Press A to Start Crash

Soul Shriven
I am on xbox. I load up my game watch all the dev logos pop up and it gets to the start screen where it says "Press A to start" so i hit the button (Also tried other buttons) wait 2 seconds and game crashes. It doesnt make it to the next screen. Ive tried deleting saved data, deleting the game, resetting modem/router, hard resetting console, pulling power cord out for a few minutes, Factory resetting my whole xbox deleting everything, sending in a ticket to ZOS which didnt work because they told me to contact Xbox when the problem is only with this game and ive seen posts like this one from months ago. Its been 2 days since i actually was on. Today someone mentioned me being banned and i told them that may be but i havent done any banable offense or recieved emails from ZOS comfirming i have a ban. So im just wondering if anyone else is having this problem or have had this problem and resolved it in some way other than what i have tried. its frustrating because ive literally spend hours upon hours redownload ESO and other games after i factory reset.

  • RebornV3x
    I would just try the game later

    Easiest fix is play another game until they sort this out been playing Elite Dangerous and The Division I only log in to make gear for a friend and in hopes of getting the Blackest Sacrament thing really what that Box of Mementos thing
    Edited by RebornV3x on July 28, 2016 7:36AM
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Magpulz
    Soul Shriven
    RebornV3x wrote: »
    I would just try the game later

    Easiest fix is play another game until they sort this out been playing Elite Dangerous and The Division I only log in to make gear for a friend and in hopes of getting the Blackest Sacrament thing really what that Box of Mementos thing

    There is no other game that will occupy my time like ESO
    I had this problem when I first purchased the game and I found a fix.

    Now, I am NOT saying that your problem was the same as mine or that this will work for you in the same way it did for me but the solution I found was to maintain a static IP address and have all the required ports forwarded.

    Not sure off the top of my head what the ports you ned to forward are but you can just google that, a simple "XBox ESO ports" should suffice. Actually, I think there is information on this website about it so you could try a search here first even. If you are unsure how to actually to port forwarding then again, google is your friend. Unfortunately, I can't help because it depends on what make/model of modem/router you are using.

    BUT.... Before you get that far, I would simply try to set a static IP address on your XBox and that might solve the issue. I know that I can run without port forwarding at times but I absolutely MUST have a static IP.
    It's simple to do :

    * Go to settings->all settings->network->network settings->advanced settings , and take down the details on the bottom right of the screen (Your IP address, subnet mask, etc.)
    * Go into the IP settings and choose manual, enter all the details just as you copied them down in the last step and hit "save". You should (if you copied all the settings verbatim) see something like "Checking connection...." and after a short while "Your console is connected to the internet". If not then.....
    * Back up and select Automatic and "save" then after seeing the same "Checking connection...." and a successful "Your console is connected to the internet" Then try the above step again. Sometimes I have to try a few times to get it to work, you may even require a reboot to get it to work.
    * Then try to run ESO and fingers crossed it works.

    As stated above, this might not help you at all but I think it's worth a shot. Like I said, this is the ONLY way I can play this game. If I choose an Automatic IP address assignment I will always just drop out to dashboard after "Pressing A to start" the game.

    Good Luck!
  • Magpulz
    Soul Shriven
    The guys at Xbox support says its directed towards my account on ESO not my internet or my console because its happening on my buddies xbox too
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