There is no fun and mystery if we would know everything. It's better to move to distant trading hubs to search for wares, than to know what they offer from some master list. We can always ask guild mates to check the trading hubs in their locations for specific items.
Lightninvash wrote: »don't know about everyone else but I don't look for fun and mystery when shopping in game or irl I go to x store for y item get it and go. I don't waste time browsing because if I needed an item I would have looked specifically for it.
Rawl'kha traders have everything. Go there if you need something quickly.
Searching for the best deals on wares is so much of the fun though... If we had a big auction house like you're talking about, the markets would die and we'd lose a lot of variety in the game.
Lightninvash wrote: »I would rather have a master item list that will list all the items that are available and which guild has the item and the city it is located. This way we will not waste time looking to see if someone has the item we need. We would still have to travel to the guild site to purchase the item. We can not sell unless we are in a guild with trader just view items that are being sold that week.
Or, if you're on PC/EU, just go to Belkarth and grab what you need for half the price of Rawl'kha traders
One of the guilds i belong to keeps a master list that is updated each Monday after maintenance.
It's great because you can easily find your favorite guild trader if they had to move to another spot.
Sirandy, how do you get that spreadsheet each week?
Personofsecrets wrote: »There used to be a weekly updated master list!