and liquid lightning and that arrow ground effect, the name escapes me at this moment. You maintain those while hitting any incomers with poison arrows, fear, ambush, bombard, javelin, impulse, etc - having the multiple AoE and other area instants soften them up so that it only takes one tick of RD or reverse slice or killer blade or some other execute to drop them.
3. Depending on the keep, and the campaign, and time of day, it can be more strategic to take the resources from your alliance before beginning to siege the keep - if the campaign cares about keeps at all (owning resources gives points campaigns for example). You are making assumptions with your third point that are not guaranteed.
Walking away isn't an option, because then you've just given the enemy alliance a launch point to that resource flag, to retake it.
Something from real warfare I thought would be fun is burning them down. Stacking wood all around covered in oil and anyone inside would take constant fire damage as well as damage to the tower. It never made sense you couldn't destroy your own tower.
This would be really fun and also a good gameplay mechanicChop down few tress and make a bbq
Please could you do something with these towers? Rework, or rebalance, or fix it somehow that hostile cannot be locked in your tower. Or make it permanently open, or anything.
antihero727 wrote: »Please could you do something with these towers? Rework, or rebalance, or fix it somehow that hostile cannot be locked in your tower. Or make it permanently open, or anything.
Step 1. Don't flip the flag
Step 2. Siege down tower
Step 3. Kill all enemies in tower
How hard is it really?
Something from real warfare I thought would be fun is burning them down. Stacking wood all around covered in oil and anyone inside would take constant fire damage as well as damage to the tower. It never made sense you couldn't destroy your own tower.