With the projected upcoming changes to Minor Slayer, Infallible Aether may become best in slot for a variety of Magicka builds (Mageplar is at the top of the list). However, the Swords are basically unicorns in game with no effective way to grind or obtain.
All three BoP sets drop at a 20% chance from nSO putting the Precise or Sharpened Sword drop chance at less then .3%. Then, in vSO HM, where one would think a higher drop would exist, they're not even on the loot table. Basically, to obtain the swords, one has to convince 12 people to forgo Best in Slot jewelry for some small chance of obtaining a sword that they may or may not need (no other weapons are actually valuable from any of the three sets).
I do not have an easy solution but something needs to be done (add Swords to HM loot table or something).