Hi folks,
I am sad to say that I have stopped getting friends to ESO. About half a dozen are there, and another half a dozen or so would like to see it - but the absoflute refusal of Zenimax Support to address a vital issue is in my view forcing me to tell peeps to stay away.
So...this is a warning, of sorts. Also included a possible workaround, and hopefully, a cry for help that is heeded, rather than trashed.
The exact issue: about ummm 6 months ago a friend of mine tried to get into ESO but could not, because a 'code' had been sent to his old (as in: inactive) e-mail addy. So
not to the e-mail addy he gave them (his current one). I fink you are smart enough to realize how silly this is so I will skip the next 2-weeks'-worth of e-mail exchanges between
me and ZenX to allow them to help him by giving them his current e-mail addy because - yes I am serious - even though he tried 3 different ways to contact ZS*...
*yep from here on I am abbreviating it.
...including the e-mail option, all he got was - and this is where it gets almost funny - 4 links to Customer Satisfaction Surveys. Hell just trying to help him,
I got two of those!
He never got an answer from a human being. Or any being. Contrary to promises on the site.
Long story short: at some point ZS figured out what mistake they made (it has been there from release or even earlier) and allowed him to play the game he payed for. They were friendly, at least.
So you would think...I certainly did (I am a hippeej and perpetually overoptimistic in all matters non-political)...that if that exact same bug comes around again...they would know what to do?
Yes I know I Am A Muckup to think bugs existing for about...now...2 years will get fixed after a bunch of ticket-activities.
Righto...neeext! Another friend, another old account** - another code yadayada - ''Hi there ZS! This is me again.' Rinse-repeat message referring to how the other problem got solved.
** If you glean nothing else from this, at least make sure peeps you invite to ESO do not use old accounts.
So...guess what happened?
[ZS start] Thank you for contacting us, I will be happy to assist you. Please have them contact us directly. [ZS end]
Ummm? I just explained to you that the exact issue is they cannot, because you refuse to accept their mail addy? And you cannot contact ZS in any way, even on forums, unless (etc.). Not to mention you say that the e-mail can only be changed by calling you on the phone (oh BOY!!!) and they called you three times and never even got a reply!?
Well well well...I can see where this is going

Hey this muckup got 200% of his money back after Blizzard accimentally stole some stuff. They were very nice about it; took me 60+ tickets, but in the end it was all kumbaya...da? Also I told them they paid me too much but oh well ;p.
Now...thickening the plot...wait...did I mention that in over 75 MMORPG over 17 years ESO is one of the most fun, most immersive, diverse, excellent games I have ever played? Kudos. More kudos. I better not get into how I (Male Chauvinist Muckup) rolled a
female character to you know...be able to live with the horrid things I have to do to be a full-time remorseless ruthless unconscientious assassin...that's a story for another day!
Rrright...the plot. Here's what I got next, after pointing out the 'error in their ways'. Please note I am always polite if...painfully tenacious.
[ZS start] Thank you for contacting back The Elder Scrolls Online with your information. This has been sent up to a specialized team for further investigation. A member of that team will contact you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your immense patience, and enjoy your day. [ZS end]
Polite at least! Anyway...this sounds like finally someone is getting on the ball. Oh yes I skipped oodles of text - this post is already too long so I have to stick with the essentials (gross redaction in my favor - hey I am after all a (text)writer) ;p).
Now...4 days later...and btw by this time my friend has bought another MMORPG title. Yes, the title We Do No Mention! - but it is...Legion 8-).
[ZS start]
We apologize that we have taken so long to get back to you in regards to your issue. Due to high ticket volumes, we will be unable to assist you further with this ticket. We understand this may be frustrating and we are disappointed that we are unable to deliver a Customer Service experience that is up to our desired standards.
[ZS end]
So...for the record...we went from 'Our specialist will help you' to 'Go fly a kite, we got not time for peeps who buy the game and cannot get it started due to our inability and unwillingness to simply
reproduce a solution already established'.
In short: 'Go away, we busy'.
I always marvel at peeps who tell me they're busy after they make the same mistake umpteen times. I can be busy that way! I prefer not to.
Truth be told this is why I am self-employed; I always did say 'If you are going to work for a muckup, at least make certain it is yourself'.
So now I am finally insulted and annoyed, because it is me who gets this friend to ESO, a wonderful game and yes she knows that is probably true, but ZS categorically states they will not help her.
I have stated this is exceedingly bad for their reputation, it is not good for my own reputation (which is all I have), and would you kindly get me in touch with either of the two peeps I see listed as Community Managers (Jessica and Gina) and be sure you tell them 'please' (because by now I consider ZS rather rude).
Never heard anything back. Gave it a bit of time (plus I got distracted by my new Vive, hmm) for any type of reaction. Enough is enough.
Gina, Jessica, anyone out there: you have been no part of this issue and therefore I do not think you are in any way to blame for this...fiasco? Right now though I am asking you: is this the way you think this should be handled? A solution would be nice.
There are some angry people who buy the game and get nothing,
not even support.
With again the greatest admiration for an excellent game, and a fun community,
Yours unruly,
Lucas aka MoldyOldy
PS You might put this in the Support section but I truly feel the workaround alone that I give to solve issues with 'old accounts' merits placement in the GD threads.
PPS Edits by me never on content; just typo's/style etc.
* I say, there is no
* darkness but ignorance.
* Twelfth-night; or, What You Will (William Shakespeare)