Since people have started getting characters stuck in wrothgar/Orsinium, I've never had a problem with it, no matter where in wrothgar or the situation on hand.. The only worst I've had is teleporting into Orsinium, jumping on my horse straight away with a bounty, getting caught by a guard and accidentally running hence making the guard attack me.. That dashboarded me and it took me maybe 3 goes max go get back in - this is on my main DC character. And mind you I teleport there directly every day to hand in writs, log in and out there no worries aswell.
Now on my new character I'm grinding out, this time in AD alliance, I've had no issue teleporting into Orsinium, but the one time I log out in there, I cannot get back in for the life of me. I can't take two steps without being dashboarded, so right now that character is stuck in wrothgar.
Idk, once on an AD character and I'm stuck, yet never once on my DC character/s