Hi. Right, straight to the point. I've come back from a quite a long time of not playing (at least 3 months or so). After waiting for an hour or so until the game got finally updated I've encountered 201error (failed to retrieve a manifest or whatchmacallit). Now, I've already googled and surfed the forums for the solution of that and it seems that just starting the launcher in admin rights did the trick and I was finally able to enter the game (what's interesting though that after that error I still could press play and enter the game). I managed to enter the game just to get randomly kicked to login screen after the few minutes of playing all the time.No message, no error, just back to the login screen. Now, what happens before that is that the game freezes and by that I mean that I can still run around and etc but I can't interact with anything, writting messages in the chat does nothing, no new messages appear and so on. It looked like my internet connection just got cut off or something. Which didn't actually happened because I could still browse the internet and it worked fine.
Question is, what the hell is going on? Is it server overload or what? Prior to all these updates I could play just fine, but, well, it was really long time ago. I used "Repair" function from the launcher and it seems everything is fine with files. Any ideas?