Also calling it now. This thread will be bombarded with quite a few of those "y u gotta QQ" and "l2p git gud" type of people.
MasterSpatula wrote: »Let's talk about RNG
Let's talk about loot and me
Let's talk about all the bad things and more bad things
That are all I see.
MasterSpatula wrote: »Let's talk about RNG
Let's talk about loot and me
Let's talk about all the bad things and more bad things
That are all I see.
That's how feedback works, buddy
TL;DR the RNG loot system is not rewarding
This post is meant to express the problems that I (and many others) have with the current RNG based loot system that exists with end-game content. I will start by showing mathematical breakdowns of various drop rates.
Veteran Maelstrom Arena
Maelstrom Weapon Drop Rate: 50%
Number of Maelstrom Weapons: 12
Number of Possible Traits: 8
Percent Chance to Drop a Specific Weapon/Trait Combo: .5 * (1/12) * (1/8) * 100 = 0.52083333%
That’s right! You have about a 1 in 200 chance of getting your desired weapon upon completing Veteran Maelstrom arena.
Undaunted Sets
Shoulder Drop Rate per Gold Key: 100%
Number of Shoulders: 10
Number of Weights: 3
Number of Possible Traits: 7
Percentage Chance to Drop a Specific Shoulder/Trait Combo: 1.0 * (1/10) * (1/3) * (1/7) *100 = 0.4714285714285716%
The Drop Rate for a specific Monster Mask will be even lower because they don’t have a 100% drop rate.
Normal/Veteran Scalable Trials (vSO and vMoL)
The way set items drop in these trials if more complicated than previous 2 because each boss drop specific pieces. For example, on boss might drop Chests and Legs, while another might drop Jewelry. Each boss is guaranteed to drop a set piece.
Number of Possible Traits: 7
This means that upon getting set item piece that you want, there is a 1 in seven chance that it will be in the trait you desire.
The Problems with RNG
The RNG system is meant to keep players doing content. Always working towards getting that perfect piece of gear. The problem is that in practice, it doesn’t feel like you are working towards anything. No matter how many times you beat something and don’t get the desired drop, you are no closer to getting that item you want. Your percent chance at getting it is the exact same. This reality can be felt by players. Many players have stopped running certain content (vMA) because they have ran so many times and not received the one drop they are looking for.
Possible Solutions
Now, I didn’t come here to just complain about and in-game system without offering any possible solutions.
Reduce the Amount of Traits in the Loot Tables: The first possible solution, which in my best judgement seems like the easiest to implement, is reducing the amount of weapon and armor traits within the loot tables. This means removing traits like prosperous and training from end-game gear. These traits serve almost no purpose to end-game players, especially on sets that are intended to be used to do damage, heal, or tank. These are just 2 traits that are unneeded on both undaunted sets, and sets that drop in the end-game trials.
Add a Token System: This is my preferred way of changing the RNG system. Essentially, upon completing the repeatable quest associated with each trial, a player will be rewarded with a Unique token. For example, when a player beats vMA they will receive a Maelstrom Token. It could even be possible to reward a player with more tokens based on how high their score was. Players could then use these tokens as a unique currency to purchase the item sets that would normally drop in the corresponding trial, allowing the player to pick their desired trait. So continuing with my vMA tokens example, players can open up the shop menu of Tutor Riparius and he will have all the variants of each Maelstrom Weapon available for purchase with Maelstrom Tokens. The aspect I like so much about a system like this is that it gives players something to work for, and every time they beat something, they feel like they are getting closer to getting the perfect piece of gear.
If anyone has other solutions feel free to leave a post below and hopefully ZOS is listening.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom If you ladies could pass this on to the devs, that would be great
ScottK1994 wrote: »Trials should drop group loot which is rolled on, and the loot should be amazing every time
ScottK1994 wrote: »Trials should drop group loot which is rolled on, and the loot should be amazing every time
No. Been there, done that. No group loot is actually one of the better aspects of ESO - no worrying about ninjas taking something they already have and/or can't use while another group member who was missing it is left high and dry.
What they need to do is fix the multiple RNG layers that make it near impossible to get your preferred piece of gear, and there are several easy ways to do it. ZOS simply don't want to because they're convinced the grind equals players playing more. Speaking for myself, I'm hanging by a thread. Farming vICP and vWGT to complete my Scathing and Spell Power Cure sets for nine months is far beyond reasonable by now.
ScottK1994 wrote: »ScottK1994 wrote: »Trials should drop group loot which is rolled on, and the loot should be amazing every time
No. Been there, done that. No group loot is actually one of the better aspects of ESO - no worrying about ninjas taking something they already have and/or can't use while another group member who was missing it is left high and dry.
What they need to do is fix the multiple RNG layers that make it near impossible to get your preferred piece of gear, and there are several easy ways to do it. ZOS simply don't want to because they're convinced the grind equals players playing more. Speaking for myself, I'm hanging by a thread. Farming vICP and vWGT to complete my Scathing and Spell Power Cure sets for nine months is far beyond reasonable by now.
Maybe you're right. I don't know how many players even go into trials. But I'm aware that they dont seem easily puggable(on console at least I think it's impossible)
There is an issue with gear though. It should be random but it shouldn't ever be worthless
ScottK1994 wrote: »Trials should drop group loot which is rolled on, and the loot should be amazing every time
No. Been there, done that. No group loot is actually one of the better aspects of ESO - no worrying about ninjas taking something they already have and/or can't use while another group member who was missing it is left high and dry.
What they need to do is fix the multiple RNG layers that make it near impossible to get your preferred piece of gear, and there are several easy ways to do it. ZOS simply don't want to because they're convinced the grind equals players playing more. Speaking for myself, I'm hanging by a thread. Farming vICP and vWGT to complete my Scathing and Spell Power Cure sets for nine months is far beyond reasonable by now.
Ex_Draconis wrote: »Unfortunately, the system is working exactly as intended. I agree it's not a fun or particularly rewarding system, but it isn't meant to be. It's designed for one thing, to keep you playing the game. And you have to admit as much as it sucks it works. Remember recently when The Division came out and after a couple of weeks everyone had all the high end gear and quit playing? This is what I assume ZOS is trying to avoid with this system. This being said though I personally think it needs more balance. I have consistently played this game for 2 years and still not gotten some of the pieces I want with the trait I want. Theoretically, I could play for many more years and never get the right piece and that's just not right. This broken system needs reform.