autumnsongbird wrote: »I don't have a request assistance option. I have character, item, quest, report player and other.
Their customer service takes days at best. I can't believe this. I really can't. I don't even know how I was pegged for this. I was just running around a cave in a group with someone killing stuff.
What happens to all the stuff in my craft bag when I drop ESO Plus because I think I've just hit my limit with giving ZOS any more money.
autumnsongbird wrote: »I can withdraw and deposit from my own bank. But I cannot see guild store or guild bank. Other people do not hear my whispers.
Customer Service doesn't have a report issue for me. It has Character issue, Quest issue, Item issue, Report player, other. There is an unstuck option. I'm using a controller but I would think the interface would have the same options. Other is just a blank box. On the PC interface there isn't even an other options. Nice.....
I don't even think it was a few hours. Maybe an hour. Not that long. People do grind for hours. In MANY games. If this is what they tag as using bots, they really need to fix that. Lots of people farm. I've grouped with a few of them at other locations.
Thank you for your help. I appreciate it.