Dear Level 11 Bosmer Lass,
We met at The Dolman by Aldmeri Keep in Scourge PS4 EU. You Bosmer Lass was amazing. Even though you were level 11 and looked like you were new to PvP. All alone like me.
Since I'm So familiar about Scourge. I want to lend you aid. O Bosmer Lass. I tried to invite you. But says you were in group. Were have your companions go? Have they to lost there way also?
I tried to message you. But you spoke different language then mine. Since also both translation apps say different things. I not sure which is correct. But It's alright. As I see you all alone. Swinging your dual swords in ever which direction. All alone. Heading to Enemy's territory. I then decided to become your protector. Henceforth I followed you.
O Bosmer Lass. All was good. Until Suddenly. I saw a rider running fast towards us over yonder the horizon. I couldn't tell whom the rider has sworn allegiance to? I sneak immidetly. Drawn out my trusty white level 80 cp 2 handed sword. I am not skilled to be honest. I will try my best to protect you however. But as the rider approched. It was safe. For he was an Aldmeri like us.
O Bosmer Lass. I was pretty proud of. You. You were very brave. You just kept on walking. Swinging your dual weild swords. While dager was coming. I was amazed and very proud of you. You are brave indeed. You will become a very skilled warrior. For I have high faith in you. You O Bosmer Lass have high spirit. Keep it up.
As we continued to be on our way. As you keep swinging your dual swords while walking. I kept you safe for time being. As we we're heading to quest area in one of the towns. I knew there might be danger lying in wait for us. I got off my white majestic, Imperial horse. Took out my level 80 cp white sword and prepared for a battle that may become.
But luckily as we drew close. No danger in sight. Excluding the EP guards of course. But after we finish attack guards and went inside the questing town. All was safe. Just 3 other Aldmeri. Then we left. To do one of your missions. I followed. Lost you once. But found you immediately. As you were attacking the Zombies, O Bosmer Lass. I have witnessed you level up to level 12. Was so happy to see you level up. I must admit.
But sadly, once we returned to the questing area. When you Bosmer Lass went inside this house. I stayed outside by door to make sure it was safe. But 1 minute later. You not come back. I came in the house. To see if you were alright. No enemy inside. Including you Bosmer Lass. Just that one extra door that I didn't know about. I hurried out through the second door.
I went on my trusty majestic Imperial Horse. Went all around the area. All around away from the area. But sadly I lost you for good. I not sure if you did it to stop me following you. But if it was because of that. I understand. O Bosmer Lass. I this was a grand adventure that we have had together. You and I. Where eever you may be. I wish you good luck and good fortune. I hope we will meet again in the future. But for the time being. I need make more gold
Good Luck O Bosmer Lass! You have changed me. I want to help even more new low level PvPers. Just like you. I might will. But not on Aldmeri side in future. But maybe on DC side. I not sure. Thank you again. O Bosmar Lass.
Thus ends my grand adventure with The Bosmer Aldmeri Lass. True events of what took place. Until next time. I wish all of my readers a good day.
Serjustin19 who serves Aldemri Dominion. At this time. On Scourge PS4 EU
Edited by Serjustin19 on July 25, 2016 4:32PM Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.