Hey guys, I have a question too. After the crystals, at some point, the boss casts "Soul Churn" and then I die. Is it possible to still survive then or is this some kind of enrage mechanic that has to be avoided?
Hey guys, I have a question too. After the crystals, at some point, the boss casts "Soul Churn" and then I die. Is it possible to still survive then or is this some kind of enrage mechanic that has to be avoided?
s7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »
?? This part of the fight is endless UNLESS the boss gets 3 gold ghosts. You should be getting every single gold ghost. If you do, it's practically a guaranteed win.
Yeah, I know, but he did cast it again later too on the ground when all the crystals were destroyed. And it did much more damage then.rhapsodious wrote: »
That's the DOT from being up top. The huge tooltip value is the accumulated damage. As someone else said, it gets worse the longer you're up there, so the strat that's usually recommended is to voluntarily jump down after the second crystal breaks, deal with the crematorial guard, then hop back up since the DOT will have reset.
Hey guys, I have a question too. After the crystals, at some point, the boss casts "Soul Churn" and then I die. Is it possible to still survive then or is this some kind of enrage mechanic that has to be avoided?
frownsyndromes wrote: »ive literally ran my bank dry o everything just to cover repair costs.... i currently have 6k gold left if i liquidate my bank so im hoping to finish it with that ammount
The "Soul Churn" when you are on the bottom is because the boss collects three gold ghosts. Can't let him collect them our it's an auto-lose. He lifts himself in the air and turns the arena into a swirling hurricane right? That's the soul churn that happens when he collects three gold ghosts. I've never survived it, so I'd be inclined to say it's an enrage mechanic.
Fallen_Ray wrote: »
This is a reason why maelstrom arena runs (vet or normal) shouldn't degrade gear. To make something so hard to the point it takes many tries and can risk draining our pockets for the sake of random weapons and a title... Doesn't make any logical sense.
then it actually would become best place to grind exp/cp/vma weapons on a magicka nightblade (without using any potions and even if died just respawn at the wayshrine lol)
Fallen_Ray wrote: »
then scrap the exp reward? so it rewards 0 exp... Seriously if it's for the weapon rewards who needs the exp? i would be happy not having to repair and trying endlessly without worries. Besides most grind for the weapons and have no use for the exp rewards so eliminating the exp from the maelstrom arena would cause much of a hassle.
Fallen_Ray wrote: »
This is a reason why maelstrom arena runs (vet or normal) shouldn't degrade gear. To make something so hard to the point it takes many tries and can risk draining our pockets for the sake of random weapons and a title... Doesn't make any logical sense.
Fallen_Ray wrote: »
This is a reason why maelstrom arena runs (vet or normal) shouldn't degrade gear. To make something so hard to the point it takes many tries and can risk draining our pockets for the sake of random weapons and a title... Doesn't make any logical sense.
frownsyndromes wrote: »pre crystal is so brutal my man.... im actually somewhat capable after that ive just been stuffed around with rng but getting there is the rough part in all honesty... however i am definely open to any suggestions of what to do post crystal because im literally going to be shaking at the hands once the crystals are down
frownsyndromes wrote: »Hey guys on my magicka DK im on the final round and i really really really am struggling with the final part can anyone give some mad pointers that im missing or somthing because this is just radically harder than any previous stage. ive literally ran my bank dry o everything just to cover repair costs.... i currently have 6k gold left if i liquidate my bank so im hoping to finish it with that ammount ahhahah (please dont link me some deltias gaming video of the final stage or ill blow my brains out)
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I had a tough time at first on my DK. Yes, you can try to nuke him to skip the guard, but the better thing to do is save your ultimate for the guards. Also, do yourself a favor and slot fossilize. It is really handy in this fight the first few times. Also, be sure to use crushing shock, so interrupting the channel is not an issue. Quick version of the Safe way:
1. Burn boss until he ports.
2. He will start channeling and the healer will spawn. Interrupt boss with CS, and fossilize healer.
3. Continue burning boss until guard spawns.
4. Pop magma armor and burn guard, then burn boss to 70%.
5. Kill Healer (he probably just become on stunned), and then kill clanfear to go upstairs.
6. DPS first crystal as much as you can, but dont get tunnel vision. Move counter clockwise to wall once it spawns, and keep DPSing something. You dont need to kill these in order.
7. After the second wall explodes, you should have ultimate. Unless the crystals are about gone, drop down in the center on purpose. Pop Magma Armor and burn the guard a second time.
8. Go back upstairs and finish the crystals. This will reset everything upstairs except the cyrstal health bars, so you should finish it up pretty quick.
9. Drop down for the third phase, and KEEP CALM.
10. First, interrupt boss with CS or you will die. Then fossilize the summoner and ignore him. Then grab any sigil you can get your hands on, the most important being the shield and damage sigil. The whole time you are keeping an eye out for ghosts. Ghosts are priority number 2 behind interrupting the channel. Once you get the shield sigil, you can ignore the channel for a bit which is nice.
11. If you get three ghosts, stun the guard and try to take him out without ultimate, then ulti bomb the boss to finish him.
12. If you miss a ghost, you have magma shell in your back pocket to take out the guard, then finish off the boss. You can repeat 10-12 as many times as you need.
frownsyndromes wrote: »i swear im just constantly cc'd
frownsyndromes wrote: »so necrotic spear is giving me greif is that the ground aoe she does
If you touch the white ghosts, not only will they hurt you for like 7k damage but they also snare you. So don't touch the white ghosts!frownsyndromes wrote: »i swear im just constantly cc'd