[NA][PC][PvX/RP][EP] Remnants of Hope is recruiting!

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
The Remnants of Hope - "Light from a few can be a beacon to many".
Ebonheart Pact – NA PC

About The Guild
Remnants of Hope was founded on June 7, 2009. Originally a Star Wars Galaxies guild, we have since moved on to play GW2, SWTOR, Wildstar and Elder Scrolls Online, while continuing to have an active, positive presence in our games. We are just starting our presence in Elder Scrolls Online and we are looking to expand our ranks.

Tamriel is a place of mystery and magic, a place where life and death can often time depend on those who stand beside you in battle. Remnants of Hope is a Beacon of Light in the dark corners of Tamriel. Come and fight for your alliance, your guild-mates, your very soul with Remnant of Hope!

We’re more than just a gaming guild – we are truly a community made of members who enjoy playing every single aspect of the games we enjoy, from PvE to PvP to RP to chattering socially with each other over our expansive forums and Teamspeak. We’re made up of members from all over the world, with a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, genders and play styles. Because we’re community-oriented you’ll never feel like just another cog in the wheel. We’ve only got one common goal – to enjoy our favorite online games together. We’d love for you to join us!

You might like our guild if you enjoy…

We not only help guild members enjoy the PvE content of  ESO but to assist them in improving and advancing their characters and personal skills within the game. We are always willing to provide advice/guidance on builds, gearing, dungeon mechanics, etc. Keep in mind that we don’t have all the answers, but we will help find them! We hope to see you in-game and in our events soon! We do everything from leveling parties, Sky-Shard hunts, Mages Guild Lore Book runs, Craglorn, Normal Dungeons, and Veteran Dungeons. We aren’t doing Trials yet, but with your help that is going to change soon!

We encourage fun and friendly competitive gaming to both the fans of PvP gaming, and those curious about it. We are always willing to lend a hand with builds, classes, and how it all comes together to make a character effective in pvp. We enjoy all aspects of pvp and can offer groups for Cyrodiil questing, small scale skirmishes, joining into larger groups to attack keeps, Sky Shard Hunting groups, Imperial City content, and Delve clears.

We provide our members with an immersive and fun experience for the new roleplayer to the seasoned writer alike. Whether it be in-game or on the forums, we want to promote imagination and storytelling that spans beyond just the Remnants of Hope guild borders. By working with our other ESO Departments within RoH and organizing events with them, we aim for a continuous stories that people can get involved in and help to continue shaping.

Playing ESO Socially or Casually
Although we have members doing end-game content such as Veteran Dungeons, we also have many members who play when they have time, or enjoy the simpler pleasures in ESO like leveling slowly or going on random adventures. We also have a very inviting approach when it comes to difficult content: many of our members are happy to bring along a “newbie” to dungeons or new content, but there’s no pressure for you to join events you aren’t interested in!

What we offer:
1. Very active forums
2. TeamSpeak 3 server
3. Freedom to play your game the way you want
4. Scheduled events on the calendar as well as “pop up” events put together through guild chat
5. Friendly community and environment
6. A structured leadership, with officers for each of our departments (PvE, PvP, RP, and Recruitment)

What we value in our guild members:
Positive Attitude
Friendly Nature
Team Player
How to join:
Visit us at remnantsofhope.com to apply and learn more!

Please view your application as our first meeting! Take your time and fill it out as thoroughly as possible. We like to get to know you a little bit in it. Give us a feel for who you are in those answers and let us see how great of a person you are!
Edited by acsribeiro16ub17_ESO on July 25, 2016 6:50PM
Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    We have recently added 2 members into our guild, and are now succeeding in doing all the Veteran Dungeons we ran. We had a great fun time, nobody got mad over wipes and in the end everyone was happy and reached their goals!

    If you're looking for a guild that wants to grow with you, but already have the past and the foundations set, Apply now!


    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    Remnants of Hope is an amazing guild. It truly feels like a gathering of friends and family. The members, who span multiple game divisions all gather on the forums and hang out despite which game they play. Outside of the ESO activities, there are forum games, karaoke, and other fun social events.

    I feel anyone who applies will be very happy with the Remnants of Hope community. I hope to see some apps come in soon!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    We received 4 new applicants since the last time i updated here, welcome to all of our new trials! I'm sure you'll fit great in RoH!

    One of our new trials ran a small RP adventure with me and a pug, and we had a ton of fun geeking over dwemer and chimer lore, Stonefalls, and ended up in Deshaan, where our party disbanded so our toons could get some rest. Specialy my beautiful breton templar, who was longing for a hot bath and a comfy bed after killing so many Kwamas!

    Join in on the fun now! Visit us on our website to learn more: www.remnantsofhope.com

    See you in Tamriel!

    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Greetings Everyone!

    We Recently have chosen our PvE Officer, Gratz to Exoniensis for it! Looking forward into the amazing events he'll be filling our calendar with. Exciting times ahead!

    Join us today to take part into this amazing community. We have been doing this for long, and we'll continue to bring stable leadership, solid foundations, and great community support with excellent scheduled events to keep on going for the years to come!

    Apply now to join on the fun! http://www.remnantsofhope.com/
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats @Fenoran on becoming our new RP officer!

    We have all kinds of events happening, from both normal and vet dungeons to RP events, if you are interested in finding a tight knit community based guild, please give Remnants of Hope a chance, you won't be dissapointed!

    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    We have received 2 new apps since lagerfueled posted. Keep em coming everyone! We're loving to meet all the new people.
    Our calendar should be set before friday, which is a Community-Wide meeting, with all games being talked about. It'll be ESO's first meeting, and we all can't wait until we can show everyone how cool we are!

    Join us today for a truly engaging community experience. Apply now!
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    We will be running VDSA this weekend, along with normal and vet dungeons. Join up now and get in on the action!!!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • Locqlynn
    Hello, I am new to ESO

    I asked on many forums for a good guild, I did my research and would like to do a shout out to


    If you are looking for a guild to start with may I suggest this guild, very user friendly, very mature with a sense of humor, and offer multi gaming guilds.

    Always trying to help gamers find a new game and a new home, so if I can help you please let me know, because I'm happy right now after a long dry spell.
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    We keep getting apps! This is awesome to see. We have every day new members getting into RP, into Vet dungeons or doing randoms. We need more healers/tanks, but for the most part, we can complete our daily activities on our own.

    If you wanna join on the fun, apply today!
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • ChristianRedheart
    Soul Shriven
    This is an awesome guild, very mature and extremely helpful. Give the site a look and give them a try!!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Whoa! We have received yet another 4 new apps! We're constantly getting new people on. We're looking forward into thinking about trials very soon!

    Also, we have positions open for Crafting and PvP Officers. Join us today if you wanna help us grow those areas of our community.

    Apply now to join the fun!
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats @Ghostly, @Sci, and @YDraig on completing the trial period and becoming full members of Remnants of Hope!!!

    Since the official opening of the ESO Division of the Remnants of Hope gaming community we continue to see an influx of excellent and motivated trial members joining our ranks. These trials have complimented us on the way the community is run as well as how welcoming everyone in the guild is. When you join RoH, you don't just join an Elder Scrolls Online guild, you join a gaming community full of players from many different games, nationalities, ethnicity, etc. You join a place where, if you are willing to open yourself up, you can become part of a larger family.

    If you are sick and tired of joining guilds where no one talks, or you feel like you are just another number to the leadership, then I feel like RoH is the perfect guild for you. We might lack the huge numbers of members that some of the larger guilds flaunt, I feel like we make up for the lack of numbers by having members who are passionate about the game and community, motivated to learn the content together as a guild, and determined to uphold the "play the game your way" mentality that initially brought me to this community over two years ago. I love seeing the new ESO division thrive and prosper and look forward to all the exciting things in store for us as we move forward!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Lager said in the last post everything that's cool about Remnants of Hope, and that's why he's our recruitment officer! ;)
    In any case, thanks to the recruits we found here, we managed to grow even further! We're starting to look like trials are in a very aproximate future. We have a few members that are almost done with the trial process, but we always look for more!

    If you wanna join this engaging and exciting family that we have here, apply now and join the fun!
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    Outside of the normal planned events on our calendar there are always other events popping up spontaneously. Last night I only had an hour before I had to go to sleep, but 4 of our members, @Khasandara, @Matatomi, @Teluial, and myself decided we would knock out the Undaunted Silver Pledge. We had so much fun and did it so quickly we decided to run through Wayrest sewers immediately afterwards. Two very fun runs! There was also another group running the gold pledge at this time as well. There is always something happening in RoH, planned or otherwise.






    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Congratulations to Smugglin and Voltag3d, our brand new full members! Congratulations to Teluial for earning the mantle of crafting officer! We keep growing every day, and we're very happy with the people we've met so far in ESO community. Our new trials have been fun people to play with, and we're looking forward into getting more people to join the fun!

    Apply today if you feel like joining this awesome community! :)
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    We have received 3 new apps since the last time we talked! We are now looking into getting some of our newer people into the lands of the veterans! Once we have a proper number of people, we'll start looking into trials, looking forward into that!

    We're always recruiting! Apply now if you feel like you'd fit in this fast-growing, but casual-friendly community! :)
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    We are running non-vet dungeons almost every night for keys and just for fun. We are also doing veteran dungeons a few nights a week as well. The community is growing quickly, come and join in the fun!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Hello everyone, back again with more info!
    We have now more than 10 trial members going through the process, with 3 of then close to being members. Congratz to all of then, and i know they're having great fun in here!

    If you'd like to join us, and be a part of this growing community, don't hesitate, apply now! remnantsofhope.com
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • boomerkid
    Soul Shriven
    This guild is the best I have been in it since April and it is a multigame guild so if you like ESO or Wildstar or WoW or GW2 or Star Wars or even Ark then this is the guild for you it has the nicest people and they are really helpful I promise!

    If you don't see Shant or Lagerfuled in game you can ask me I'm @boomerkid and it is family friendly if that matters to you!

    Thank you if you have any questions you can ask here!!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    2 more applicants during the weekend. We're growing fast! Yesterday we had an RP Class with Tallon, who went over the basics of RP for people interested in getting started. Our Campaign starts tomorrow, and everyone seems very excited to see what our RP officer, Tyrtaeus, have prepared for us. We are averaging good numbers and we are starting to look into forming trial groups.

    Join now if you want to take part in this historic moment for our community! Apply now at remnantsofhope.com to join the fun!
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats @Sheogorathian and @HouseECaz on becoming the lastest full members of RoH!

    Our current running RP story begins tonight. Join up now and you could participate!

    We are running normal and vet dungeons at all times now. Looking for more good members!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats to @kyrie on becoming the latest full member of RoH!

    The guild is growing by leaps and bounds.
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats to @snowtiger001 on finishing her trial period and becoming a full RoH member!

    Dungeon runs all weekend, apply now to join the fun!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Thank you TrinityBiscuit for stepping up to the rank of PvP Officer. With her now on the team, we have a full roster of officers. Growth has been amazing, thank you ESO Community! :)

    Apply now if you wanna be on a community with scheduled events, full support for all styles of gameplay, and a friendly and accepting atmosphere, apply now at remnantsofhope.com!
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats to @Peacecorpse for becoming a full RoH member!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats to @Izuraia and @ManaWarden on becoming the newest full members of RoH!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • acsribeiro16ub17_ESO
    Congratz to Deyna for becoming recruitment assistant! Our growth is crazy good, and it's thanks to you who've been taking interest in us! We're now looking forward into when we start to do Trials and zerg groups in Cyrodiil, and we're pretty close to that. We have now surpassed the 100 members mark, and we look forward into what the future holds!

    Apply now if you wanna join the fun! remnantsofhope.com
    Legio Audax - "We are the Legion of the Bold, and we leave no legionnaire behind".
    Ebonheart Pact – NA PC
    Shant - First Consul and Founder. In-game ID: @acsribeiro16
  • Lagerfueled
    Congrats to @Frightmare, @LadyPookz, @Zopar, @Cyberstorm, and @Esong on becoming the latest full members of ROH!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
  • victus10
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I was looking to see if you have a spot open. Be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can send an invite to @victus10
  • Lagerfueled
    victus10 wrote: »
    Hi, I was looking to see if you have a spot open. Be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can send an invite to @victus10


    We have plenty of positions open and would certainly be glad to have you. Please check out out website and submit an application to join per the instructions on the website. Please send me a PM on the website or here if you need help or have any questions!

    Hopefully we will hear from you soon!
    Member of Remnants of Hope Online Gaming Community. Looking for a great guild? Look us up!
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